- куч моменти;
- куч иши;
- қаттиқ жисмнинг инерция моменти;
- оғирлик маркази;
- аналитик геометрия;
- майдон назарияси элементлари;
- комплекс сонлар;
-доимий коэффициентли иккинчи тартиб чизиқли дифференциал тенгламалар.
Фанлараро алоқалар ҳар хил муҳандислик мутахассисликларни ҳисобга олган
ҳолда амалий масалаларни ечиш орқали, шунингдек табиати бўйича ҳар хил
катталикларни ҳисоблашда математик усуллар, математикадан тест топшириқларини
ишлаб чиқиш йўли билан амалга оширилади.
Адабиётлар рўйхати
1. Абдурахмонов К.П., Эгамов У. Физика. Тошкент 2010й. 507б.
2. Амиров С.Ф., Ёқубов М.С., Жабборов Н.Ғ. Электротехниканинг назарий
асослари. Тошкент 2007 й. 143б.
3. Баклашов И.В., Картозия Б.А., Шашенко А.Н., Борисов В.Н. Геомеханика. В
двух томах.Том2. Геомеханические процессы., 2004 г-132 стр.
4. Евграфова И.В. Межпредметные связи курсов физики и высшей математики в
технических вузах Дис. канд. пед. наук: 13.00.02 Санкт-Петербург, 2010.-160 с.
5. Кириченко О.Е. Межпредметные связи курса математики смежных дисциплин
в техническом вузе связи как средство профессиональной подготовки студентов
Дис.канд. пед. наук: 13. 00.02 - Орел, 2003.-170 с.
6. Кутузов Б.Н. Методы ведения взрывных работ 1-часть. 2007 г- 469 стр.
7. Липина Г.А., Фадеев Ю.А. О роли межпредметных связей в повышении
эффективности учебного процесса// Вестник Кузбасского государственного
технического университета. 2012.№ 6(94).с 180-183.
Dadonova A.T. – II type teacher of the English language, 15-of the shool , Chinoz d.
Tashkent r., Uzbekiston.
Vocabulary is the most important area in language learning. The importance of vocabulary
changes and it depends on teaching aims. Nowadays, the ability of effective communication is the
main aim of teaching, so teachers try to develop students’ communicative competence and
vocabulary are the key to it. Communication is strongly conditioned upon the level of vocabulary.
When it is limited, it distorts or even sometimes it blocks up communication. With a wide
vocabulary, a person can communicate effectively even though he or she may be very weak in
grammatical knowledge. It means that teachers must pay a lot of attention to constant, regular work
on enriching students’ vocabulary. Very important and common feature of English language are
phrasal verbs.
You can certainly ignore motivation if you choose. But if you do, you maybe neglecting the
most important part of reading. There are two sides to reading. On one side are the skills which
include phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition, vocabulary, and simple comprehension.
On the other side is the will to read. A good reader has both skill and will. In the "will" part, we are
talking about motivation to read. This describes children's enjoyments, their wants, and their
behaviors surrounding reading. A student with skill may be capable, but without will, she cannot
become a reader. It is her will power that determines whether she reads widely and frequently and
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