Mac price and exchange rate in,
collective bargaining in, 173t
government debt of, 468t
inflation and money growth in, 92f
inflation and nominal interest rate in,
inflation in, 144–145, 145f
investment rate in, 202f
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
economic growth in, 251–252
TARP. See Troubled Assets Relief
Program (TARP)
decrease in, saving and, 72
future, consumers and, 480–483
incentives and, 478
inflation, 80, 93
interest rates and, 64
investment and, 532–533
IS curve shifts and short-run equilib-
rium and, 313, 314f
Keynesian cross and, 294–296, 295f
Tax credit, earned income, 171
Tax cuts, 4
of 1964, 516
under George W. Bush, 133, 296,
under Kennedy, 296
Tax increases
under Clinton, 133
under George H. W. Bush, 133
Tax multiplier, 294–295, 295f
Tax Reform Act of 1986, 533
Tax smoothing, budget deficits and, 486
Tax surcharges, of 1968, 516
Taylor, John B., 415, 437
Taylor principle, 436–437, 437f
Taylor rule, 415–416, 416f
Technological externalities, 233
Technological progress
economic growth and, 249–250
encouraging, 235–236
labor-augmenting, 223
in Solow growth model, 222–225
steady state with, 223–224, 224f
Temin, Peter, 326n
Term, interest rates and, 64
Terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, reces-
sion of 2001 and, 319–320
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
financial crisis of 1997-1998 and,
investment rate in, 202f
Thaler, Richard H., 521
Theory. See Economic models; specific
models and theories
Theory of liquidity preference,
301–303, 302f, 303f
Time horizons, macroeconomic,
Time inconsistency of policy, 454–456,
Tobacman, Jeremy, 520n
Tobin, James, 14, 533, 557n, 559n
Tobin’s q, 533–536, 535f, 538
Togo, investment rate in, 202f
Total factor productivity, 236, 250
Trade, NAFTA and, 359
Trade balances
bilateral, 124
definition of, 122
fiscal policy abroad and, 129–130,
fiscal policy at home and, 128–129,
international flows of capital and
goods and, 122–124, 123t
real exchange rate and, 137, 138f
shifts in investment demand and,
130f, 130–131
in United States, 131, 132f, 133–134
Trade deficits, 123
direction of capital flow and,
of South Korea, 131
twin, 133
of United States, 131, 132f, 133–134
Trade policy
effects of, 141–143, 142f
fixed exchange rates and, 354–355,
floating exchange rates and, 348, 349f
in large open economies, 159, 160f
Trade surpluses, 123
Transactions, quantity theory of money
and, 87–88
Transactions theories, 558–559
Transactions velocity of money, 86–87
Transfer payments, 27. See also Social
Security; Welfare
Transitory income, 514
Troubled Assets Relief Program
(TARP), 474–475
Tufte, Edward, 454n
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
inflation and money growth in, 91,
inflation and nominal interest rate in,
Twin deficits, 133
UAE. See United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Underground economy, 23
currencies and, 58
Underwater homeowners, 333
Unemployment, 163–187
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