I. Part-of-speech classification
1. noun-forming suffixes -ize , -ify, -а-ть, -а, -лан
2. adjective-forming suffixes -able, -less,-ous,-ный-ной,-ли,-сиз
3. verb-forming suffixes -er, -ism, -ник,-ец,-увчи, -чилик
4. adverb-forming suffixes -teen , -ty, -надцать , -ой (-ый),-та
5. numeral-forming suffixes -ly , -о,-лаб, -она.
II. Semantic classification
1. nationality -ness, -ity,-увчан
2.the agent of the action - dom, -ry, -ship, -ati
3. quality - ian, -ese, -ish,-вич, -лик.
4.diminutiveness -er, -ist, -ent, -ок, -чи.
5. collectivity -ie, -let, -ling, -ette.
III. The lexico-grammatical character of the stem.
1. suffixes added to verbal stems -e,-ly, -ish, -ness,-ость, -и-е,-лик
2. suffixes added to noun stems -er, -ing,-ство, -ация, -кич, -ги
3.suffixes added to adjective stems -less, -ful, -ni-ый, -ный,-кор,гар
Exercise#3. Look at the suffixes in thechart below. Give the examples for each according to the classification in compared languages.
Part-of-speech classification
Semantic classification
Lexico-grammatical character of the stem
1. -ize , -ify, -а-ть, -а, -лан
1. - dom, -ry, -ship, -ati
1. -e,-ly, -ish, -ness,-ость, -и-е,-лик
2.-able, -less,-ous,-ный-ной,-ли,-сиз
2. -er, -ist, -ent, -ок, -чи.
2. -er, -ing,-ство, -ация, -кич, -ги
3. -er, -ism, -ник,-ец,-увчи, -чилик
3. - ian, -ese, -ish,-вич, -лик.
3. -less, -ful, -ni-ый, -ный,-кор,гар
4. -teen , -ty, -надцать , -ой (-ый),-та
4.-ness, -ity,-увчан
►Activities for self-improvement
Exercise#1. Are these statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false statements.
1. _____Stress interchange is occurred in all compared languages.
2. _____ Sound interchange is one of the ways of productive word formation
3. _____ Sound imitation is the way of word-building when a word is formed by imitating different sounds.
4. _____ Sounds produced by animals, birds, insects, such as: to hiss, to buzz, to bark, to moo, to twitter etc; лаять, мычать, щебетать, вовулламоқ, миёвламоқ, сайрамоқ.
5. _____ Sounds produced by human beings, such as : to splash, to rustle, to clatter, to bubble, to ding-dong, to tinkle etc; звякать, звенеть, греметь, тақилламоқ, шитирламоқ, тарақ-туруқ.
6. _____ In blends three ways of word-building are combined
7. _____ Back formation is the way of word-building when a word is formed by dropping the final morpheme to form a new word.
8. _____ One of the Russian non-morphological ways of word formation is semantic, which can express the similar function with Uzbek semantic way of forming words.
9. _____ The last distinctive feature of Uzbek language word formation way is composition, which cannot be found in other compared languages.
10. _____ The main way of word formation in English is considered compounding, while in Russian and Uzbek it is affixation.
Exercise#2. Check your comprehension on comparative analysis of English and Native languages word-formation types.
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