She has a fairy complexion.
Is there an old woman?
No, there is not an old woman.
Is there a widow?
No, there is not a widow too. Is there a young girl?
Yes, there is a young girl.
Is her name Ann?
No, her name is not Ann. What is her name?
Her name is Josephine. Josephina?
Yigirma yoshli Josefina ismli qiz Angliyadan.
U baland bo‘ylik, ozg‘in, sariq sochli va moviy ko‘zli qiz.
U oq tanli qiz.
U yerda qari ayol bormi?
Yo‘q, u yerda qari ayol yo‘q.
U yerda beva ayol bormi? Yo‘q, u yerda beva ayol yo‘q. U yerda yosh qiz bormi?
Ha, u yerda yosh qiz bor. Uning ismi Annami?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Anna emas. Uning ismi nima?
Uning ismi Josefina.
Yes, her eyes are blue.
Wow, does she have a fair complexion?
Yes, she has have a fair complexion.
She is a teacher.
She Is an English teacher. She works at school.
She is fond of her profession So, is she a model?
No, she is not a model.
Mmm, is she an actress?
No, she is not an actress, too.
No, Josephina. J-O-S-E-P-H- I-N-E.
Is she American?
No, she is not American.
Is she English?
Yes, she is English.
Is she fat and short?
No, she is not fat and short. Is she tall and thin?
Yes, she is tall and thin.
Is she brunette?
No, she is not brunette.
Is she blonde?
Yes, she is blonde.
Oh nice, are her eyes blue?
Yo‘q Josefma. J-O-S-E-F-l- N-A
U Amerikalikmi?
Yc/q, u Amerikalik emas.
U Inglizmi?
Ha, u Ingliz.
U semiz va pakanami?
Yo4q, u semiz va pakana emas. U baland bo‘yli ozg‘inmi?
Ha, u baland bo‘yli ozg‘in.
U qora sochlimi?
Yo‘q, u qora sochli emas.
U sariq sochlimi?
Ha, u sariq sochli.
Qanday ajoyib, uning ko‘zlari moviymi?
Ha, uning ko‘zlari moviy. Qoyil, u oqtanlimi?
Ha, u oqtanli.
U o‘qituvchi.
U Ingliz tili o‘qituvchisi. U maktabda ishlaydi.
U o‘z kasbini yoqtiradi.
Unda u qiz modelyermi? Yo'q, u modelyermas.
U aktrisami?
Yo6q, u aktrisa ham emas.
Oh, in that case,what is her profession?
She is a teacher.
Is she a math teacher?
No, she is not a math teacher.
Is she an art teacher?
No, she is not an art teacher, too.
Ok, what is her job?
She is an English teacher.
Does she work at a university?
No, she does not work at a university.
Does she work at a school?
Yes, she works at a school.
Does she like her job?
Yes, she is fond of her profession.
She is fed up with the school methods and she decides to leave this school and go to foreign countries.
Does she like teaching methods?
No, she does not like teaching methods.
Are they boring ?
Yes, they are boring.
Unday bo'Isa uning kasbi nima boiadi?
U o‘qituvchi.
U matematika o‘qituvchisimi?
Yo’q, u matematika o‘qituvchisi emas.
U rasm o‘qituvchisimi?
Yo‘q, u rasm o‘qituvchisi ham emas.
Uning kasbi nima?
U Ingliz tili fani o‘qituvchisi.
U universitetda ishlaydimi?
Yo‘q, u universitetda ishlamaydi.
U maktabda ishlaydimi?
Ha, u maktabda ishlaydi.
Unga kasbi yoqadimi?
Ha, u kasbini yoqtiradi.
U maktab uslublaridan zerikadi va maktabni tashlab chet davlatga kedshga qaror qiladi.
Unga o‘qitish uslubi yoqadimi?
Yo‘q, u o‘qitish uslubini yoqtirmaydi.
Ular zerikarli mi?
Ha, ular zerikarli.
Why does she not leave the school?
Why not, she leaves the school.
Does she change her profession?
No, she does not change her job.
So, what does she plan?
Well, she leaves the school and goes to foreign countries.
She wants to teach English in non English speaking counties.
She goes to Russia.
So, where does she go?
She goes to Russia.
Why does she go to Russia?
Because she wants to teach English in non English speaking countries.
She is a professional teacher. Her knowledge is also perfect.
She is a native speaker, therefore.
Nega u maktabni tashlab ketmaydi?
Nega endi, u maktabni tashlab ketadi.
U kasbini o‘zgartiradimi?
Yo‘q, u kasbini o‘zgartirmaydi.
Ho‘sh, u nimani rejalashtiradi?
Ho‘p, u maktabni tark etadi va chet davlatga ketadi.
U Ingliz tilini Ingliz tilida so‘zlashmaydigan mamlakatlarda o‘qitishni xohlaydi.
U Rossiyaga boradi.
Shunday qilib u qayerga boradi?
U Rossiyaga boradi.
U nega Rossiyaga boradi? Chunki u Ingliz tilini Ingliz tilida so‘zlashmaydigan mamlakatlarda o‘qitishni xohlaydi.
U malakali o6qituvchi. Uning bilimi ham zo6r.
U bu tilda mukammal so‘zlasha oladi.
She speaks English fluently.
Is she an average teacher?
No, she is a professional teacher.
If so, her knowledge is also good, right?
Yes, her knowledge is also perfect.
Is she able to speak fluently? Yes, she speaks fluently.
Because she is a native speaker.
But she has a problem.
Her problem is that she will have no experience to teach English to foreign students, whose language is not English.
Does she have a problem?
Yes, she has a problem.
What kind of a problem?
Her problem is that she has no experience to teach English to foreign students.
Why is she not able to teach foreign students?
U bu tilda erkin gapiasha oladi.
U о ‘ rtamiyona о ‘ qituvchimi? Yo‘q, u malakali 0‘qituvchi.
Agar shunday bo4 Isa uning bilimi ham yaxshi, to‘g‘rimi?
Ha, uning bilimi mukammal.
U ravon gapira oladimi?
Ha, u bemalol gapiasha oladi. Qanday qilib?
Chunki u mahalliy til egasi.
Lekin uning muammosi bor.
Uning muammosi shundaki, unda ingliz tilida gapirmaydigan chet el talabalarini o£qitish tajribasi yo‘q.
Unda muammo bormi?
Ha, unda muammo bor.
Unda qanday muammo bor? Uning muammosi chet el talabalarini o‘qitish tajribasi yo‘qligidadir.
Nega u chet el talabalarini o‘qita olmaydi?
Because she lived and worked only in an English-speaking country.
Then she goes to Uzbekistan.
In Uzbekistan she looks for new teaching methods.
She goes to secondary schools, universities and language centers.
So, what does she do then?
Then she goes to Uzbekistan.
Why does she go to Uzbekistan?
Because she looks for the new teaching methods in teaching English to foreign students.
Where does she go in Uzbekistan?
She goes to various schools, universities, and language centers.
But she can’t find a useful method.
So she decides to get back to England.
Can she find useful methods? No, unfortunately, she can’t find a useful method.
Chunki u oldin faqat ingliz tilida so‘zlashadigan mamlakatda yashagan va ishlagan.
So‘ng u O‘zbekistonga boradi.
O‘zbekistonda u yangi o4qitish uslubini qidiradi.
U maktab, universitetlar va til markazlarga boradi.
Ho‘sh, keyin u nima qiladi? Keyin u 0‘zbekistonga boradi.
Nega u 0‘zbekistonga boradi?
Chunki u chet el talabalarini o‘qitish bo‘yicha yangi uslub izlayotgandi.
U 0‘zbekistonda qayerlarga boradi?
U turli hil maktablar, universitetlar, va til markazlariga boradi.
Lekin u foydali uslubni topa olmaydi.
Va u Angiiyaga qaytishga qaror qiladi.
U foydali uslub topa oladimi?
Yo‘q, afsuski u foydali uslubni topa olmaydi.
Hmm, what does she do then?
Does she go to China?
No, she doesn’t go to China, She decides to get back to England.
She puts all her things in her bag.
On the way to the airport she gets into the traffic jam.
She gets off the car and searches another way to the airport.
Does she get back to England?
No, unfortunately on the way to the airport she gets into the traffic jam.
Suddenly, she meets a nice guy and she says that she lost her way.
The boy helps her.
On the way Josephine tells her issue to that boy.
Does somebody help her?
Yes, when she gets off the car she meets a nice guy.
Does an old man help her?
No, a nice guy helps her.
Keyin u nima qiladi?
U Xitoyga ketadimi?
Yo‘q, u Xitoyga ketmaydi, u Angliyaga qaytishga qaror qiladi.
U hamma narsasini jama donga joylaydi.
Aeraportga ketayotib u tirbandlikka tushib qoladi. U mashinadan tushib aeraportga borish uchun boshqa yo‘I qidiradi.
U Angliyaga qaytib ketadimi? Yo‘q, afsuski aeraportga ketayotib tirbandlikka tushib qoladi.
Birdan u ajoyib bir yigitni ko‘rib qoladi va yo‘lni yo4qotib qo‘yganini aytadi. Yigit unga yordam beradi. Yo6l bo‘yi Josefina muammo- sini o‘sha bolaga aytib beradi.
Kim dir unga yordam beradimi?
Ha, mashinadan tushganida u ajoyib bir yigitni ко‘rib qoladi.
Qari odam unga yordam beradimi?
Yo‘q, ajoyib bola yordam beradi.
Does she share her problems with that boy?
Yes, she tells her issue and purpose of coming to Uzbekistan.
Fortunately, the boy is the owner of the company named “Good club” Innovational school of languages.
Does that boy understand her? Yes, he understands her.
How can he feel her problem?
Because he is a teacher, too; he is the owner of the company named Good Club innovational school of languages.
He invites her to his innovational school.
She is informed the new methods by Good club’s teachers.
How does he help her?
Well, he invites her to this innovational school.
Does that boy have a special teaching method?
U bola bilan muammolarini bo‘lishadimi?
Ha, u muammosini va 0‘zbekistonga kelish sababini ham aytadi.
Bahtiga u bola “Good club” innovatsion til maktabi boshligi bo‘ladi.
U bola uni tushunadimi?
Ha, u uni tushunadi.
U uning muammosini qanday his qiladi?
Chunki u ham o‘qituvchi ham Good Club innovatsion til markazi direktori edi.
U uni o‘z innovatsion maktabiga taklif qiladi.
Unga Good club o‘qituvchilari tomonidan yangi uslub haqida ma’lumot beriladi.
U unga qanday yordam beradi?
Yaxshi, u uni o‘z innovatsion maktabiga taklif etadi.
U bolaning maxsus o‘qitish uslubi boiadimi?
Yes, he has a special teaching method.
Does he explain to her?
No, he does not explain it, she is explained by Good Club’s teachers.
She likes that method and she finds it very useful.
Having learnt new method she can learn to speak Russian also.
Does she like that method?
Yes, she finds it very useful.
Does she want to use this method?
Yes, she wants to use this method.
Ha, uning maxsus o‘qitish uslubi bo'ladi.
U buni unga tushuntiradimi?
Yo‘q, u buni unga tushuntirmaydi, unga buni Good Club o'qituvchilari tushuntirishadi.
Unga bu uslub juda yoqadi, va u buni juda foydali deb topadi.
Bu uslubni o6rganib u rus tilini ham o‘rgana oladi.
Unga bu uslub yoqadimi?
Ha, u buni foydali deb topadi.
U bu uslubdan foydalanishni xohlaydimi?
Ha, u bundan foydalanishni xohlaydi.
Lesson 2.2 P.O.V 2.2 New method
you knowlhattHie P'°'V leSSO"' Ы tHe P0-V leSSOn 1 think you know what I want you to do. So stand up and pull vour
ouldersback, put your chin up and eyes up. Move your body. 'П. movmS right now and you can do it with me. Have huge on your face after that breathe deeply. After some time
7eeUne 8° J r feel W°nderfUl afier 4'5 min“‘es- V У°u are feeling wonderful, if you are in the peak emotional state and if
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