Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты. Болезнь, передающаяся половым путем; может поражать; если оставлен без лечения; может вызвать; могут появиться; после заражения; четыре стадии; основные симптомы; можно не заметить; не болезненный; лимфатические железы опухают; пятна появляются; потеря волос; потеря аппетита; боль в суставах или костях; проблемы с сердцем; беременная женщина; врожденные дефекты; незащищенный секс; лечится.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты. It is easily treated; if left untreated; can cause blindness; heart disease; after exposure; swelling of the lymph glands; may not be noticed; inside vagina; after the chancre is gone; constipation; lesions in bones; many other problems; syphilis may cause death; may experience miscarriage; sexual partners; to be infected by syphilis; is needed to detect; with penicillin.
Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What is syphilis?
2. When do symptoms appear after exposure?
3. How many stages is the disease divided in?
4. What are the main symptoms of the first stage?
5. Are chancres painful? Are they infectious?
6. What is the last stage characterized by?
7. What problems may a pregnant woman with syphilis have?
8. How do people may prevent the risk to be infected by syphilis?
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. Bacteria infect men women and infants. Symptoms of gonorrhea usually appear two days to three weeks after a person had a contact with the infection. The most frequent symptoms are vaginal discharge, painful, burning sensation with urination, lower abdominal pain and fever. Gonorrhea infections are often spread during vaginal, oral or anal sexual contact. Babies can get gonorrhea during birth if the mother has this infection. In many cases it is difficult to detect the symptoms of gonorrhea. The only sure way to know about the infection is to be tested. Diagnosis is made by culturing material from the cervix (in women). The sample is sent to a laboratory for testing. Gonorrhea must be treated. If left untreated gonorrhea can cause permanent damage to the reproductive organs, tubal pregnancy and sterility. Gonorrhea can be cured with antibiotics (usually penicillin, erythromycin or tetracycline).
You can prevent a gonorrhea infection. You should not have sex with anyone. You should have sex with non-infected partner who has sex only with you. The best protection from gonorrhea is using condoms during sexual activity. If you suspect that you have exposed to gonorrhea, see a doctor at once.
Words: gonorrhea - гонорея
to appear - появляться
discharge – выделение
vaginal - вагинальный, влагалищный
urination - мочеиспускание
to detect - определять
diagnosis - диагноз
cervix - шейка матки
damage - вред
pregnancy -беременность
sterility - стерильность, невозможность иметь детей