Activity 3a Read and answer. 5 min Objective: to practise reading for specific information Ask the pupils to read the letter from England and answer the question.
You can also play the DVD for this purpose. Answer key: They have 17 pets.
Activity 3b Work in pairs. Say what Lucy/her brother has/doesn’t have. 5 min Objective: to talk about pets Ask the pupils to make pairs and say what Lucy/her brother has and does
not have. Ask them to take turns to say them.
Activity 4 Work in pairs. Say what pets you/your family have/don’t have. Objective: to talk about own pets 5 min Ask the pupils to tell their partners about his/her and their family members’
animals: what they have and do not have. Remind the pupils that when we link
two negative items we use “or” not “and”.
Homework2 min Ask the pupils to look at the homework. Check that everybody understands
what to do with the 2 tasks. If necessary, explain how to do the homework.