‘From London into the Wide World and Back: Guineaing It in Eighteenth-Century England (Congresso Internacional de Estudos Clássicos ‘Identidade e cidadania, da Antiguidade aos nossos dias’, Lisboa, 18-21 Oct., 2006)
‘Legitimating Cultures, Cultures of Legitimacy’ International Conference (Theory of Literature Dept., University of Bucharest & Critical Theory Dept., University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Bucharest, 23-25 November, 2006)
The 36th Annual Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, St.
Hughes’ College, Oxford, 3-5 January, 2007
‘Between Orientalism and Occidentalism’ (Lecture delivered at the Romanian Cultural Institute, Tel Aviv, 10 Apr., 2007)
‘Between Orientalism and Occidentalism’ (Lecture delivered at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 15 Apr., 2007)
‘Los estudios hispánicos en Rumanía: 50 años de vida universitaria’ (Spanish Department, University of Bucharest, Instituto Cervantes & the Spanish Embassy, Bucharest, 26-28 April, 2007)
‘Strik(ing) the race in their fancy, ear and the heart’: Poetic Geographies of Otherness or
the Cure for Sameness’ (Keynote Address a the 9th Conference of
the English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literatures, Bucharest, 31 May-2 June, 2007)
‘Cantemir – Polyhistor, Polymath, or Political Mind?’ (12th International Congress of the Enlightenment / XIIe Congrès International des Lumières, Montpellier, 8-15 July, 2007)
‘Ubi Amor, ibi Roma’ (‘(Ex)Patriation’ International Conference of the Centre of Cross-Cultural Studies, ‘Ovidius’ University, Constanţa, 20-22 Sept., 2007)
‘Some Instances of the “Turkish Joke” in Popular Romanian Culture’ (Central European University “European Culture and the Understanding of Otherness: 16th-19th Centuries” Conference, Budapest, 28-29 September, 2007)
‘Some Avatars of Revolutionary Romanticism: A Late Modern View from the Romanian Perspective’ (12th International Symposium of the German Society for English Romanticism, University of Tübingen, 4-7 October, 2007)
‘From the Sublime to the Comic: The Call of the Modern’ (Keynote Address to the Annual Conference of the Faculty of Foreign languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, 26-27 October, 2007)
‘The Idea of Presentism’ (The IV International Conference of the “Tudor Vianu” Interdisciplinary Centre for European and Romanian Cultural Studies on ‘The Idea of Presence’, Bucharest, 30 Nov.-1 Dec. 2007)
‘The Anatomy Lesson and the Order of the Cosmos in Early Modern Europe’
(‘Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies’
International Interdisciplinary Conference, INST, Vienna, 6-9
Dec., 2007)
‘An Omnibus Called Metaphor, or How Figures Act as Means of Transport’ (Conferinţă internaţională ‘De la trasee conceptuale la o cartografie identitară’, Centrul de Excelenţă pentru Studierea Identităţii Culturale, Universitatea din Bucureşti, 14-15 dec., 2007)
The 37th Annual Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, St.
Hughes’ College, Oxford, 3-5 January, 2008
‘Questions of the History of Literary History’ Invited Lecture at the International
Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) (Justus Liebig-
Universität Gießen, 6 Feb., 2008)
‘Translation – Adapting/Adopting’ (‘Translation, Adaptation, Re-Writing’ Workshop,
Centrul de Excelenţă pentru Studierea Identităţii Culturale (CESIC),
Universitatea din Bucureşti, 11 aprilie 2008)
‘The Age of Shakespeare in the Age of Johnson: The Growth of a Shakespeare Vulgata’ (The Fourteenth Students’ National Symposium, Galaţi, 18-20 Apr., 2008)
‘Balkanism and/as Postcolonialism or How not to Forget Aristotle, the Balkan Thinker’ (Lecture delivered at the ‘Interaction among the Balkan Nations’ International Balkan Congress, Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies, Tekirdağ, 24-26 Apr., 2008)
‘The Merchant Tourist: Defoe and the Case of London’ (‘An Identitary Cartography between Self and Other’ International Conference, Centre of Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity, University of Bucharest, 9-10 May, 2008)
‘English Studies at the University of Bucharest’ (‘Higher Education ‘English Studies’ in
Post-Accession Bulgaria & Romania (a focus-project for the series
of projects on Higher Education ‘English Studies’ in Non-
Anglophone Contexts, under the aegis of the British Academy),
Veliko Turnovo University, 17-18 May, 2008)
‘An American Dish to the Feast of Cultural Identity: The History of Ideas’ (‘The Sense of America: Histories into Text’ International Conference of the Romanian Association for American Studies, Bucharest, 22-24 May, 2008)
‘Mr. Spectator to be “frequently seen in Publick Places”’ (‘The Individual and the Mass’ 7th Hellenic Association for the Study of English Conference, Thessaloniki, 30 May-1 June, 2008)
‘The Protracted Portrait of a Lady’ (‘Writing the Self: Modes of Self-Portrayal in the Cultural Text’ Annual Conference of the English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Bucharest, 5-7 June, 2008)
‘English Studies at the University of Bucharest’, Sixth Interdepartmental Conference, University of Veliko Turnovo, 17-18 June, 2008
Visiting Professorship, Faculté des Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines, Université
d’Orléans, 7 June – 6 July, 2008
‘Our Demotic Augustinianism, a Pattern Launched by the 18th-Century Novel’
(‘Crossroads in the Ancient Novel: Spaces, Frontiers, Intersections’
4th International Conference on the Ancient Novel (ICAN), Lisbon;
21 – 26 July 2008)
‘… purchase the commodity you want’, or Quixote goes English in the Public Sphere’,
Nominated Keynote Lecture, European Society for the Study of
English (ESSE) 9th Conference (Aarhus University, Denmark, 22-
26 August, 2008)
ISECS EC Meeting and Conference, Dublin 27-30 Aug., 2008 (representing the
Romanian Society for 18th-Century Studies)
‘Homer, Medieval or Modern?: The Battle for the Literary Canon’ (‘Ancients and
Moderns in the Eighteenth Century/Ancients et modernes au 18e
siècle’ Conference arranged by the Eighteenth-Century Ireland
Society, Newman House, Dublin, 29 Aug., 2008)
‘Classic Modernity and the Shakespeare Vulgata – A Case in Cultural Translation,
(International Micro-Conference on ‘Translation: Betrayal or
Creative Statement?’, Centre of Excellence for the Study of
Cultural Identity, University of Bucharest, 12 Sept., 2008)
‘‘The British Cultural Canon and the English Curriculum in Romanian Higher Education’’ (Bulgarian-Romanian-British Conference on ‘English in the New Europe’, Plovdiv University, 11-13 Oct., 2008)
‘Homecoming between nostos and algos: the Pharmakon of the Long Modernity’
(Conferinţă internaţională Homecoming, în cadrul proiectului
CNCSIS tip A, no. 1621 intitulat Omogenitate, diversitate,
identitate – Spaţiu European şi integrare (ODISEI), Centrul de
Cercetări al Universităţii din Bucureşti, Sinaia, 17-18 octombrie
‘The Classic Modern Canon and the Disciplinary Separation’ (International Conference
on ‘National Literatures in the Age of Globalization. The Issue of
the Canon’, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, 31 Oct. – 1
Nov., 2008)
‘The Agonistics of the Canon: An Eighteenth-Century Identitary Feat’ (Sesiunea ştiinţifică anuală a Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, Bucureşti, 7-8 nov. 2008)
Masă rotundă ‘Omogenitate, diversitate, identitate: spaţiu european şi integrare’ (ODISEI) (Sesiunea ştiinţifică anuală a Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, Bucureşti, 7-8 nov. 2008)
‘Critica della ragione: coiffure e digintà femminile nel Settecento inglese’ (Convegno
internazionale ‘Critica e ragione / Critique er raison’, Unviersità
degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’, Université de Bourgogne,
Dijon, 14-15 Nov., 2008)
‘Canonul si măsura antropomorfă’ (International Conference on ‘Canon(s)et Valeur(s)’,
‘Tudor Vianu’ Centre of European and Romanian Cultural Studies,
Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, 21-22 Nov. 2008)
The 38th Annual Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, St.
Hughes’ College, Oxford, 6-8 January, 2009
‘Cultural Identity and Alternative Histories’ (Centre of Excellence for the Study of
Cultural Identity Invited Lecture, 30 March, 2009)
‘English Studies in Romania: between Tradition and Change’ (Bulgarian-Romanian-British Conference on ‘English in the New Europe’, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 23-24 Apr., 2009)
‘Topoi of Memory’ (Conferinţa internaţională a Şcolii Doctorale a Facultăţii de Limbi şi
Literaturi Străine, Universitatea din Bucureşti, cu titlul Despre
uitare: Forme ale rememorării / Of Oblivion: Plays of Anamnesis /
De l’oubli: jeux de l’anamnesis, Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi
Străine, 15-16 mai 2009)
‘Re-Minding People, Re-Membering Things’ (‘Facing the Past, Facing the Future: History, Memory, Literature’ International Conference, Bahçeşehir University, 6 – 9 May 2009)
‘Byron and Literary Modernity in Romanian Culture’ (The 17th Annual Conference of the
North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR), on
‘Romanticism and Modernity’, Duke University, North Carolina,
21-24 May, 2009)
‘Istoria literară şi istoria’ (Conferinţa Anuală a Asociaţiei Române de Literatură Generală
şi Comparată, Alba Iulia, 11-12 iulie 2009)
‘From English to English Studies in Romania’ (Bulgarian-Romanian-British Conference on ‘English in the New Europe’, Roehampton University, London, 8-9 Aug., 2009)
‘Bound East for Exile: The Case of Claude-Alexandre Bonneval Alias Ahmet Pacha’
(‘Ovid, Myth, and (Literary) Exile’ International Conference,
‘Ovidius’ University, Constanţa, 10-12 Sept., 2009)
‘Orientalism and Occidentalism in the Eighteenth Century’ (Conferênica Internacional
‘L’Europe et le monde colonial au XVIII-ème siècle’, Sociedade
Portuguesa de Estudos do Século XVIII, Lisboa – Sintra,
20-26 sept. 2009)
‘Are these the Alps which I see before me, or are they but some mountains of the
mind?’ (13th International ‘Romantic Explorations’ Conference of
the Gesellschaft für Englische Romantik, Koblenz-Landau
Universität, 8-11 Oct., 2009)
‘Some Literature of Alchemy and Some Alchemy of Literature: Gold and the First
Golden Age of the English Novel’ (‘IMITATIO – INVENTIO: The
Rise of ‘Literature’ from Early to Classic Modernity’ International
Interdisciplinary Conference, Centre of Excellence for the Study of
Cultural Identity (CESIC), New Europe College (NEC) and the
Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR), 13-14 Nov., 2009)
‘Literature (H)as (a) History’ (‘The Knowledge of History and the Knowledge of
Literature’ International Conference, Università degli Studi di
Bergamo, 17-18 Nov., 2009)
‘L’obscur siècle des Lumières’ (Colloque International ‘L’être et l’apparence’,
Université de Bourgogne, Dijon – Università degli Studi
‘L’Orientale’, Napoli, Dijon, 27-28 Nov. 2009)
The 39th Annual Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, St.
Hughes’ College, Oxford, 5-7 January, 2010
‘The true idea of a Literary Journal is to give the history of the republic of letters’:
Some Topoi of Classic Modernity’, International Conference
‘Representations of the Republic’, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
22-24 April, 2010
‘Of Angels, Novels and Historicity’, keynote to the Annual Conference of the English
Department, University of Bucharest, 4-6 June, 2010
‘How to Be Yourself as (An)Other’ Keynote address to the Romanian-Bulgarian
Comparisons, Interactions, and Contestations within/across
Cultures International Conference, Bucharest-Russe-Veliko
Tarnovo, 17-20 June, 2010 http://www.unibuc.ro/
‘Romanticism and Nationalism’, European Romanticism International Conference,
University of Kent in Paris, 25-26 June, 2010 http://www.kent.ac.uk/studying/where/paris/campus.html
‘How to Do Things with Books: An Exercise in Bibliophile Alchemy’, Material Cultures
International Conference of the University of Edinburgh Centre for
the History of the Book, Edinburgh, 16-18 July, 2010
‘Anglocentrism: For and Against’, English Studies in Non-Anglophone Contexts Round Table 09, ESSE 10 Conference, Torino, 24-28 August, 2010
Co-Convenor of Reading Beyond the Gaze: Travel and Intercultural Negotiations Seminar 46, ESSE 10 Conference, Torino, 24-28 August, 2010
‘Looking in(to) the Book of Man’ paper, Reading Beyond the Gaze: Travel and Intercultural Negotiations Seminar 46, ESSE 10 Conference, Torino, 24-28 August, 2010
‘Giardinaggio e acconciature del Grand Tour – Narrazioni topografiche del Settecento
femminile’, II Convegno Internazionale Letteratura adriatica. Le
donne e la scrittura di viaggio, Capitolo (Monopoli, Puglia), 28-29
Sept., 2010
http://www.uniba.it/secondo-convegno- internazionale-letteratura-adriatica.-le-donne-e-la-scrittura-di-viaggio
‘Anglomania, francomania, italomania: decadenza e conservazione nel Grand Tour’, Convegno internazionale Conservazione e decadenza / Conservation et décadence, Unviersità degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’, Université de Bourgogne, Napoli, 19-20 Nov., 2010 http://magazine.unior.it/ita/content/conservazione-e-decadenza
‘Cultural Deixis and European Romanticism(s): The Case of a “small culture”’, Literary
Studies Facing European Literature Conference, Faculty of
Letters, University of Bucharest, 15-16 April, 2011
‘Some Instances of the “Turkish Joke” in Romanian Culture’, Cultural Diplomacy
TASAM 4th International Balkans Forum, Edirne (Turkey), 28-30
April, 2011
14 May, 2011
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