Minutes of the regular meeting of the east petersburg borough council

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Council President Panus said if you are standing there and the post office is on your right, you have the hair salon, an insurance company, then Brent L. Miller, they remain. Council President Panus told the residents they

are really going to have to bone up on the really dull procedural rules and regulations with this to make your point or to say to them you need to look at this or whatever because that’s where they’re going to spend most of their time on what is allowed and what is not. Councilperson Bucher said the two things are getting in and out, traffic and the trucks. If you really want to focus on something they’re going to listen to look at those areas. Resident asked just for clarification purposes the necessity to go to the LCPC is because traffic is involved. Is that correct? This gentleman said he built a building in Manheim Township and didn’t have to go to the LCPC. Council Vice-President Wolf said Manheim Township has their own sub-division and land development program. Todd Weis said many, many municipalities in Lancaster County use the LCPC to approve plans and that’s because they don’t have their own big staff’s to make those kinds of decisions. Mr. Weis said he wants everybody to remember about how important it is to contact these companies and to really let them know what 5,500 people in this borough believe.

Resident asked if PennDOT would be involved since one of the buildings was facing Rt 72. Councilperson Bucher said that’s some of the recommendations that John Schick is making to the county. Council President Panus said if they go to the PC meeting there will be plans to look at. Manager Hemperly said the plans are also at the borough office. Council Vice-President Wolf said it was more of an informational meeting.
One resident, commenting that as council being the borough representatives, how can they help, already established they can’t use the website, what can they do for them? Councilperson Bucher said at this point they are going to work with the PC on the recommendation list. The resident commented that whatever they say council is just going to pass on it. Councilperson Bucher said unfortunately, because it’s already an existing commercial space it doesn’t come to council. Council Vice-President Wolf said council can refer comments to the PC and PC can refer comments to LCPC.
Council President Panus said fortunately they have time; they have two meetings they can go to, two places they can go and make their case. Todd Weis said for those who can’t make the LCPC meeting, he will make sure that on the information stuff that he is putting together there will be the names and addresses of people on the LCPC to send letters to because if they don’t do this it’s not going to get done. Council President Panus said the community board they are talking about is right outside the borough office when you go up the ramp.
Councilperson Bucher said after the meeting he would give them his contact information and when they create their facebook page, he will post on the East Pete Day facebook page about their facebook page once it’s created. The resident asked if the borough would accept a link to put on the borough website. Council said yes.
Resident asked what day of the week did they do traffic study. Councilperson Bucher said It could actually work to their benefit by picking a Roots afternoon because the overall impact won’t look as good which is why John Schick is recommending them to go through PennDOT’s formula to do this is suppose to correct that. Someone asked if the traffic study would be done on both Rt 72 and Miller Rd because that would affect her children who play in the front yard. Councilperson Bucher said if their recommendations go through it would cover both entrances.

Page 5812

April 2, 2013

Resident voiced concern that the delivery truck may get there late and spend the night with the truck running.

Council President Panus said they should pay attention to what Mr. Schick targets because that’s probably going to be your strongest argument because obviously, he’s got the knowledge. Council Vice-President Wolf said there are really good, qualified people on the PC, two professional engineers, two people in the construction industry, two people who work for PPL. A lot of qualified people who know what kind of questions to ask.
Resident asked if the borough could change any rules to stop this. Councilperson Bucher said not now, you can’t change the rules once the game has started. That would never hold up in court and would waste everyone’s tax money.
Doug Nolt made a comment that each month there may be 5,6 people at the most show up at the meetings, month after month, year after year. It’s your community, your government, you elect these people. See what they have to say at the beginning not later after it’s done. Bucher said we had meetings for 18 months on the new zoning ordinance. Nolt asked them al where they were when these discussions were being made. Not one of you were there.

With no other business to come before council meeting adjourned 8:10 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted, Virginia A. Groff, Recording Secretary

Page 5813

May 7, 2013



The meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:00 P.M. with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice-President John Wolf, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber (Absent), Greg Bucher, Mary Armstrong, Adam Gochnauer, Mayor Jeff Geoghan, and Borough Manager Robin Hemperly

Call Regular Meeting to Order 7:00 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

It was moved and seconded (Gochnauer/Wolf) to accept the minutes of the April 2, 2013 Borough Council Meetings. Unanimous approval.

Attendees – See attached attendance list.

Bill Payment Review.

Visit From: None

Comments from Citizens: None
Mayor's Report: Mayor read the police report as provided by the Police Chief.
Reports from Appointed Officers:

Borough Manager ReportSee attached report.

Manager Hemperly said she needs approval to turn over the property located at 2560 Valley Road, which is now vacant, over to the solicitor. Motion made by Wolf/McElwain to turn the property over to the solicitor.

Public Works Superintendent's Report – See attached report. Herb also shared with Council the status of the Nitrate Plant and showed they what Resin looks like. We recently sold our used resin to another municipality who paid us $5,000 and will get another 6-8 years of life out of it.
Zoning Officer Report – July report attached.
Committee Reports:

Fire Company Report – Chief Rohrer reported for the month of April total incidents, 411 responding personnel responding and number of personal attended training.

EMA Report – No report.

HARC – Councilman Gochnauer said that HARC is still working on the re-write of their by-laws, which we will get a copy of and have the opportunity to vote on once they are complete.

EIT – Councilman Bucher said the meetings are quarterly so there was nothing to report on.

LASA – No report.

Page 5814

May 7, 2013

Unfinished Business:
Vacancy Board Appointmentstill need a person.

Vacancy – Zoning Hearing Board Alternate – still needs a person.
New Business:

Ordinance #265 – Lock Box.

  1. It was moved and seconded (Wolf/Bucher) to approve Ordinance #265. Unanimous approval.

  2. Approval was given for the East Petersburg Special Fire Police to provide traffic control at the Manheim Rock-N-Glow 5 K race in Manheim.


  1. East Petersburg Car Show – May 4th in the park

  2. East Petersburg Fire Company Bar-B-Q

  3. Executive Session for Legal

Meeting Adjourned 7:35 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Virginia A. Groff, Recording Secretary

Page 5815

June 4, 2013



The meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:00 P.M. with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice-President John Wolf, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber, Greg Bucher, Mary Armstrong, Adam Gochnauer, Mayor Jeff Geoghan (Absent), and Borough Manager Robin Hemperly

Call Regular Meeting to Order 7:00 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

It was moved and seconded (Gochnauer/Wolf) to accept the minutes of the May 7, 2013 Borough Council Meetings. Unanimous approval.

Attendees – See attached attendance list.

Bill Payment Review.

Visit From: None

Comments from Citizens: Steve Shenk noted that the Lancaster County Fireman’s Association held their annual convention in Quarryville on Saturday. Mr. Shenk also said there was an award’s service Friday night and Councilman Tom Huber was awarded a life membership into the Lancaster County Fireman’s Association.
Mayor's Report:
Reports from Appointed Officers:

Borough Manager ReportSee attached report.

Manager Hemperly gave council a copy of the vacant property list.

Public Works Superintendent's Report – See attached report.

Zoning Officer Report – May report attached.

Council President Panus noted that the Village Commons project will be heard at the Planning Commission meeting on June 20. Councilman Bucher said that new plans submitted by the developer now have two 7,500 square-feet buildings. He called the plan "a farce." "They are pretending that they are going to build two buildings to make the town happy," he added. He said new plans outline two buildings for small-business stores that are "built-to-suit." He said once tenants leave, they will "wipe the walls out and build two box stores. They're going about this in a backhanded way to make sure they don't have to do any traffic studies so we're going to end up with tractor trailers in there". Bucher said he recently spoke to a store owner that told him that they were told by the property owner the lease price in the new buildings would be $18 to $20 per square-foot. He said about half of the current stores would probably not be able to afford that rate. "If we don't get on this right now, they're going to walk all over us and they're about to do it," he said. "Everybody stay on top of this because we're going to end up with something horrendous down there."

Council President Panus encouraged residents to attend a borough planning commission meeting June 20 at 7 p.m. where developers will present their plan. Panus said plans for the proposed site are available at the borough office.
Councilman Wolf said people need to check the agenda for the LCPC to know for sure when they would be hearing the project.

Page 5816

June 4, 2013
Committee Reports:

Fire Company Report – Chief Rohrer reported for the month of May total incidents, 378 responding personnel responding and number of personal attended training.

EMA Report – Councilman Huber noted that gas line people are clear cutting a 50 foot right-of-way, came across the Sportsman’s Club, came across borough property up to the Hollow Dr. drainage and now it’s going north taking down a good percentage of the trees behind Northfield Dr. It’s not really hurting anything. Cappy asked if the sandbox in the playground there could be removed.

HARC – Minutes attached in packets.

EIT – No report.

LASA – No report.
Unfinished Business:
Vacancy Board Appointmentstill need a person.

Vacancy – Zoning Hearing Board Alternate – still needs a person. What happens if only two board members show up and the vote is a tie? Who breaks the tie?
New Business:

  1. It was moved and seconded (Wolf/Bucher) to approve MS4 O&M manuals. Unanimous approval.

  2. Municibid – Bids for the Utility Trailers (J. Moseman) – See attached.

    1. It was moved and seconded (Huber/Bucher) to sell the 1989 Metalfab Trailer to Ron Farinelli for $460. Unanimous approval

    2. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Gochnauer) to sell the 2003 Utility Box Trailer to George Walker for $900. Unanimous approval.


  1. East Petersburg Car Show was a great success, over 400 cars in the park on May 4 and this past Saturday had the Community Yard Sale and we had about 30 vendors for that, busy the whole time from 8am to 12. Had about 20 people at the Music in the Park. Next month is Music in the Park from 6:30 to 8:30, 8:30 till 10:30 is the movie The Lorax and at 10:30 Fireworks sponsored totally by Lancaster Toyota/Mazda/Nissan. Bucher said we can be very thankful for Lancaster Toyota/Mazda/Nissan put over $5000 into our events this summer.

  2. Bucher said the East Pete Day Committee is buying a new stove for the concession stand

  3. The borough is looking at buying our own street sweeper, due to MS4 regulations every municipality that is required to have an MS4 has to clean the streets twice a month.

Meeting Adjourned 7:59 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Virginia A. Groff, Recording Secretary

Page 5817

July 2, 2013



The meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:00 P.M. with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice-President John Wolf, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber, Greg Bucher, Mary Armstrong, Adam Gochnauer, Mayor Jeff Geoghan (Absent), and Borough Manager Robin Hemperly

Call Regular Meeting to Order 7:05 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Moment of Silence for the 19 firefighters that lost their lives in Arizona.

It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Huber) to accept the minutes of the June 4, 2013 Borough Council Meetings. Unanimous approval.

Attendees – See attached attendance list.

Bill Payment Review.

Visit From: None

Comments from Citizens: None.
Mayor's Report: Mayor Geoghan said there has been a rash of car break-ins around the area the last week or so and East Petersburg was affected so make sure you have your car locked, these were all unlocked cars.
Reports from Appointed Officers:

Borough Manager Report – No Report

Public Works Superintendent's Report – See attached report.

Zoning Officer Report – June report attached.
Committee Reports:

Fire Company Report – Chief Rohrer reported for the month of June total of 38 incidents, 504 responding personnel and 87 personal attended training for an amount of 229 hours.

EMA Report – None.

HARC – New by-laws/constitution were voted on at the last meeting so by the old by-laws/constitution we municipalities all have to approve it so best guess by the next meeting will have something formal to read to you and approve, then after that we don’t have to approve budgets or anything else of theirs. HARC thanked our water department for the help they provided with the setup of the pool.

EIT – No meeting till September.
Unfinished Business:
Vacancy Board Appointmentstill need a person.

Vacancy – Zoning Hearing Board Alternate – still need a person
Page 5818

July 2, 2013

Council President Panus announced that being under a new edict that we have to clean our streets twice a month, we were only cleaning them twice a year, and it’s mandated so we were very lucky we were able to buy a used sweeper from East Hempfield. Will probably start the street cleaning in another month.
New Business:

  1. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Huber) to approve Resolution 666; Disposition of Municipal Records. Unanimous approval.

  2. It was moved and seconded (Huber/Bucher) to approve of Resolution 667; Resolution Urging the Pennsylvania General Assembly to eliminate or amend the State Prevailing Wage Act (Act 442 Of 1961). Unanimous approval.

  3. It was moved and seconded (Gochnauer/Armstrong) to approve Resolution 668; Addendum to the Memorandum Of Understanding dated May 7, 2013. Unanimous approval.


Saturday July 6 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm Music in the Park, Dwayne Slaymaker, from 8:30pm to 10:30pm Kids Movie in the Park, The Lorax and at 10:30pm there will be fireworks 100% compliments of Lancaster Toyota/Mazda. There will be food trucks to provide food and refreshments.

Meeting Adjourned 7:37 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Virginia A. Groff, Recording Secretary

Page 5819

August 7, 2013



The meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:00 P.M. with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice-President John Wolf, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber, Greg Bucher, Mary Armstrong, Adam Gochnauer, Mayor Jeff Geoghan (Absent), and Borough Manager Robin Hemperly

Call Regular Meeting to Order 7:05 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Gochnauer) to accept the minutes of the July 2, 2013 Borough Council Meeting. Unanimous approval.

Attendees – See attached attendance list.

Bill Payment Review.

Visit From:

Comments from Citizens: Several residents had complaints concerning a neighbor and the condition of that neighbor’s property. They brought along pictures of the neighbor’s backyard. Also said they had concern about the neighbor’s two little boys running around in filth and the inside of the house looks like the show hoarders. Resident said it just isn’t fair to those neighbors who work so hard and spend so much money keeping their properties nice and then have to look at his. Council President Panus said the zoning officer has been working on this problem and just this week the District Justice put a warrant out for his arrest. President Panus said council will keep on top of this issue and make sure we do as much as we legally can.
Mayor's Report: None.
Reports from Appointed Officers:

Borough Manager Report – See attached report.

Public Works Superintendent's Report – See attached report.

Zoning Officer Report – July report attached.

  • Brief discussion on Village Commons and the need for a sub-division. The subdivision plan will come before our planning commission to be reviewed at some time in the future.

Committee Reports:

Fire Company Report – None.

EMA Report – None.

HARC – Under New Business #1.

EIT – No meeting till September.
Unfinished Business:
Vacancy Board Appointmentstill need a person.

Vacancy – Zoning Hearing Board Alternate – still need a person – Todd Weiss said he would be an alternate until the election, and then if he is elected to council he could not be on the ZHB.

Page 5820

August 7, 2013
New Business:

  1. It was moved and seconded (Wolf/Bucher) to approve HARC By-Laws & Constitution. Unanimous approval.

  2. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Wolf) to approve the one year Extension & Rates from Lebanon Farms Disposal. Unanimous approval. (No rate change for residents)

  3. It was moved and seconded (Bucher/Gochnauer) to approve Fitness Day (October 5th 10: a.m. at the Fitness Park). Unanimous approval.

  4. It was moved and seconded (Huber/Bucher) to approve the Healthy Kids Running Series (Sundays September 15, 22, 29 & October 6 & 13 4:00 p.m. at the Fitness Park). Unanimous approval.

Mr. Bucher raised concerns about the new Day Care and the closeness to Chemgro. He mentioned that when the Turkey Hill on Main Street wanted to put gas pumps at their site they were told it was too close to the Day Care.


East Pete Day September 21.

John Wolf mentioned that tomorrow night (August 8) is East Petersburg Community Night at the Barnstormer’s game, still some free ticket vouchers at the borough office.

Meeting Adjourned 7:31 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Virginia A. Groff, Recording Secretary

Page 5821

September 3, 2013



The meeting of the East Petersburg Borough Council came to order at 7:00 P.M. with the following members of Council and employees present: President Cappy Panus, Vice-President John Wolf, Connie McElwain, Tom Huber, Greg Bucher, Mary Armstrong, Adam Gochnauer, Mayor Jeff Geoghan, and Borough Manager Robin Hemperly

Call Regular Meeting to Order 7:00 P.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

It was moved and seconded (Huber/Wolf) to accept the minutes of the August 7, 2013 Borough Council Meeting. Unanimous approval.

Attendees – See attached attendance list.

Bill Payment Review.

Visit From:

Comments from Citizens: Several residents had complaints concerning the condition of a neighboring property on Jeanette Drive. Council President Panus explained the situation as far as fines through the DJ’s office, etc. The borough has limitations and restrictions as to what we can do but we will look into it.
Mayor's Report: Police report for July, received 113 complaints in the borough, 26 criminal investigations with 5 misdemeanors/felony arrests. 84 calls for service, three vehicle accident investigations with no fatalities and no injuries and 50 traffic citations. Year to date as to the end of July, 650 complaints within the borough 148 criminal investigations, 26 misdemeanors/felony arrests, 28 summary arrests, 460 calls for service, 42 vehicle accident investigations with no fatalities and 7 injuries. YTD have written 330 traffic citations.
Council President Panus said she spoke to the crossing guard today, across from the old school on Lemon St. and if you are traveling north on Lemon with the old school on the left, there is a lane to go left into the school, when you are traveling south they are now making the traffic one lane and they have the little pedestrian crossing sign that sits on what I call a “no man’s island”. The crossing guard said he has people that do not move over to the right lane and secondly if they don’t, in that middle lane which you assume to use if you want to go left on Linden, it doesn’t look like a turning lane, it is not a turning lane. People are confused. Can something be done about it? Herb should look into it.
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