Old business ordinance Committee April-21-2014 4 pm

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The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Leon Baker, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Betsey Hedrick, Matt Hull, Kevin Peña, and Gerald Reichert. Others present included: Treasurer Darci Saeman, Fire Chief George Lane, Police Chief Ty Ulrich, Assistant Public Works Director Pete Leath, and Recreation Director Dean Svenvold. Jason Stuart from the Ranger-Review and Emilie Boyles from KXGN were also present as were numerous members of the public. Council person Doug Baker arrived at the meeting at 7:15 so was not present to approve the minutes from the April 15, 2014 meeting. Director of Operations Kevin Dorwart was absent.
Mayor Jimison invited DCHS Senior Katelyn Eastburn (in attendance to get extra credit for Mr. Dryden’s Government class) to lead the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.
L. Baker moved to approve the minutes of the April 15, 2014 regular Council meeting; second by Peña and the motion passed with Councilman Reichert abstaining.

Ordinance Committee -- April-21-2014 -- 4 PM

Members present: L Baker, Doug Baker, Hull & Mayor

Police Dept. Chief Ulrich, Officer Fiest,
Others: Jason Stewart & Anthony Varriano (ranger review) M. Briggs & Jerry Geiger

Agenda: 1. Proposed Ordinance for Animal Control by Jason Stewart.

No Action: Committee might move for legal feasibility of proposed changes to animal control ordinances after council has time to examine Jason Stewarts proposed changes. ( See attached)

  1. Ordinance update for enforcement of parking violators in Sunrise Subdivision

No Action: Committee recommends observing the parking problems after more signs are put up along Wyoming St.

  1. Update on Ordinance for flood plain regulations.

FYI : City Attorney is still looking at the model flood plain regulations at this time to see how it will be incorporated into city code.

  1. Fireworks/July 4th Ordinance changes

FYI: Committee is considering proposed resolution suggested by Jerry Geiger to limit this years time to July 3rd & 5th 10AM-11PM July 4th 10AM-12:01AM and Dec. 31st 5PM-2AM Jan 1st.

Personnel Committee: April 21, 2014 – 4:45 p.m.

Council Members: Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Matt Hull, Jerry Jimison

Department Reps & Personnel: Jake Feist, Peter Leath, Jack Rice, Ty Ulrich

Other: None

  1. With assistance from PW Director Jack Rice and Assistant PW Director Peter Leath, the Committee conducted two interviews for the vacant Utility Worker positions. Background check results eliminated one of the candidates from consideration for the position. There is still one Utility Worker opening to be filled.

ACTION: The Committee recommends hiring Rich Wilson as a full-time Utility Worker, effective May 7th. He has successfully completed the pre-employment background check.

  1. With assistance from Sergeant Jake Feist, the Committee conducted an interview for the full-time, temporary Police Patrol position. Our candidate has an outstanding record in law enforcement and was very highly recommended by his references.

ACTION: The Committee recommends hiring Michael Briggs for full-time, temporary Police Patrol officer, retroactive to April 26th, 2014.

  1. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Submitted by: Personnel Committee Chairman Matt Hull; Councilman Ward II

From: Mike Dryden [drydenm@glendiveschools.com]

Sent: April 30, 2014

To: 'mayor@midrivers.com'

Cc: 'city@midrivers.com'

Subject: FUPR committee 4-30-14 5:03 pm – 5:54 pm
Mayor: Jerry Jimison Council Members: Chair Mike Dryden, Rhett Coon, Kevin Pena, Gerald Reichert

Dept. Reps.: K. Dorwart, Finance; J. Rice, Public Works; Asst P W; W. Broeder, Ambulance

Guests: Jerry Geiger; Craig Pozega, Great West Engineering (by phone); Dake Pulse, Babe Ruth BB

Media: Jason Stuart, Ranger-Review

  1. TSEP Resolution: Director Dorwart requested that the City adopt a resolution to commit funds to the WRRF as a requirement for being eligible to receive TSEP Funds.

    1. ACTION: Committee recommends Council approval of a resolution to commit to funding the WRRF.

  1. Contract w/County WRRF: Director Dorwart informed the Committee that the City should approve a contract with Dawson County to commit the funds to the WRRF.

    1. ACTION: Committee recommends Council approve a contract with Dawson County to commit funds to the WRRF. Committee recommends Mayor sign contract with DC.

  1. Whipkey Field: Dake Pulse, representing Glendive Babe Ruth Baseball, discussed maintenance and operation issues related to the Babe Ruth Ballpark. Discussion focused on installing a gate to allow access to the outfield from Whipkey Park. The Babe Ruth Board will discuss the details and coordinate installation of the gate with Public Works Director Rice.

    1. ACTION: No Council action at this time.

  1. Generator at Multi-Use Building: Ambulance Director Wally Broeder requested Council action on a back-up or standby generator for the Multi-Use Building. Broeder informed the Committee that Department of Emergency Services Director Mary Jo Gehnert was successful in obtaining a grant for $33,000.00. Broeder recommended the Council accept a bid for the generator at a cost of $19,673.00. He also recommended that the Council accept a bid from a local electrical contractor to install the generator at a cost of $5650.00. In addition to the generator and the contractor, grant funds are still available to deal with any additional costs associated with installation of the generator.

    1. ACTION: Committee recommends Council accept the recommended bids for the generator and the contractor to install the generator.

  1. Value Engineering WRRF: Craig Pozega, Great West Engineering, by speaker phone, discussed point by point 23 items identified for value engineering. These items will be eliminated or modified as part of the process to reduce the cost of constructing the WRRF. It was mentioned, according to DEQ, that the city can attempt to reduce the cost of the project by as much as 7% without rebidding. The Committee gave Engineer Pozega strong indication of items to be considered for value engineering. Pozega will get back to the Committee with some actual numbers on priority items.

    1. ACTION: No Council action at this time.

  1. WRRF Rebid: Committee pursuing value engineering and not the rebid process.

    1. ACTION: FYI

  1. Our Park Request: Amanda Heimbuch requested the use of Our Park to sell material from her business. Committee did not approve of the request for using city property for a strictly commercial enterprise.

    1. ACTION: FYI

  1. Public Comment: None.

Meeting adjourned 5:55 pm Respectfully submitted Councilman Dryden Ward III

ISO – Public Protection Classification Rating – Chief Lane explained to the Council that ISO stands for Insurance Service Office. They grade (using something resembling a report card) fire departments using a scale from 1 (being the best) to 10 (being the worst.) When Chief Lane moved to Glendive in 1998, the department was at a 5. After this last visit, the department received a 4. The ISO is used in determining insurance rates so with the fire department going from a 5 to a 4, homeowners will save about 5% and business may be able to save even more. Hull congratulated Chief Lane and asked Chief Lane if he knows what contributed to the improvement. Chief Lane stated he does not know, but he will receive a report from the ISO and will bring it to the Council when he receives it
Mid-Rivers Cable T.V. Franchise – 1st Quarter payment – FYI
City of Glendive named “Tree City USA” – FYI

Pep Waples, 412 E. Towne, approached the Council and started off by stating he had posted some comments on Facebook regarding the City, but meant no ill-will towards anyone at the City. He is just frustrated and has a few questions for the Council. He would like to know if and where there are more funds available for more infrastructures. He mentioned annexing in West Glendive and is wondering if there are any other areas that can be developed or annexed in. He also expressed his concern of what appeared to be a lack of a zoning committee. He feels development is imminent and again is wondering who does the planning for the City and again, where the funding comes from. He, again, feels frustrated. Reichert asked Waples what and where this infrastructure is that Waples is talking about. Waples stated that Sidney is running water and sewer lines into fields. He also stated he feels there is just nowhere to build around Glendive for development and is willing to help get West Glendive annexed in. Reichert stated that since he has been a Council person, there has never been a request to have any area annexed in. The Council is not willing to make the City residents pay for water and sewer to be taken to fields that may sit vacant. He also stated that for as many people who are for annexing in West Glendive; there are just as many that are against it. You just can’t tell people they are getting annexed in. There are proper channels to go through and it takes time. Waples stated he would like to inform people that taking water and sewer into fields can bring new businesses and people to town. There are fields in Dickinson that now have hotels and motels on them. Coon told Waples that he would like to sit down and visit with him concerning Waples’ concerns.


Approve hiring Rich Wilson for Public Works Utility Worker position effective 05/07/14 –Reichert moved to approve hiring Rich Wilson for Public Works Utility Worker position effective 05/07/14; second by L. Baker and the motion passed.
Approve hiring Michael Briggs for full-time temporary Patrolman position effective 04/26/14 – D. Baker moved to approve hiring Michael Briggs for full-time temporary Patrolman position effective 04/26/14; second by Hull and the motion passed.

Approve Resolution #2918 – To commit to funding the Wastewater Reclamation & Recovery Facility – Peña moved to approve Resolution #2918 – To commit to funding the Wastewater Reclamation & Recovery Facility; second by Reichert and the motion passed.
Approve signing contract with Dawson County for their commitment for funding the WRRF – Coon moved to approve signing contract with Dawson County for their commitment for funding the WRRF; second by L. Baker and the motion passed.
Accept quotes for back-up generator & installation of generator for Multi-Use Building – Dryden moved to accept quotes for back-up generator & installation of generator for Multi-Use Building; second by Coon and the motion passed.
Accept resignation of Christine Fortune from Recreation Department effective 05/23/14 – D. Baker moved to accept resignation of Christine Fortune from the Recreation Department effective 05/23/14; second by Hull. Recreation Director Svenvold stated Christine will be sorely missed as she has been a real asset to the Recreation Department. The motion passed.
Accept resignation of LaRae Semingson as Communication Supervisor effective 05/11/14 – Hull moved to accept the resignation of LaRae Semingson as Communication Supervisor effective 05/11/14; second by Peña. Police Chief Ulrich stated he doesn’t know what he will do without LaRae. She has been a great employee and has done a great job. Chief Ulrich stated LaRae did agree to stay on as part-time so he will approach the Personnel committee at their next meeting. Fire Chief Lane that he, too, will miss LaRae. She did a fantastic job and was a wealth of information. The motion passed.
Accept resignation of Miles Baisch from Glendive Police Department effective 05/30/14 – Hedrick moved to accept the resignation of Miles Baisch from Glendive Police Department effective 05/30/14; second by Reichert. Chief Ulrich stated Miles felt the job just wasn’t for him and Chief Ulrich appreciates Miles’s honesty. The motion passed.
Permission to advertise for Assistant Recreation Director effective 05/07/14 – Hedrick moved to give permission to advertise for Assistant Recreation Director effective 05/07/14; second by D. Baker and the motion passed.
Permission to advertise for Full-Time Communication Supervisor effective 05/07/14 – Peña moved to give permission to advertise for Full-Time Communication Supervisor effective 05/07/14; second by Reichert. Mayor Jimison stated the position will be advertised in-house and then open to the public, if necessary. The motion passed.
Permission to advertise for Permanent Patrolman position with Police Department effective 05/07/14 – Dryden moved to give permission to advertise for Permanent Patrolman position with Police Department effective 05/07/14; second by Hedrick and the motion passed.
Permission to advertise for Permanent Full-Time Dispatcher effective 05/07/14 –Baker moved to give permission to advertise for Permanent Full-Time Dispatcher effective 05/07/14; second by Hull and the motion passed.
Zone Change Request – Lots 7&8 Block 12 Prospect Heights Addition - from C-1 to NCL – Hull moved to table the Zone Change Request; second by Reichert. Mayor Jimison stated that by tabling the Zone Change Request, the Council can now ask the Planning Board to look at the Zone Change request again. The Council just needs to untable the motion. There will be no need for another Public Hearing regarding the Zone Change request. The motion passed.
Appoint Randy Baldwin to City Board of Adjustment – L. Baker moved to appoint Randy Baldwin to City Board of Adjustment; second by Dryden. Mayor Jimison stated Randy is a Department of Highway retiree and feels he will do a great job. The motion passed.
Accounts Payable Claims: $82,187.23 - Hull moved to approve Accounts Payable Claims in the amount of $82,187.23; second by D. Baker and the motion passed.
Payroll for March: $204,100.84 – L. Baker moved to approve April payroll in the amount of $204,100.84; second by Peña and the motion passed.

Police Department – Chief Ulrich stated he has received one letter of interest for the Dispatch Supervisor position and he has received five applicants for Haff’s position. Three of his officers have been busy with murder trial which will probably last through the week. He also stated crime continues to go up.
Public Works – Assistant Public Works Director Pete Leath stated his crew has been busy with pot holes and paving. Clean-up week went well and Pace Construction was in town looking at the sewer lines. There was a problem with the sewer line by Mexico Lindo, but it has been removed. Leath also stated he and Public Works Director Rice are working on the chlorine system for the pool. It will be liquid chlorine and will be more reliable, easier to handle and also more cost effective.
Fire – Fire Chief Lane stated that since the last Council meeting, there have been two structure fires and commended the volunteer firefighters on the fantastic job they did at those two fires. He reminded everyone to be sure to check all smoke detectors in the house and on a side note, stated it is the landlord’s responsibility to provide smoke detectors, but it is the tenant’s responsibility to maintain them. He has not issued any major building permits. The burn trailer will be in Glendive on Monday, May 12th.
Recreation – Rec. Director Svenvold stated spring co-ed volleyball is finished up until next fall. He tentatively scheduled the Hershey Track meet for May 17th and the Lifeguard training classes for June 2nd – 4th. He and Tina are getting closer to having a full staff for the swimming pool. Registration for swimming lessons starts on Tuesday, May 27th and Christine is working on the summer pamphlets.

DCC Commencement – Thursday, May 8th

Elected Officials Workshop – May 7th – 9thBillings

“E-Waste” – Saturday, May 10th – EPEC Parking lot

Opening of 2014 Paddlefish Season – Thursday, May 15th

Arbor Day Tree Planting Celebration/Picnic–Tuesday, May 20th-5:30 pm – Before council


Montana Board of Housing – State Convention in Miles City – May 20th – May 22nd

“Coffee with the Community”–Lt. Governor Angela McLean – Friday, May 9th @ 9:00 am –YRI
Congratulations – Dedication of “Gateway to Makoshika” Trail – Interstate Engineering, Building Active Glendive, City of Glendive, Dawson County and Makoshika State Park
Congratulations – Community of Glendive on a successful “Clean-up Week.” Glendive Chamber of Commerce, City of Glendive, Dawson County, and WBI (Marc Dempewolf)


Personnel Committee – Mon, May 12th – 4:00 pm (requested by Mall Hull to conduct interviews)

Street Committee – Wed., May 14th – 5:00 pm

F/U/P/R Committee – Wed., May 14th – 5:15 pm



There was none.


Peña moved to adjourn the Council meeting; second by Reichert and the motion passed.

Dated this 6th day of May, 2014.

Approved the 20th day of May, 2014.


Jerry Jimison, Mayor



Darci Saeman, Treasurer
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