Nowadays large of people choose purchasing in new kind of supermarkets. I think, this will lead to a crisis of local shops in the future because if large supermarkets sell things at low prices, sale stop in local shops

Sample Letter of Complaint (Service)

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Sample Letter of Complaint (Service):
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are writing to complain about your hotel where we spent our holiday.
First of all, in your brochure you mentioned that all the apartments had fridges. The problem was that the fridge
was not working, so we could not drink cold water and it was too hot. Moreover, the brochure claimed that there
was a TV with satellite TV channels, but only two local channels were available and unfortunately they were not
in English.
In addition the brochure mentioned that the hotel was some metres from the beach, but the beach was not suitable
for swimming because it was too filthy. Last but not least the brochure claimed that the hotel was only some
minutes from the town centre, but you did not mention that it was some minutes away by car.
We think it is clear that your brochure was misleading. As a result, we would like a partial refund because these
was the worst holiday that we had ever had.
We look forward to receiving a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about your son, John who has bad behaviour is becoming more aggressive up to now.
First of all, Not only me but also a few neighbours are getting angry with your child brainless behavior. I am afraid your son is running wild I have numbers of complaints about his silly activities. Last Monday afternoon lots of kids were playing football on the street which is located next to my home and John kicked the football too hard and it smashed one of my favourite windows. Moreover, I know he is taking in a dram course but he makes such a loud noise repeatedly that has a huge negative impact on my brain. He never listens to a word I say
I would like you to take control of your son behaviour. Unless, I hear from you within 7 days, I shall have to take legal advice on the matter.
I look forward to hearing from you
Your sincerely
Jamshid Anorboyev

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Ohunjon. I am afraid to say I have a number of complaints about problems which distract me.
These days, I am very busy. So, I am writing to you this letter. I have had a problem in my house for a week. I am very tired. Because, I have not slept well since you started playing musical instruments. Your flat is very noisy. So, I have not been sleeping enough. You must not make a noise.
The second problem is your bathroom. It has damaged my house’s trimmer. My house’s trimmer was so filthy. And also, your bathwater comes to my house, when you have a shower. You must repair your bathroom. I would be grateful if you could fix this problem.
If you do not solve the problem in two days, I shall have no choice but to contact the police.
We look forward to receiving a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully,
Bosimov Ohunjon

Dear Tom,

I am writing to you to express my concerns about a few problems which disturb me.

The first problem is that you make so many loud noises. As a result, I cannot sleep very well and I start being late for my work. I do not mind parties but you should not have a party every day. Another problem is that your rabbits ruin my garden. They have already eaten all of my plants. And now they started eating the vegetables which I have been growing for 4 months. So, I ask you to keep them in a cage, please.

The last but not the least is that you burn branches Although you know that it is harmful to everyone and everything. And if you do not stop doing it, it will cause many serious problems in the future.

It is the second letter which warns you all about these problems. So, I politely ask you to stop it. If you keep doing these actions, I will need to send the next letter to the government.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Raatullayev Samandar

Dear Mr Tom,

I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction about your rubbish dump having a negative impact on neighborhood .
I have lived next to your house for a year. Since I moved there, you have not cleaned your bin. The first problem was your trash bin has stunk up for two weeks. Another problem was aftereffected to come across much pollution, so firstly this effected ecology such as trees and then human body like appearing various viruses. Moreover, this pollution influences to you and your family too. I think it was thoughtfulness. I would like to hear your explanation on for the above problems will be tackled within two days. If i do not hear from you on time , I shall be obliged to take matters a step further.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Akbarova Mahliyo

Dear Mr. Bred,

My name is Alibek and I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with animals that you have fed for two years.
You feed one cat and one dog. One problem was your dog made noise whole night. That’s why I have not sleep very well for a few days. I told you about this problem. But you have not solved yet. Another problem was your cat wandered the streets and fossicked rubbish. I am afraid of this because it may spread the disease. The most visible problem is the cat and the dog always fight with each other and make loud noise. Even the dog and the cat injure people. I am afraid it will lead to bad consequences. I ask you to fix these problems. Unless you solve these problems within 5 days, I will have to legal advice on matter.
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely,
Alibek Abdurakhimov.

Dear Mr. Jack,

How are you? My name is Miss Kind who is your next-door neighbor. I am afraid to say I have numbers of complaints about your weekly party which was noisy.

The first problem was that your son is keen on listening to loud pop music at midnight, which made me be deprived of sleep. As a result, I feel sleepy the whole day. At that time, I have to drink two or three pill which help me to sleep. Another problem is that loss of sleep can cause headaches which I have due to this issue. This condition has a negative impact on my health and my mood. The most visible problem is that your friend’s cars often park at my gate, which causes me to move my car hardly. I would like you to respect your neighbors. This forced me to write this compliant letter.

I hope you will find to tackle for this issuees. Unless, I hear from you within a week, I shall have to take legal advice on the matter.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your sincerely,
Miss Kind.

Dear John,
How are you? My name is Shodiyor. I am your new next-door neighbor. I am afraid to say I have numbers of complaints about vandalism of your son.
The first problem was that your son emptied trash at my door. 2 weaks ago I caught him while he was emptying trash near my door. Another problem was that he destroyed my background garden yesterday. He came and destroyed my flowers and vegetables with his friends when I went shopping. My secret cameras were recording it. I will send this records you If you want. The most visible problem was that your son broke my window today. This event forced me to write this complaint letter. I think you will deal with your son's upbringing.
I hope you will find solutions for this problems. unless I hear from you within 10 days, I shall have to take legal advice on the matter.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Shodiyor Islomov (165 words)

Dear Mr Eldor,

I am afraid to say I have numbers of complains about your trash bin and your room's noise.
My name is Doston and I have lived at next-door flat with my extended family for six weeks. I have to write a letter to you because of my extremely shyness. I remind that I said to your little son about these problems a week ago. I think he did not tell you about them. Firstly, your bin's stink put near your flat room always comes in my room, so I can not receive my guests. Secondly, your room's loud noise at every night is bothering us to sleep well. Besides, I have a child and grandparents and they can not adapt this dissatisfaction. I appreciate your family, but I would like to solve these problems. Unless I hear from you within 3 days, I shall have to take legal advice on the matter.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
Dear Smith
I am writing to complaint about the noise in your house.
It has been bothering me and my family the noise of your house for a long time. Every nigth at 23:30pm your son plays the drums. Sometimes he sing out loud. We want to sleep on the bed while he sings. Sometimes we fall asleep after your son has played the drums. This condition causes us to fall asleep late. We can not wake up early and as a result we late for work in the morning. I knocked on your door several times. You did not open.
Your son don't play the drums tonight.
Yours sincerely
Yusupova Zarina

Some people think that we should replace old buildings and houses in cities with more modern buildings. Other people think we should protect old buildings. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

People have different views about the effectiveness of group study as opposed to working alone. While there are some benefits to studying independently, I believe that group work is usually more productive.
People have different views about whether to replace or protect old buildings. While some believe they should be replaced with modern buildings, I think the conservation of old buildings is more important.
Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
People have different views about getting a good job. While some believe that having a degree might give a best chance to the employment, I think gaining experience and developing communication skills is more significant.

Some people think that wild animals should not be kept in zoos. Others believe that there are good reasons for having zoos.

People have different views about having zoos. While some people believe that keeping animals in zoos is cruel, I think there are some benefits to saving zoos. Or saving zoos is preferable.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

It is true that punishments do not always deter criminals from committing more crimes.
There are various reasons why offenders repeatedly break the laws, but
governments could certainly take steps to address this issue.
Despite a large number of gyms, a sedentary lifestyle is gaining popularity in the contemporary world.

What problems are associated with this?

What solutions can you suggest?
It is true that leading a sedentary lifestyle is becoming more common in spite of the large number of sport facilities. There are various reasons why people are becoming more sedentary, but there are sure to be certain measures to be taken to tackle the problem.

Oxunjon, [6/8/2022 8:54 AM]

People have different views about environmental problems. There are some benefits to deal with them nationally, I think we should solve them on a global scale.

Oxunjon, [6/8/2022 8:54 AM]

Parents have different views about children’s future. There are some benefits to having range of subjects is better, l believe schools should teach children skills.

Oxunjon, [6/8/2022 8:55 AM]

It is true that play computer games are becoming access of the large number of children. There are various reasons why children are having access to computers on a wide basis, but we must solve this problem.
☺️☺️ Dildora 🙃🙃, [6/8/2022 9:00 AM]
People have different views about the environmental problems while some belive they should be find a solution to global extent I think is better solve with nationally.

☺️☺️ Dildora 🙃🙃, [6/8/2022 9:00 AM]

Parents have different views about the best chances for their children. while some believe that schools should teach children skills I think having extend of subjects is better for a children's future

Rahmatullayev Samandar, [6/8/2022 8:42 AM]

People have different views about environmental problems. Some people believe that environmental issues ought to be solved on a global scale while I believe it is a better way to deal with them nationally.

Rahmatullayev Samandar, [6/8/2022 8:42 AM]

People have different views about opportunities for their children. While some people think that schools should teach children skills I believe that having a wide range of subjects is more effective for a children's future.
Y. Z, [6/8/2022 8:03 AM]
Today more and more people are using computers and a lot of children are playing computer games. Some people think computer games steal a lot of time. In my opinion, people should play less computer games

Y. Z, [6/8/2022 8:08 AM]

Many people express different opinions about the internet. People use the internet for unnecessary thing. Such as watching videos. In my view people need to learn to use the internet effectively.

Islomov Shodiyor, [6/7/2022 3:49 PM]

People have different views about global scale. While some believe that to solving global problems with their nationally is ridiculousness. I think there are some benefits to solving environmental problems on a global scale.

Islomov Shodiyor, [6/7/2022 3:49 PM]

People have different views about best opportunities. While some believe that children's future is better with having a range of subjects is incorrect. I think there are some benefits to teach children skills.
Today, the innovation of technology is becoming more popular that allows people to contact with computer widely and children are occupied with virtual games. There are several negative influences of playing games I will try to explain what can be done to lessen the conflicting results

Bosimov Doston, [6/7/2022 8:11 PM]

People have different views about solving environmental problems. While some people believe that they should be resolved globally, I do think finding a key to these problems on a national scale is better.

Bosimov Doston, [6/7/2022 8:11 PM]

People have different views about teaching their children. While some people believe that children skills should be taught at schools, I think there are some benefits to teaching major subjects for their future.
Bosimov Doston, [6/7/2022 8:23 PM]
It is true that these days, most people have opportunities to enter to computers on a global scale, besides numerous children play computer games. There are various reasons why children tend to play them but playing computer games could certainly exist some serious negative impacts.

Bosimov Doston, [6/7/2022 8:23 PM]

It is true that although using the internet has changed how we exchange information, there are some serious problems which were not found before. There are various reasons why these problems have created, but there are sure to be certain measures to be taken to tackle the problems.
Bosimov Doston, [6/7/2022 8:23 PM]
It is true that these days, more and more people have opportunities to enter to computers on a global scale, besides numerous children play computer games. There are various reasons why children tend to play them, but playing computer games could certainly exist some serious negative impacts.

Bosimov Doston, [6/7/2022 8:23 PM]

It is true that although using the internet way has changed in sharing or receiving information, there are some serious problems which were not found before. There are various reasons why these problems have created, but there are sure to be certain measures to be taken to tackle the problems.

^•^ ^•^ ^•^, [6/8/2022 8:47 AM]

People have different views about environment issues should be solved on a global scale or confirming with nation wide.While there are some benefits to dealing with nationally, I believe that this problem solved on planetary scale.

^•^ ^•^ ^•^, [6/8/2022 8:47 AM]

Some parents have different views about teaching their children. Some believe that schools should teach children various skills, while others think they should be taught a range of subjects, I believe that schools should teach differently subjects.

^•^ ^•^ ^•^, [6/8/2022 8:47 AM]

It is true that a large number of people have accession to computers on extensive basis and children addicted to computer games. There are several negative problems of playing games. So government could certainly take steps tackle this matter.

^•^ ^•^ ^•^, [6/8/2022 8:47 AM]

It is true that the new way information shared and consumed of internet has been transformed. But it has coused differently issues that did not exist earlier

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