| 591
break-even, 212
business fixed. See Business fixed
capital stock and, 195
components of, 525, 526f
crowding out of, 69
definition of, 28
demand for. See Investment demand
international variation in, 202f,
inventory, 525, 526f, 543–544
IS curve and, 298–299, 299f
neoclassical model of, 527
net, 530
residential. See Residential investment
in United States, 202f, 203
Investment demand, shifts in, 72–73,
73f, 130f, 130–131
in large open economies, 159, 159f
Investment function, 63, 63f
Investment tax credit, 533
Ireland, government debt of, 468t
IS curve, 289–301. See also IS–LM
fiscal policy and, 296–298, 299–301,
300f, 312f, 312–313, 314f
interest rate and investment and,
298–299, 299f
Keynesian cross and, 289–295
shocks to, 327–328
IS* curve, goods market and, 341–343,
IS–LM model, 271, 287–308, 288f,
311–336. See also IS curve; IS*
curve; LM curve; LM* curve
as aggregate demand theory, 321–325
credit crunches and, 539
fluctuations explained by, 312–321
Great Depression and, 326t–327t,
shocks in, 318–320
in short- and long-run, 324f,
short-run equilibrium and, 306–308,
inflation and nominal interest rate in,
inflation targeting in, 458
exchange rate of, 354
government debt of, 468t, 469
legal tradition in, 234
real GDP in, 237t
unemployment in, 180, 181f
Jamaica, population growth and income
per person in, 215f
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
collective bargaining in, 173t
Japan (continued)
economic growth in, 200, 201, 229
economic slump of 1990s in, 538
government debt of, 468t, 469
inflation in, 145f
investment rate in, 202f, 203
real GDP in, 237t
standard of living in, 192t
Johnson, Lyndon B., tax surcharge
under, 516
Johnson, Simon, 235
Jones, Charles I., 227n, 239n
Jordan, population growth and income
per person in, 215f
Jorgenson, Dale W., 35, 533n
Junk bonds, interest rates and, 64
Katz, Lawrence F., 169n, 171n, 175n
Kehoe, Patrick J., 478n
Kennedy, John F., tax cut under, 296
Kennickell, Arthur, 513n
Keynes, John Maynard, 287–288, 289,
326, 452, 460–461, 496
consumption function and, 496–500
on stock market speculation, 537
Keynesian cross, 289–295
equilibrium and, 291f, 291–292, 292f
government purchases and, 292–294,
293f, 297–298
planned expenditure and, 289–291,
taxes and, 294–296, 295f
King, Robert G., 234n
King, Stephen R., 396n
Klenow, Peter J., 227n
Knowledge spillovers, 233
Kochin, Levis A., 71n
Kremer, Michael, 217
Kremerian model, 217
Krueger, Alan, 171n
Krugman, Paul R., 182n, 334n
Kuznets, Simon, 498–499
Kydland, Finn E., 463n
Labor, 47. See also Unemployment;
Unemployment rate; Unions
efficiency of, 222–223
increases in, economic growth and,
marginal product of, 51–53, 52f, 54f
ratio of labor income to total income
from 1960-2007 in United States
and, 58, 59f
Labor augmentation, 223
Labor-augmenting technological
progress, 223
Labor force
definition of, 36
transitions into and out of, 179–180,
in United States, 178
Labor-force participation rate
definition of, 37
trends in, 38f, 38–39
in United States, 38f, 38–39
Labor hoarding, 253
Labor productivity
depletion of ideas and, 238
measurement of, 236–237
oil prices and, 237
real wages and, 59–60, 60t
slowdown of, 236–238, 237t
unemployment and, 178–179
worker quality and, 237–238
Lags in implementation and effects of
policies, 447–448
Laibson, David I., 521n
instant gratification and, 519–521
Laidler, David, 563n
La Porta, Rafael, 234n
Large open economies, 153–161
fiscal policy and, 375f, 375–376
model of, 155–157
monetary policy and, 376f, 376–377
net capital inflow and, 153–155, 154f
short-run model of, 373–378, 374f
United States as, 149–150
Laspeyres indexes, 33–34
Latin America. See also specific countries
defaults of, 488
legal tradition in, 234
Law of one price, 145–146
Leading indicators, 261–264, 448
index of, 263
Learning by doing, 233
Lebow, David E., 268n
Legal system, 234
Leisure, rise in Europe, 184f, 184–186
Lender of last resort, 554
Lesotho, population growth and
income per person in, 215f
Level effect, 201
Leverage, 555–556
Leverage ratio, 555
Levine, Ross, 234n
contingent, 474
uncounted, measurement of govern-
ment debt and, 474
Life-cycle hypothesis, 509–513
consumption and saving of the
elderly and, 512–513
implications of, 511f –513f, 511–512
Lilien, David M., 179n
Liquidity, 81
Liquidity constraint, 507–509, 508f, 509f
Liquidity preference, theory of,
301–303, 302f, 303f
Liquidity trap, 334
Littlefield, Henry M., 105n
Living standard. See Gross domestic
product (GDP); Standard of living
LM curve, 289, 301–305. See also
IS–LM model
income and money demand and,
304–305, 305f
monetary policy and, 303–304, 305,
306f, 313–315, 314f
shocks to, 328–331
theory of liquidity preference and,
301–303, 302f, 303f
LM* curve, money market and, 343,
Loanable funds, 67–68
market for, in large open economy,
155–156, 156f
Long run, short run versus, 265–266
Long-run aggregate supply curve
(LRAS), 272f, 272–273, 273f
Long-run equilibrium
AD-AS model and, 418
IS –LM model and, 324 f, 324–325
Long-run growth, AD-AS model and,
423f, 423–424
Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio, 234n
Loss function, 463
LRAS. See Long-run aggregate supply
curve (LRAS)
Lucas, Robert E., Jr., 14, 135n, 239n,
384, 385, 450–451
Lucas critique, 450–451
Luddites, 243
government debt of, 468t, 469
investment rate in, 202f
population growth and income per
person in, 215f
MacCulloch, Robert J., 184n
Macroeconomic models, policy analysis
with, 317–318, 318t
definition of, 3
most important lessons of,
questions studied by, 3–6
unresolved questions of, 570–574
Madison, James, 467
Madrian, Brigitte, 521n
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
direction of flow and, 134
Malthus, Thomas Robert, 216
Mankiw, N. Gregory, 227n, 231n, 232n,
254n, 384n, 385n, 518n
Mann, Catherine L., 134n
Marginal product, diminishing, 52
Marginal product of capital (MPK),
53–54, 57–58
Marginal product of labor (MPL),
51–53, 52f, 54f, 57–58
Marginal propensity to consume
(MPC), 62, 496
Marginal rate of substitution, 503
Market clearing, 12–13
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