Ionlovchi nurlanish- muhit bilan o`zaro ta`sirlashuvi muhit atomlari va molekulalarning ionlanishiga olib keluvchi zarrachalar oqimlariga hamda elektromagnit kvantlaridir
Ioniziruyuщee radiatsionnoe vzaimodeystvie s okrujayuщey sredoy predstavlyaet soboy chastitsы elektronov i elektromagnitnыx velichin, kotorыe vыzыvayut ionizatsiyu atomov i molekul
Ionizing radiation-interaction with the environment is the particles of electrons and electromagnetic quantities that cause ionization of atoms and molecules
Impuls- harakat miqdori
Kolichestvo Impuls-
Konyuksiya- n ta argument birlashmasi
Sopryajenie argumentatsii
Conjugation argumentation association
Kibernetika- boshqarish, bog`lanish va axborotni qayta ishlash haqidagi fan
Kibernetika - nauka, svyaz i obrabotka informatsii
Cybernetics - science, communications, and information processing
Model- aql bilan ko`ra bilish yoki moddiy jihatdan joriy qilingan istalgan tabiatli obekt
Model - Lyuboy ob’ekt prirodы ili materializovannыy obraz mыshleniya
Model - Any object of nature, or a materialized way of thinking
Mexanika- moddiy jismlarning harakatini o`rganuvchi fan
Mexanik - eto nauka, kotoraya izuchaet dvijeniya osyazaemыx ob’ektov
Mechanic is a science that studies the movements of tangible objects
Puls- tomir urishi.
Impulsnыy udar.
Pulse strike.
Radiatsiya (vnutrennee trenie) - eto silы vzaimodeystviya v realnыx sloyax potoka jidkosti.
Radiatsiya (vnutrennee trenie) - eto silovoe vzaimodeystvie s realnыmi slaykami potoka djidkosti.
Radiation (vnutrennoe treni) - eto sily vzaimodeystviya v realnyx sloyax potoka jidkosti.
Rodopsin- molekulyar massasi 40 000 ga teng bo`lgan murakkab tuzilgan oqsil.
Rodopsin predstavlyaet soboy slojnыy belok, sostoyaщiy iz 40 000 molekulyarnыx mass.
Rhodopsin is a complex protein made up of 40,000 molecular masses.
Termodinamika- sistemalarni tashki etuvchi jusmlarning mikroskopik tuzilishini hisobga olmagan holda ular orasida energiya almashinuvi mumkin bo`lgan sistemalarni o`ranuvchi bo`lim.
Termodinamika - eto yedinitsa dlya obmena energosberegayuщimi sistemami bez ucheta mikroskopicheskoy strukturы sistem vыdeleniya.
Thermodynamics - is a unit for the exchange of energy-efficient systems without taking into account the microscopic structure of the excretion systems.
Trigger- 2 turg`un holatga ega bo`lgan va 1 ta 2 talik sistemasida ifodalangan axborotni saqlay oladigan qurilma
Trigger - ustroystvo, kotoroe mojet xranit dva tipa informatsii i mojet xranit informatsiyu, vыrajennuyu v odnoy sisteme
Trigger - Device that can store two types of information and can store information expressed in one 2 system
Tebranish- takrorlanuvchi holatlar
Vibratsiya - povtoryayuщiesya obstanovki
Vibration - Repeated Circumstances
Shovqin- halaqitlarning katta guruhi(*20 000 Gs dan katta bo`lgan tebranish)
Bolshie pomexi (vibratsiya bolee 20 000 G)
Large noise interference (vibration greater than 20,000 Gs)