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Talabaga oʻqituvchisi tomonidan berilgan tavsiyanoma
(Talabaning ismi) asked me if I want give him reference letter and I’m happy to do that. (Talabaning ismi) is a student and Tashkent Financial institute and works part time at the international department of this university. I’m a director of the international department.
He has worked at international department part time for two years. First he was volunteer. Then we asked him to join the team because of his great work ethic and language skill. (Talabaning ismi) helps us draft international exchange agreements and research relevant documents. He also carries out most of communication with our international partner universities. We were happy to send him on student exchange semester because he was the best candidate to study on scholarship. When we organized selection exam for candidates that applied for scholarship to spend one semester in Europe, (talabaning ismi) got the first place. He scored 94% out of 100% in economics and English. So he is one of the students who have high grades. He will study very well in masters program. When I looked through his documents submitted for the exchange program, I learnt that his GPA is very high too.
(Talabaning ismi), I and one economics PhD student are doing a research project now. We are writing research article about how student mobility affects economics. (Talabaning ismi) went to exchange program two times. I have worked at international department for 6 years administering and managing exchange semesters. The PhD student is doing his thesis on human capital. (Talabaning ismi) knows economics very well, so he is the assistant for the PhD student member of our team. He has proven his great understanding of economics and research during the times we work and discuss our research. His strongest sides are his academic strength and research skills. He is able to work very well with Stata and MatLab now because he had to learn these during the research. He is learning to do research from the PhD student who is mentoring him. When (talabaning ismi) starts masters, he will have so much experience working with data and applying economic theories.
Thank you. And I hope my best recommendation for (talabaning ismi) will help him get into graduate university and continue his education because his academic ability is very suitable.
Oʻqituvchining ismi
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