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  1. Бестужев-Лада И. В. К школе 21-го века: Размышления социолога / И. В. Бестужев-Лада. – М., 1988. – С. 58-59.

  2. Библер В.С. От наукоучения к логике культуры: Два философских введения в ХХІ век / В.С. Библер. – М. : Политиздат, 1991. – 413 с.

  3. Бордовская Н.В. Педагогика / Н.В. Бордовская, А.А. Реан. – СПб. : Петербург, 2000. – 326 с.

  4. Гальперин П.Я. К учению об интериоризации // Вопросы психологии / П.Я. Гальперин. – 1966. – №6. – С.15-43.

  5. Демин М.В. Ценностная ориентация личности как философская проблема. Методологические вопросы исследования современных общественных процес­сов / М.В. Демин, Е.А. Подольская. – М., 1981. – С. 97.

  6. Кремень В.Г. Освіта в Україні: стан і перспективи розвитку / В.Г. Кремень // Неперервна професійна освіта: теорія і практика : [зб. наук. статей] /за ред. І.А.Зязюна та Н.Г.Ничкало : у двох частинах. – Ч.1. – К., 2001. – 392 с.

  7. Культура и развитие человека. – К. : Наукова думка, 1989. – 319 с.

  8. Петрунёва Р.М. Гуманитаризация инженерного образования: методологические основы и практика / Р.М. Петрунева. – Волгоград, 2000. –171с.

  9. Подольская Е.А. Ценностные ориентации и проблема активности личности / Е.А. Подольская. – Харьков, 1991. – 168 с.

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UDC 37:398.8(477/75)

Y. Palii,

an assistant lecturer

(Sevastopol National Technical University)
Statement of the problem. An important aspect in the sphere of the upbringing of children in social and pedagogical system is to identify the leading component. We believe that this very component should be "ethnopedagogical family traditions of education". The main categories that reveal the essence of the study is "ethnopedagogical traditions" and "family education," Due to the fact, that there is no definition of “ethnopedagogical tradition” in a pedagogical dictionary, we shall consider the terms “ethnopedagogics’ and “tradition” separately.

Analysis of the research and publications. From the middle of the XX century the scientists pay special attention to ethnopedagogics and the question of the interaction between traditional and scientific pedagogy. G. Volkov, M. Stelmahovych and others are engaged in scientific research of public education problems and put forward ideas that are important for understanding the succession of traditional and scientific pedagogy. Folk pedagogics is an important source of pedagogical knowledge. It is important to explore the ideas and experience of traditional pedagogy in the works of teachers in the past and nowadays, conducting comparative research of folk and scientific pedagogy.

In the scientific works there are several definitions of "folk pedagogy" and "family education", in particular in the pedagogical dictionary, edited by S. Goncharenko it is stated that "Folk pedagogy is a branch of empirical pedagogical knowledge and national experience, which is reflected in the national dominant views on the purpose and objectives of education; in combined folk remedies and skills of education and training". "Family upbringing is a form of parenting that combines targeted teaching of parents and family influence on everyday life. The main purpose of family education is preparing children for life in the existing social conditions, acquisition of knowledge, skills that are necessary for the normal formation of the person in the family " [3, p. 225, 306].

The author of the monograph "The ethnopedagogics of non-Russian peoples of Siberia and Far East" V. Afanasyev considered that the process of mastering specific knowledge needed for everyday practice by adults and children is pivotal in folk pedagogy. He gives the following definition: "... The combination of knowledge of the masses provides and ensures mastery of necessary knowledge for the every day life both by children and adults. The amount of knowledge that was accumulated and proved by practice is the essence of folk pedagogy " [1, p. 101].

The researcher of Ukrainian folk pedagogy M. Stelmahovych in the "Folk Education" gives a generalized definition of folk pedagogy: "folk pedagogy is the pedagogy that was created by the people. This is the system adopted in the area of ​​methods and means of education, which are transmitted from generation to generation and assimilated, above all, as some special knowledge, ability and skills" [5, p.5].

In these and other definitions of folk pedagogy we find a number of general provisions. These are the empirical knowledge and experience of the masses, a set of tools and skills of educational practices that exist among the people. Thus, folk pedagogics describes the experience related to tools and ideas of public education.

However, the term "folk pedagogy" asserted another term – "ethnopedagogics", first proposed by G. Volkov in the 60-ies of the XX century. The new term is widespread. G. Volkov explains the necessity of its introduction stating that the term "ethnopedagogics" reflects the widespread usage of ethnographic material in studies and it determines the nature of this science more precisely. "Ethnopedagogics is the sphere of science that studies the ethnic empirical experience in the process of upbringing and education of children, ethical and aesthetic views on deep-rooted moral values of family, clan, tribe, ethnic group and nation". Ethnic pedagogy explores the features of national character, formed under the influence of historical context, education, preserved by the national system, and develops in modern conditions, together with pedagogical culture of people " [2, 3].

Clear distinction between national and ethnic characteristics of pedagogy and at the same time, their dialectical interaction and expression in the life of a particular ethnic group can be traced due to the views of M. Stelmahovych: "folk pedagogics includes empirical pedagogical knowledge and facilities without their relation to a particular ethnic group, and ethnopedagogics is associated with specific ethnicity pedagogical traditions that reflect its national identity " [6, p. 5].

Thus, folk pedagogics is closely tied to people, manifests itself in everyday life, reflects empirical education. It should be treated as a theory, not system. Ethnopedagogics is a generalized, theoretical understanding of folk pedagogy of different nationalities and peoples of many centuries.

The aim of this research is to investigate the concept of ethnopedagogical traditions of family education of the Greeks. In this paper, we will study the components of ethnopedagogical traditions of family education of the Crimean Greeks in the nineteenth century.

In our research of ethnopedagogical traditions of family education of the Crimean Greeks we rely on the definition set out in the book by L. Redkina "Ethnopedagogics of Crimean Karaites". “Ethnopedagogics presents a scientific view on the phenomenon of education and examines the social and pedagogical processes, relationships, interaction of pedagogy and cultural traditions of people" [4, p.102].

If we base our research on the definition of ethnopedagogy given by G. Volkov, “the ethnopedagogics of Crimean Greeks" can be defined as the science of empirical Greek experience in upbringing and teaching children that explores the peculiarities of national character, formed under the influence of historical context of the Greek nation. Ethnopedagogics of Crimean Greeks defines a system of techniques and methods of education of Greek ethnicity in the Crimea, which are transmitted from generation to generation and assimilated by Greek youth, primarily as certain knowledge, abilities, skills, created by the Greek people during their existence as a nation. Ethnopedagogics of Crimean Greeks, like all moral and spiritual life of the people, rich and varied, is an integral part of popular culture aimed at teaching the youth tolerance and respect. It involves the transfer of social experience, attracting younger generations to universal values.

Throughout the history of any nation some educational traditions are created, some kind of holistic system of education of the younger generation is formed. It fails to advance without reference to the experience of the people, their traditions and customs.

As noted by M. Stelmahovych, national traditions in all their forms present the way to store and transfer experience of the people from one generation to another, strengthen the manner and forms of life in certain social conditions and ethnographic atmosphere [6].

Analyzing the historical process of creation and development of national traditions of education one can draw the following conclusions: national traditions are the process of reproduction in subsequent generations ideological and ethical, cultural and social qualities which have been produced by people during the entire period of their existence.

Folk traditions play an important role in the development of self-consciousness, in awakening interest in native and national, in approving national dignity, understanding the history of people in our civilization, as well as awareness of their place in society.

Each generation comes to life through socialization and education. This national cultural traditions and focused on the development of human spirituality, the assimilation of cultural values, ideas and expanding knowledge, transforming their creativity, spiritual rebirth of achievements of the past.

Thus, the term "ethnopedagogical traditions" we will understand as the process of reproduction in subsequent generations ideological and ethical, cultural and social qualities inherent in every ethnic group that has been specifically developed during the entire period of its existence.

Traditions and their components, rituals and customs are part and parcel of ethical values ​​and orientations, based on family education of every nation, including the Greeks.

The main role in the education of people belongs to the family, the institution of the transmission of faith, life experience, spiritual formation. Greek ethnopedagogy regards family as the basis of the child’s upbringing. The views of the Greek people on the family, children, the problem of generation gap and its solution have been formed for a long time. They are embodied in a set of rules and norms of behavior in the family, advice and teachings of parents to children, reflecting the rich culture of education Greek people. Ethnopedagogics of Greeks of the Crimea is an example of the ideal man and wife, man and woman, which still has its application today.

Greek religion plays an important role in family upbringing. It takes care of the faith and morals of people, teaches them moral values. Faith contributes to the youth national identity and national culture. Raising children in Greek families is ruled with the help of the postulates of faith that led to the patriarchal way of life, and was correlated by folk rituals and customs.

Ethnopedagogics of Crimean Greeks identifies and describes the components of education: physical, intellectual, ethical, national, aesthetic and labor. It allocates physical education as sacred because it determines the life of the physical body.

While studying etnopedagogical educational traditions of the Greeks, it becomes apparent that the main criterion of person is his/her ethical appearance. Therefore, the ethnopedagogy of the Crimean Greeks is focused on the spiritual and moral education. Ethical education is always full of ideas, religions, ideas, spiritual recovery of humanity. Spiritual and moral traits of people have been formed over a long period of time and are passed on from generation to generation. One of the crucial problems of Greek folk pedagogy is to educate youth in the spirit of the Orthodox faith and morals, patriotism, respect, justice. These ideals are reflected in the oral folklore, which emphasizes that human well-being depends on the well-being of all people. Orthodoxy has a great influence on the moral qualities of a man, his moral appearance. The Greeks in the spiritual and moral education based on Christian laws of the Bible and cultivated such ethical qualities as honesty, humility, compassion, faith and devotion of the people, respect for the elderly.

Intellectual education develops the potential of the human mind and initiative, it awakens and develops the creative power of human intuition and the ability to be sound-minded. Intellectual gifted man has divine origin and his development has no limits. Ethnopedagogics of Crimean Greeks notes that the Greeks have always paid great attention to the training of children. Folk ideas o teaching a man facts, concepts, knowledge are reflected in folk wisdom. Knowledge and understanding have always enjoyed a high estimation of people. The Greeks believed that the main source of knowledge is their mother tongue. Historical and Pedagogical content analysis of Greek folklore in the pedagogical aspect shows that the native language and folklore are one of the main instruments of national education, which helps to create pedagogical ideal nation, accumulate and transfer socially valuable experience in preparing the younger generation for life through verbal methods of education to subsequent generations.

Labor education in etnopedagogics of Crimean Greeks serves as a means and method of moral rights. The Greeks, like the Ukrainian and other peoples of the Crimea, believe that in the course of employment arose education. Therefore, through labor education of children ethical personality traits, skills and employment skills are instilled.

Labor education is aimed at forming right attitude towards work and traditional occupations in the family. Therefore ethnopedagogics of Crimean Greeks considers feasible participation of children in matters of adult natural essential element of family and social life. In fact, labor education of Greek children kept secrets of transmission of traditional folk crafts, and the authority and skills of parents played a very important role. the Greeks believed that the effective means of labor education are the myths, legends, fairy tales, fables, proverbs, sayings, songs that promote the formation of children diligence, teach respect for those who work, convince of the necessity to work for yourself, for your family and nation.

Ethnopedagogics of Crimean Greeks paid special attention to physical training. However, it turns out that the main wealth of people is their health. Particular attention is paid to bodily education – the ability to control the body, maintain your health, eat right, and stick to hygiene requirements.

In Greek ethnopedagogics physical education is perceived in the unity of labor and ethical because work and it gives a person strength, beauty. Mutual support, physical strength, the desire to raise the welfare of the people are connected with the consciousness of duty and ability to work for the good of the people.

Conclusions. Vitality of ethnopedagogical traditions of training and education of Greek children is due to the fact that they are characterized by a progressive direction and correspond to the trend of sustained socio-economic and cultural development of people. They concentrate a significant spiritual and ethical potential of universal ethical values, norms and principles of co-existence with other ethnic groups, including historically produced pedagogical transfer mechanism of positive social experience of harmonious relations with the outside world from older to younger generations.

Prospects for further research. To identify possible ways of appealling to ethnopedagogical traditions and heritage of their ancestors in the course of preparing the younger generation for life in the modern world.

1. Афанасьев В. Ф. Этнопедагогика нерусских народов Сибири и Дальнего Востока. / В. Ф. Афанасьєв. – Якутск : Якуткнигоиздат, 1979. – 101 с.

2. Волков Г. Н. Этнопедагогика. / Г. Н. Волков. – Чебоксары : Чувашкнигоиздат, 1974. – 376 с.

3. Гончаренко С. Український педагогічний словник. / С. Гончаренко. – Київ : Лебідь, 1997. – 376 с.

4. Редькина Л. И. Этнопедагогика караимов Крыма : монография. / Л. І. Редькіна. – К. : Педагогічна преса, 2001. – 195 с.

5. Стельмахович М. Г. Народна педагогіка. / М. Г. Стельмахович. – К. : Радянська школа, 1985. – 312 с.

6. Стельмахович М. И. Традиции и тенденции развития семейной этнопедагогики украинского народа : Автореф. дис. ... докт.пед.наук : 13.00.01 / М. И. Стельмахович. – К., 1989. – 48 с.

UDC 005.952 : 005.53

S. Panova,


(Berdyansk State

Pedagogical University)

Statement of the problem. The formation of professional competence is a complex and multifaceted process that is carried out in a specially constructed environment that mirrors the relationship of didactic components and ensures the efficiency of the process of formation [18, p. 7]. But in the literature along with the term "professional competence" get along well allied concept of "professional competency". Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the nature of the concepts of "competence" and "competency", which is a very important basis for further research.

Analysis of research and publications. The problem of correlation between "competence" and "competency" involved in many domestic and foreign scholars. The particular contribution to the development of this issue, researchers have made such as V. Bezrukova, L. Bogomolov, S. Vershigolovskiy, V. Domin, Yu. Yemelyanov, I. Yermakov, M. Yelkin, Ye. Zeer, I. Zimnyaya, V. Petruk, S. Rakov, J. Raven, I. Slastonin, Yu. Tatur, A. Khutorskiy, V. Shepel et al. However, differences on this issue still exist.

The aim of the article is to determine the nature of the concepts of "competence" and "competency" and their relationship.

A new dictionary of the Ukrainian language treats these terms as follows: "Competence - having sufficient knowledge in any field, which somewhat knowledgeable, intelligent, based on knowledge, qualified, which has certain powers, full, sovereign. Competency - a good knowledge of something, the terms of reference of any organization, institution or person" [16, p. 305].

In the explanatory dictionary, edited by D. Ushakov and the dictionary of foreign words the difference between the concepts of competence and competency is observed, "competence - awareness, authority; competency - a range of issues, events in which the person has authority, knowledge, experience, terms of reference" [24, p. 345].

Analyzed in terms of teachers of Ukraine, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Scotland, Austria, Greece, Russia, I. Yermakov concluded that, despite of differences in terminology, all countries define the terms as general skills that are necessary for real life: professional, adequate application of knowledge, information, update knowledge and continuing education, self-education, social and communication skills, ability to solve problems and controversial issues or conflicts, team work, feel responsibility and so on [10, p. 114].

Based on the analysis of different views on the problem of correlation of "competence" and "competency" we concluded that some scholars identify these concepts, others - distinguish them or feel them a part of each other.

There are a lot of supporters of the identification of these concepts, but the views differ in their definitions. In particular, John Raven defines competence as a specific ability necessary for the effective performance of a particular action in a particular subject area and includes highly specialized knowledge, a special kind of substantive skills, and ways of thinking and understanding of responsibility for their actions. V. Afanasyev defines competence as a set of functions, rights and responsibilities of a specialist. M. Nahacz defines competence as "the ability to apply knowledge and skills to enable active use of educational achievements in new situations, ability to operate efficiently, to perform a task or job." The same definition is shared also by I. Vasilyev, who understands competence as the ability of workers qualified to perform certain types of work within a particular profession, to achieve high performance of work based on existing knowledge and skills. With these components of professional competence A. Mikhaylichenko, V. Anishchenko and V. Shepel add experience of personality and attitude for affair, theoretical and applied willingness to use knowledge. O.Bodalov believes that competence - is a specific capability, which can effectively solve common problems and concrete targets that arise in real life situation. This ability to resolve defined set of tasks in professional activities. Competence in research by Yu. Tatur, L. Panarin is an integral feature of personality that characterizes its desire and ability (willingness) to realize their potential (knowledge, skills, experience, personal qualities, etc.) for success in a particular field [2, 3, 15, 19, 20, 23].

According to V. Bezrukov, competence - is the possession of knowledge and skills that enable voice professionally competent judgments, evaluations, opinions [19, p. 11]. Yu. Yemelyanov refers to competence as to the level of education of social and individual forms of activity that allows a person within own abilities and status function successfully in society [10, p. 19]. In turn, Yu. Maysuradze divided approaches to competence into three groups: 1) the definition of competence as knowledge of the case, knowledge of management science, and 2) the inclusion of a content competency level of education, professional experience, work state, and 3) consideration of competence interrelation of knowledge and means of their realization in practice [19, p. 10].

According to Ye. Ogarov, S. Vershigolovskiy, Yu. Kulyutkіn the competence is consider ed as a description of the individual, i.e. competence - the category of evaluation and describes the man as of subject of specialized activity where development ability enables to perform skilled work, make responsible decisions in problem situations, plan and develop actions that lead to efficient and successful achievement of the goal [5, 17]. V. Krichevkiy understands competence as implementing functions, V. Slastenin - as a set of communicative, structural, managerial skills of the individual, and G.Danilova - like the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for their implementation during functional responsibilities. L. Bogomolova believes that the components of any competence is knowledge, methods of work, experience, creativity, social tendencies, values, competence in self, motives activity [1; 6; 13; 17; 18].

Most researchers believe that competence - an opportunity not only to have knowledge, but rather potentially be ready to solve problems competently. V. Demin said that the main component of competence is a skill. After analyzing different approaches to the skills he brings the essence of competence to the level of skills of the individual that reflects the extent to certain powers and makes it possible to constructively changing social conditions [7, p. 35].

Another group of scientists distinguishes between the terms "competence" and "competency". Thus, G. Topolnitska defines professional competency as a range of issues that are the responsibility of the specialist, while professional competence reflects the level of required knowledge and skills. Other scientists (M.Ermolenko, V.Mizherikov) under the competency to understand "personal opportunity of an officer, his qualifications (knowledge, experience), so you can take part in developing a range of solutions or decide the question, thanks to certain knowledge and skills "competence and reveal through the concept of professional competence of a teacher, who, in their opinion, expressing "personal possibilities of a teacher, educator, allowing it to independently and effectively solve educational problems, formulated by him or the administration of educational institutions" [14; 25].

But G. Selevko notes that "competency - an educational outcome that is in training of graduate ireal ownership of methods and means of action, the ability to cope with tasks, form a combination of knowledge, skills and abilities, which allows you to set and reach goal in the transformation of the environment, "and he defines competence as an integral quality of personality, which manifests itself in its general ability and willingness to work, based on knowledge and experience gained in the process of learning and socialization and self-oriented and successful participation in the activity [22, p. 139].

According to Russian researchers S. Shishov and V.Kalniya, competence - the ability to act on the basis of acquired knowledge, the possibility of self-employment, which includes the following aspects: commitment to goal setting, to evaluation, to action, to reflection and competency - the total capacity, which is based on knowledge, experience, values and inclinations acquired during training. A.Urbanovich understands competency as a set of interrelated personality traits (knowledge, skills, ways of life), which appear relatively certain range of objects and processes and the need for high-quality and productive action against them. G. Tyulyu says that competency - a system of basic characteristics that define professional success and can be described in terms of behavior, i.e. technological competence and can diagnose [11; 26; 27; 29].

Through scientific analysis of V.Petruk, we know according to the majority of foreign studies in recent years the concept of "competency" is understood not as a set of abilities, knowledge and skills as well as ability or willingness to mobilize all resources (organized in a system of knowledge, abilities, skills, abilities and mental qualities) required to perform the task at a high level, adequate given situation, that is aligned with the objectives and conditions of the action [19, p. 12].

Ye. Zeyer regards competency as part of competence, which determines the interests of the individual, combining knowledge and skills, individual skills, attitude towards work and social environment [4, p. 106].

According to the A.Khutorskiy, competency - a first order of society to prepare its citizens. A "competency" in Latin (competentia) means a range of issues in which the person is well aware and has knowledge and experience. The author defines the concept of "competency" of the educational point of view, as "... a student's willingness to use learned knowledge, teaching skills and abilities, as well as ways of working in life to solve practical and theoretical problems" [28, p. 110].

In studies by S. Rakova one can find definitions of competency as a standard action experience, knowledge, skills, creativity, emotional-value activities, and achieve a level of competence of the individual specified competencies [21, p. 22].

According to the research conducted by I.Zimnyaya, the interpretation of the very notions of "competence" and "competency" depends on their determination and correlation. The author gives two options for treatment ratios of these concepts: they are either identified or differentiated. Under the first option, competence is defined as the ability to do something well or effectively; compliance requirements that apply during employment, the ability to perform special work functions [12].

M. Elkin in dissertation argues that the competence and competency are complementary and interdependent concepts. Competent person, who has no authority (jurisdiction), will not conduct fully in socially meaningful ways to implement it. He concluded that competency - the scope of powers outlined in legal documents and necessary for the position. A competence in it - is the ability (knowledge, skills, methods of work, etc.) that appears in the active role [9].

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