A meeting -
Why are you so late? – Nega buncha ushlanib qolding?
We had a meeting at the Institute today – Institutimizda yig’ilish bor edi.
What sort of meeting was it? – Qanaqa yig’ilish?
It was production meeting of our faculty – Fakultetimiz tashkillashtirgan yig’ilish edi.
Where did the meeting take place? – Yig’ilish qayerda bo’ldi?
When the meeting begin? – Yig’ilish qachon boshlandi?
It began at about five minutes past four. By four o’clock most of the teachers and students had already gathered in the hall which was quite packed – Taxminan 4:05da boshlandi. To’rtlar atrofida to’lgan zalda ko’pgina o’qituvchi, talabalar yig’ilgan edi.
Who opened the meeting? – Kim yig’ilishni ochib berdi?
Are people elected to the presidium by secret ballot? – Odamlar yashirin ovoz berish yo’li bilan saylanadimi?
Who was finally elected? – Oxiri kim saylandi?
Pavlov was elected by a majority vote and Stefanov was elected unanimously – Pavlov ko’p miqdorda ovoz to’pladi, Stefanov esa bir ovozdan saylandi.
Who acted as chairman? – O’rinbosar etib kim tayinlandi?
Stefanov did – Stefanov.
Who was the first speak? – Kim birinchi bo’lib so’zga chiqdi?
The floor was given to Orlov, our dean who spoke about the coming examinations – Birinchi so’z imtihonlar yaqinligini eslatgan dekanimiz Orlovga berildi.
You know Mikhailova, don’t you? – Mixailovani taniysiz-a?
Yes, of course – Ha, albatta.
Well, she proposed a motion about the best way to prepare for the exams – U imtihonlarga qanday qilib yaxshi tayyorlanish kerak ekanligi haqidagi fikrni taklif qildi.
Was the motion carried? – Taklif qabul qilindimi?
Yes, it was. Several people spoke in favour of it, certain things were added, and there were no subjections, as for as I remember – Ha, qabul qilindi. Ko’pchilik uning ahamiyati haqida gapirishdi, tarkibida asosiy narsalar o’rin olgan, eslashimcha, qarshiliklar bo’lmadi.
To put the nominees to the vote – Nomzodni qo’yish.
To abstain from voting – saylashdan mahrum qilish.
To have the floor – ovozga ega bo’lish
To take the floor – ovoz olish
Open ballot – ochiq saylov
To take the floor – ovoz olish
To take announcement at meeting – yig’ilishda ma’ruza qilmoq
To put forward a motion – taklif kiritmoq
To put a matter to the vote – saylovda muammo keltirib chiqarish
Show of hands – qo’lni ko’tarish orqali ochiq saylov
To differ/to disagree, to dissent, to have a different opinion – so’zidan qaytmaslik, bir so’zli bo’lish
To object to - …ga qarshilik bildirmoq
To take a vote on a point – saylashga to’siq qo’yish
Dissenting opininon – muhim g’oya
As a basis/in principle - …ga muvofiq
Closing statement – yakunlovchi so’z
Addition – qo’shimcha
Point of information – ma’lumotlar uchun so’z
Amendment – o’zgartirish
An other Business – “turli xil”
Local organizations – mahalliy tashkilotlar
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