2.2 The usage of phraseological units in English and Uzbek. The essential role of phrenological units in both languages’ cultural specificity.
In general function is a role which an element plays in activity of that structure, part of which it makes. As to phraseological units they have the definite program of functioning which is predetermined by their essence itself as A.V. Kunin puts it. Some functions are constant, i. e. inherent in all phraseological units in any conditions of their realization; other functions are variable, peculiar only to some classes of phraseological units. Communicative, cognitive and nominative functions refer to the constant functions. The communicative function of phraseological units is their ability to serve as communicative or message means. Communication presupposes a mutual exchange of statements, and message presupposes the transfer of information without a feedback with the reader or the listener. The nominative function of phraseological units is their relation to objects of the real world, including situations, and also replacement of these objects in speech activity by their phraseological denominations. The filling of lacunas in the lexical system of the language is characteristic of the nominative function of phraseological units. This function is peculiar to the overwhelming majority of phraseological units, as they do not have lexical synonyms.7 The sub-kinds of the nominative function are neutrally-nominal and nominal functions. The neutrally-nominal function is the basic one for phraseological units, for example, brown paper.
At realization of such phrases in communication the fact of a designation of the object is important, and not the stylistic use of the phrase. The nominal function is also characteristic for semantically transferred phraseological units , but it is not neutral, it is stylistically marked. Function which is closely connected with nominative function is the cognitive function, that is the sociallydetermined reflexion of objects of the real world mediated by consciousness, promoting their cognition. The social determinacy is shown in the fact that though potential phraseological units are created by separate individuals, these individuals are part of the society, and the realization of the cognitive function by them is possible only on the basis of previous knowledge. «The process of cognition also includes such forms of cogitative activity, as foresight, fantasy, imagination, dream, intuition…». Cognitive and nominative functions are realized within the limits of communicative function, forming a dialectic unity, and all other functions are realized within the limits of the given functions. The hierarchy of the functional aspect of the phraseological system is shown in it. The semantic functions are voluntative (from Latin voluntas– will), deictic, resultative, etc.
The voluntative function is the function of will expression. E. g.: Wish smb well — to wish good luck, success to smb, to treat smb benevolently: I wish Jane Fairfax very well; but she tires me to death ( J. Austen). Deixis is… an indication of spatial or time localization of the action, phenomenon, event which is relative to the reference point, relevant within the limits of one or another speech situation. Besides, personal deixis exists. A person, a place or time can be the reference point. According to this fact three types of deixis are singled out: personal, spatial and time ones. Personal deixis. E. g.: at second hand — by hearsay: If I would govern this country wisely, I must be posted in the details of its life, and not at second hand, but by personal observation and scrutiny (M. Twain). In the given example the reference point is the speaker himself. Spatial deixis. «Under the deictic way of the designation of space the description of the site or direction of movement of the object relative to some centre of the information is meant, to which the semantic indication is realized by the word» And by the phraseological unit, as A.V. Kunin puts, e.g.: Show a clean pair of heels — to leave, to get away, to bolt: It was evident that Captain Butler feared the worst, for he crowded on all canvas and it seemed for a time that he would show the strange ship a clean pair of heels (Gr. Greene). In the given example the strange ship (the vessel which is near at hand) is the reference point. Time deixis. Wait to see which way the cat jumps — to wait how the events will develop; to trim the sails to the wind; to wait, whence the wind will blow: We others never know what you English will do. You al‑ ways wait to see which way the cat jumps ( J. Galsworthy). In the given example the time reference of the phraseological unit is that of the future. At once — simultaneously, immediately: Everyone was trying to talk at once and no one seemed to know or care what the other person was attempting to say (E. Caldwell). The phraseological unit designates simultaneity.8 Have had one’s day — to go out of date, to know better days: Mrs.
Appleby: …I’ve had my day and I’ve enjoyed it. It’s only fair to give others a chance now (W. S. Maugham). The phraseological unit designates precedence. There are also other kinds of time deixis. Resultative function — a designation of the reason which has caused an action or a condition which is expressed by a phraseological unit. Come a cropper — to fail, to get to a trouble: Gerald: I may as well tell you at once that I’ve had very bad luck. I wanted to make money and I’ve come an absolute cropper (W. S. Maugham). The major function of any unit of language including the phraseological unit is the pragmatic function, i. e. purposeful influence of a language sign on the addressee. The pragmatic orientation is peculiar to any text which influences phraseological units used in the text, and that is promoted by their considerable pragmatic potential. Phraseological units strengthen pragmatic orientation of the text or its part — a context. From this point of view the sub-kinds of pragmatic function are stylistic, cumulative, directive, valuative and summarizing functions.
The stylistic function is a special, in comparison with neutral way of expression, purposefulness of language means for achievement… of stylistic effect with preservation of the general intellectual content of the statement. The stylistic function realizes in speech connotative features of a phraseological unit.In the language there is only stylistic coloring. The idea about it is given by marks and comments in stylistic dictionaries which, unfortunately, are still far from being perfect. Comparison of a phraseological unit with its variable prototype also helps to reveal stylistic colouring. Developing, on the Russian material, the phraseological theory in its functional-semantic aspect, S.G. Gavrin singles out some functions of phraseological units.These functions are peculiar also to English phraseological units: 1) the expressively-figurative function (catch at a straw; forbidden fruit, etc.); 2) the emotionally-expressional function (damn your eyes!; go to the devil!); 3) the function of speech concision by omitting some components (do not count your chickens! instead of do not count your chickens before they are hatched). Proverbs, especially short ones, even not of the reduced kind, carry out the function of speech laconisation, for example, prevention is better than cure — action taken to prevent an illness, dangerous event, etc., from taking place is wiser and more useful than any action that is taken to reduce its harmful effect (LD). It is evident, that the definition is almost five times longer than the proverb itself. The semantic compression, characteristic for phraseological units, is one of the displays of language economy. All these functions, and also the function of hyperbolization and intensity are sub-kinds of the stylistic function.
The cumulative function is peculiar, for example, to proverbs. They are generalization of life experience of the people. With the cumulative function «one more, the second function is closely connected — directly managing, directing, influencing, and in separate prospect bringing up, forming a person. We named it directive. Examples of proverbs with the directive function can be the following: as you brew, so must you drink; cut your coat according to your clot; look before you leap, etc. The summarizing function of a phraseological unit consists in the fact that it is the short resume of the previous statement, e. g., that’s flat (coll.) — it is definitively solved, resolutely and irrevocably: Well, I will not marry her: that’s flat (G.B. Shaw). Summarizing function in a context is characteristic of many proverbs, for example, all’s well that ends well; in for a penny, in for a pound, etc Pragmatic character is also carried by the evaluative function.
A kind of the pragmatic function is the contact-establishing function consisting in creation of easy dialogue between the author and the reader or the listener, and also among the characters themselves. Introducing a luxury car that will not take you for a ride. The given advertising heading concerns the car, and two meanings of the phraseological unit. «takesmb for a ride» are played up — 1) to kill, finish off smb; 2) to inflate, deceive smb. Proverbs are often used in the function of confirmation of a thought. It is also one of the sub-kinds of the pragmatic function. It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest — «only the bad bird defiles the nest»: Augustus: …Do you mean to say, you scoundrel, that an Englishman is capable of selling his country to the enemy for gold? The Clerk: Not as a general thing I would not say it, but there’s men here would sell their own mothers for two cop‑ pers if they got the chance. Augustus:… It’s an ill bird that fouls its own nest. (G.B. Shaw). Interjectional phraseological units can carry out the compensatory function which is realized in the description of strong sincere emotional experience, affect, when speech of the subject is complicated and an interjectional phraseological unit is the only content of the whole remark. Oh dear — my God: Jimmy: They did not say much. But I think she’s dying. Cliff: Oh, dear ( J. Osborne). The text-building (or the context-building) function is characteristic of phraseological units at their realization. For the first time the question concerning text-building functions of phraseological units was raised by I.I. Chernysheva. «Under text-building factors of phraseological units we mean realization of linguistic properties of the given language signs allowing them, equally with grammatical and lexical means of language, to create those links in structure of the text which are elements of the structure and in certain cases also binding means of fragments of the text». The proposition that phraseological units can be binding means not only of contexts, but also context fragments is lawful.9
Phraseology is a discipline that deals with phraseological units – constant combination of lexicons. Phraseology is an inseparable part of a language, which represents the history, the cultures and lifestyle of certain nation. The fund of Uzbek Phraseology is replete with national and borrowed, terminological and nonterminological phraseological units as phraseology in English language Uzbek and Russian researchers and scholars have been working hard on the field of phraseological units. The theoretical concerns of the Uzbek phraseology were pointed out in the works of Y.Polivanov. He dealt with the phraseology of the Russian and some oriental languages and offered the idea of separating phraseology as an independent linguistic branch. As Polivanov stresses, a new forming phraseology branch should take place for lexicology as important as syntax for morphology. Numerous monographic surveys on this issue have been presented. Among these works the issues as verbalizing phraseological units, their distinguishing features, enhancement, stylistic aspects, etymological properties, and also juxtaposing them with phraseological units of some other languages are researched. For this field, especially the contribution of Sh.Rakhmatullaev, B.Yuldashev, Abdumurod Mamatov, Abdugafur Mamatov, Sh.Almamatova is great (Rakhmatullev, Yuldashev, Mamatov, Almamatova,). Sh.Rakhmatullaev explored semantic features, relations on form and content in phraseological units and he also created an explanatory dictionary of Uzbek phraseologisms in a monographic way. B.Yuldashev dealt with stylistic characteristics of phraseology, and A.Mamatov contributed for the development of Uzbek phraseology by his surveys on formation of phraseological units. The very stability and steadiness were assumed as a basis in defining the corpus of phraseological units and in categorizing them. Consequently, the scope of phraseology was extended. Although both in the Russian linguistics and the study of Turkic languages phraseology was acknowledged as an independent branch of linguistics, only in the 50s of the last century and a phrase has been considered as a unit of it, there appeared two directions in interpreting the vitality and content of phraseological units. The supporters of the first direction recognize all stable word combinations of language as phraseology. Proverbs, sayings, idiomatic units and others are included in this system. S.Kenesboyev studies the concepts of V.Vinogradov when he defines the content of phraseology, proves diffences between proverbs and sayings. When he classifies phraseological units as a phraseological mixture, a phraseological entire and a phraseological compound. S.Muratov points that phraseologisms are distinguished from free word combinations according to the following features:
1) semantic integrity;
2) figurativeness;
3) having an extended sense.
So that, the phraseology is in replete with proverbs, sayings and aphorisms because they all have the property of stability, unlikely it has some features which make it different from them. Sh.Rakhmatullaev regards a phraseology as a lexical unit consisting of more than one lexical stem, equal to a word combination or a clause by its structure, semantically equivalent to a word, and wholly denoting an over figurative meaning. A.Khojiev considers that a phraseology is a lexical unit which is equal to a word combination or a clause by its structure, semantically a whole entire, delivering a meaning in an integrated way, not created while a speech process, but introduced into language as a ready-made item; and is a type of stable word combinations with a figurative meaning.10 Uzbek linguistics who have contributed to the development of this field are the followings: A.Isaev, O.Nazarov, Sh.Usmonova, Sh.Nazirova, H.Alimova. There is one of the branches of lexicology that studies phraseological units, idioms words and group of words, which are readymade and are mostly applied both in a written and oral language. They are the followings:
phraseological units
Do`ppisini osmonga otmoq – xursand. It refers to a psychological condition when people are glad and thrilled. However, there are some exceptions that cannot be expressed by one word: For instance, bog`dan kelsa, tog`dan kelmoq – suhbatdoshning gapiga hech qanday aloqasi yo`q gap so`z aytmoq Phraseological units can be inquired by one interrogation and replied too. Phraseological idioms and units are scrutinized completely in the sentence but not separately word by word Bilamiz, bo’rk ol desa, bosh olmoq politsiyaning suygan metodi.(ega) Direktor bo’lgandan keyin dimog’i shishib ketibdi. (kesim) Ona degan yer tagida ilon qimirlaganini biladi. (to’ldiruvchi) Siz ham o’sha daqqi yunusdan qolgan afsonaga ishonasizmi? (aniqlovchi) Damini ichiga yutib, oyog’ining uchida yurib uyga asta kirdi. (hol)11 Synonymic, antonymic and homonymic features can be observed in phraseological units as words do. For instance, o`lmoq- Ko`z yummoq -e`tiborsiz qoldirmoq.
Phraseological units can be synonyms to words or to the idioms. If phraseological units are synonym to phraseological units, they are called as phraseological synonym idioms, it phraseological units are synonym by words. they are termed as lexico-phraseological synonym idioms. For example, Og`ziga talqon solmoq – og`ziga qatiq ivitmoq – lom-mim demaslik. Dunyoni suv bossa to`pig`iga chiqmaydi – beg`am, beparvo. The synonymy of phraseological units with words can be observed in English as well. For instance, to make a clean breast of – confess; to get on one`s nerves – to irritate Anonymity is another semantic variety that exists in phraseological units. There are several merits of anonymity in phraseological units. Firstly, it assists to analyze lexical meaning of phraseological units more clearly. Secondly, it helps to detect synonymous phraseological units and words. For example, yerga urmoq ko`kka ko`tarmoq Initial words in each idiom “yerga” and ‘ko`kka” are antonyms.12 For example, Oq ko`ngil – ichi qora Yerga ursa ko`kka sapchiydi – qo`y og`zidan cho`p olmagan jo`natmoq, keta boshlamoq Yo`lga tushmoq to`g`ri yo`lga qaytmoq
One idiom expresses three meanings. For example, qiyofasiga alohida e`tibor bermoq bino qo`ymoq ortiqcha baho bermoq e`tiqod bilan qaramoq
One idiom expresses four meanings: qaramoq qilib turgan ishini to`xtatmoq bosh ko`tarmoq qo`zg`almoq kurashga chog`lanmoq
one idiom expresses five meanings: javob bermoq (kim nimaga yoki kimga) javoban ish qilmoq javob bermoq qondirmoq javobgarlikni o`z ustiga olmoq.
In linguistics, phraseologisms are classified according to the construction, etymological, structural-semantic, which part of the sentence they can be in the sentence, motivational level of meaning according to which word group it is expressed. Although phraseology is recognized as a separate science from the point of view of modern linguistics, it is developing in direct connection with lexicology, grammar, stylistics, phonetics, history of language, history of philosophical sciences, logic and geography. Phraseological units as units that are readily stored in a language are always units that have a clear meaning, a constant content, and a structure. When it comes to the phraseological fund of a language, linguists emphasize that their connection to tradition and stability are stable units in both quantity and quality.
Nowadays learning and teaching foreign languages are very important process. However, it is necessary to admit the circumstance that foreign languages should be taught in a comparative way without causing damage to the mother language. Only in this way our children, studying at academic lyceum and vocational colleges will be able to open for themselves the beautiful and wonderful world of world languages. In this respect, it will be appropriate to cite the words of theFirst President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, who said: “Our land produced outstanding scientists who are the pride of the whole world. We have all conditions to continue and enrich national traditions of scientific thinking established by them”.
English is generally acknowledged to be the world’s most important language. It is perhaps worth glancing briefly at the basis for that evaluation. There are, after all, thousands of different languages in the world, and each will seem uniquely important to those who speak it as their native language, the language they acquired at their mother’s knee. But there are more objective standards of relative importance. One criterion is the number of speakers of the language. A second is the extent to which a language is geographically dispersed. On December 10, 2012 the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov signed a decree “On measures to further improve foreign language learning system”. It is noted that in the framework of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On education" and the National Program for Training in the country, a comprehensive foreign languages’ teaching system, aimed at creating harmoniously developed, highly educated, modern-thinking young generation, further integration of the country to the world community, has been created.
During the years of independence, over 51.7 thousand teachers of foreign languages graduated from universities, English, German and French multimedia tutorials and textbooks for 5-9 grades of secondary schools, electronic resources for learning English in primary schools were created, more than 5000 secondary schools, professional colleges and academic lyceums were equipped with language laboratories. One of distinctive features of the contemporary, rapidly developing world is the increasing use of new information technologies (such as computer software, the Internet, e-mail, CD-ROM and distant education programs) in almost all sphere of life. 13
One of the sphere where new information technologies are becoming more important is education; in particular, foreign language learning. So we should make use of these all aids for teaching foreign languages effectively because it is our task, to prepare and teach professionally competent and energetic personnel, real patriots to see them in the world depository of science and culture. In this plan the notional program about training personnel was worked out on the formation of new generation of specialist “With the high common and professionally culture, creative and social activity, with the ability to orientate in the social and political life independently, capable to raise and solve the problems to the perspective”. On the basis of above-said we have chosen the theme of our qualification paper “Comparative analysis of English and Uzbek proverbs and sayings expressing senility and youth”. As these proverbs and sayings has huge importance in our nationality and our life. Thereis always demand for expressing these proverbs and sayings to not only our young generation outside of our country. The actuality of the qualification paper. The proverbs and sayings expressing senility and youth in both languages have a great role in giving and getting clear understanding about senility and youth of the nation or society who uses these languages and preventing from any misunderstandings about the concepts.
This makes the actuality of our qualification paper. The aim of the qualification paper is to investigate how the proverbs and sayings expressing senility and youth by different language units in both languages and to describe the universal and specific features of these concepts. In the same time studying linguodidactic problems of teaching the concept and giving suggestions to solve the problem are also our main goals. To achieve our goals the following tasks are set up in the qualification paper: 1. To review works devoted to the notion of senility and youth. 2. To investigate proverbs and sayings senility and youth by means of words in both languages. 3. To study different approaches of linguists about the theory of proverbs and sayings in modern linguistics. 4. To define proverbs as one of the sources of phraseological derivation. 5. To establish specific and universal features of the proverbs and sayings expressing senility and youth in both cultures analyzing the language units of modern English and Uzbek. 6. To study the linguodidactic problems of the proverbs and sayings in teaching and try to give solutions for the problems in order to help teaching process. The object of the qualification paper is the proverbs and sayings expressing senility and youthin English and Uzbek. The subject of the qualification paper is to investigate proverbs and sayings expressing senility and youthby various language units like words, phrases, proverbs sayings and quotations. Materials of the research.the materials of both languages were widely used in the work. Among them we may mention: D.Geeraerts, F.T.Wood, V.V.Vinogradov, A.I. Smirnitsky, I.V.Arnold, O.S. Ahmanova, A.V. Koonin, S.R.Rakhimov, E.Begmatov, Sh.Rahmatullayev and etc. During the research the following methods are used:
Componential analysison the basis of dictionary definitions and corpus data of the words.
Conceptual analysisof the proverbs and sayings expressing senility and youthby language means.
Comparative analysis method
The linguistic observation method.
Parts of sentence method.
Deductive method. Methodology of the researches based on the works by our First President I.A.Karimov, Presidential decrees on educational field, national program for Personal Training, and works in which the theme of the paper was researched and analyzed by various researchers like D.Geeraerts, F.T.Wood, V.V. Vinogradov, A.I. Smirnitsky, I.V.Arnold, O.S. Ahmanova, A.V. Koonin, S.R.Rakhimov, E.Begmatov, Sh.RahmatullayevS. Z.Tillayeva, T.K.Mardiyev and etc. The novelty of the work lies on the fact thatproverbs and sayings expressing senility and youth in modern English and Uzbek was researched through the dissertations and various works and we also tried to give new thoughts about the theme and give some more proper answers related to the theme in current paper.
The problems of linguodidactics in teaching the theme under discussion are considered and investigated as it was weak-point of some works. The theoretical significance of the paper is connected with the fact that the conceptual analysis of the proverbs and sayings expressing senility and youthand the procedure of establishing the conceptual characteristics of these concepts can be used at the lectures on Cognitive linguistics and Cultural linguistics. The practical significance of the qualification paper lies on the fact that the practical materials and examples of proverbs and sayings expressing senility and youthby means of words, phrases and proverbs and sayings can be used as practical material at the lectures on Cognitive linguistics, Cultural linguistics and Lexicology and Linguodidactics. The structure of the qualification paper consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliography. Introduction states the actuality and novelty, the aim, the reason of choosing this theme and the methods used in the qualification paper. It also gives information about the plot of the qualification paper. There are three chapters as a main part: the theoretical basis and the analysis of practical examples on the theoretical basis and the problems in teaching.
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