case breathe deeply, jump, run ok?! And listen carefully so let
Gloria wanted to be a dancer.
But she couldn’t dance.
She wanted to participate in the dance competition.
Was there a boy?
No, there wasn’t a boy.
Was there a girl?
Yes, there was a girl.
Was there a boy or a girl?
There was a girl.
Was her name Ann ?
No, her name was not Ann.
Was her name Jessica?
No, her name was not Jessica.
What was her name?
dance but please don *t sit still r go!!!
Gloria raqqosa bo‘lmoqchi edi.
Lekin u raqsga tusha olmaydi.
U raqs musobaqasida qatnashishni xohlardi.
U yerda o‘g‘il bola bor edimi?
Yo4q, o‘g‘il bola yo‘q edi.
U yerda qiz bor edimi?
Ha, u yerda qiz bor edi.
U yerda o‘g‘il bola bor edimi, yoki qiz bola?
U yerda qiz bola bor edi.
Uning ismi Anna edimi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Anna emas edi.
Uning ismi Jessika edimi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Jessika emas edi. ,
Uning ismi nima edi?
Her name was Gloria.
Whose name was Gloria?
The girls name was Gloria. Did she want to sing a song?
No, she didn’t sing a song.
Did she want to be an actress?
No, she did not want to be an actress.
What did she want to be?
She wanted to be a dancer. Who wanted to be a dancer?
Gloria wanted to be a dancer.
Did Monica want to be a dancer?
No, not Monica. Gloria did. She was Gloria.
The Gloria wanted to be a dancer.
Could she dance?
No, she could not dance.
Because she was not a dancer. She wanted to be a dancer.
Did she want to participate in a meeting?
Uning ismi Gloria edi.
Kiinning ismi Gloria edi.
Qizning ismi Gloria edi.
U qo‘shiq kuylashni xohladimi?
Yo‘q, u qo‘shiq kuylashni xohlamadi.
U aktrisa bo‘lishni xohladimi?
Yo‘q, u aktrisa bo4lishni xohlamadi.
U kim bo‘lishni xohladi?
U raqqosa bo‘lishni xohladi.
Kim raqqosa bo‘lishni xohladi?
Gloria raqqosa bo‘lishni xohladi.
Monika raqqosa bo4 lishni xohladimi?
Yo‘q, Monika emas, Gloria.
U Gloria edi.
Gloria raqqosa bo‘lishni xohladi.
U raqsga tusha olarmidi?
Yo‘q, u raqsga tusha olmas edi.
Chunki u raqqosa emas edi.
U raqqosa bo‘lishni xohlardi.
U majlisda qatnashishni xohladimi?
No, she did not want to participate in a meeting.
Where did she want to participate?
She wanted to participate in a dance competition.
Who wanted to participate in a dance competition?
Gloria wanted to participate in the dance competition.
But the problem was she couldn’t dance.
She needed a dancing coach. She went to the U.S.A.
Did she have a problem?
Yes, she had a problem.
What was her problem?
Her problem was she could not dance.
Did she need a friend?
No, she didn’t need a friend.
Did she need money?
No, she didn’t need money.
Did she need a dancing coach?
Yes, she needed a dancing coach.
Yo‘q, majlisda qatnashishni xohlamadi.
U qayerda qatnashishni xohladi?
U raqs musobaqasida qatnashishni xohladi.
Kim raqs musobaqasida qatnashishni xohladi.
Gloria raqs musobaqasida qatnashishni xohladi.
Lekin muammo uning raqsga tusha olmasligida edi.
Unga raqs ustozi kerak edi. U AQShga bordi.
Uning muammosi bor edimi?
Ha, uning muammosi bor edi.
Uning muammosi nima edi?
Uning muammosi raqsga tusha olmasligi edi.
Unga do‘st kerak edimi?
Yo‘q, unga do'st kerak emas edi.
Unga pul kerak edimi?
Yo‘q, unga pul kerak emas edi.
Unga raqs ustozi kerak edimi?
Ha, unga raqs ustozi kerak edi.
Why did she need a dancing coach?
Because she wanted to be a dancer. She wanted to participate in the dance competition.
Did she go to a dance school?
No, she didn’t go to dance school.
Where did she go?
She decided to go to another country.
Did she go to Brazil?
No she didn’t goto Brazil. Did she go to Japan?
No she didn’t go to Japan. Where did she go?
She went to the U S A.
Did she go to the USA to work?
No, she didn’t go to the USA to work.
Why did she go there?
She wanted to be a dancer. Who wanted to be a dancer?
Gloria wanted to be a dancer.
Nimaga unga raqs ustozi kerak edi?
Chunki u raqqosa bo‘lmoqchi edi. U raqs musobaqasida qatnashmoqchi edi.
U raqs maktabiga borgan edimi?
Yo'q, u raqs maktabiga bormadi.
U qayerga bordi?
U boshqa davlatga borishga qaror qildi.
U Braziliyaga bordimi?
Yo‘q, u Braziliyaga bormadi. U Yaponiyaga bordimi?
Yo4q, u Yaponiyaga bormadi. U qayerga bordi?
U AQSh ga bordi.
U AQShga ishlagani bordimi?
Yo4q, u AQShga ishlagani bormadi.
U nimaga u yerga bordi?
U raqqosa bo*lishni xohladi. Kim raqqosa bo4 lishni xohladi?
Glorida raqqosa bo4 lishni xohladi.
In the USA she met a dancing coach named Lili. She said to Lili: “please teach me how to dance”.
In the USA did she meet with a boxing coach?
No, she didn’t meet with a boxing coach.
Did she meet with an English coach?
No, she didn’t meet with an English coach.
Who did she meet in the USA?
She met with a dancing coach.
Did she meet with a dancing coach in China?
No, she didn’t meet with a dancing coach in china.
Where did she meet with a dancing coach?
She met with a dancing coach in the USA.
Why did she meet with a dancing coach?
Because she wanted to be a dancer.
What was the coach’s name? The coach’s name was Lili. Was Lili a singer?
AQSh da u Lili ismli ustozni uchratdi. U Liliga: “Iltimos menga qanday qilib raqsga tushishkerakligini o‘rgatmg” - dedi.
AQShda boks ustozi bilan ko‘rishdimi?
Yo‘q, u boks ustozi bilan ko'rishmadi.
U Ingliz tili ustozi bilan ko‘rishdimi?
Yo‘q, u Ingliz tili ustozi bilan ko^ishmadi.
U AQShda kim bilan ko‘rishdi? '
U raqs ustozi bilan ko'rishdi.
U raqs ustozi bilan Xitoyda ko‘rishdimi?
Yo‘q, u rasq ustozi bilan Xitoyda ko‘rishmadi.
U raqs ustozi bilan qayerda ko‘rishdi?
U raqs ustozi bilan AQShda ko‘rishdi.
Nimaga u raqs ustozi bilan ko‘rishdi?
Chunki u raqqosa boiishni xohladi.
Ustozning ismi nima edi? Ustozning ismi Lili edi.
Lili qo‘shiqchi edimi?
No, Lili was not a singer.
Who was Lili?
Lili was a dancer.
Was she from France?
No, she was not from France. Where was she from?
She was from America.
Who was from America? Dancing coach Lili was from America.
Did she say to Lili to give her money?
No, she didn’t say that.
Did she ask to teach her how to sing?
No, she didn’t say teach me how to sing a song.
What did she say to her?
She asked to teach her how to dance.
Who asked to teach her how to dance?
The Gloria said to teach her how.
Did she say that to Ann?
No, Ann was not a dancing coach.
She said it to Lili.
Then what did she do?
Lili qo‘shiqchi ema§ edi.
Lili kim edi?
Lili raqqosa edi.
U Fransiyadan edimi?
Yo‘q, u Fransiyadan emas edi. U qayerdan edi?
U Amerikadan edi.
Kim Amerikadan edi?
Raqs ustozi Lili Amerikadan edi.
U Liliga “Iltimos menga pul bering” dedimi?
Yo‘q, u bunday demadi.
U “qanday kuylashni o‘rgating menga”- dedimi?
Yo‘q, u menga qanday qilib qo‘shiq kuylashni o‘rgating demadi.
U unga (ustozga) nima dedi? U “menga qanday qilib raqsga tushishni o‘rgat” dedi.
Kim qanday qilib raqsga tushishni o‘rgat menga dedi? Qanday qilib rasqga tushishni o‘rgat deb Gloria aytdi.
U buni Annaga aytdimi?
Yo‘q, Anna raqs ustozi emas edi.
U buni Liliga aytdi.
Keyin u nima qildi?
Then she started learning how to dance.
Every day she practiced dancing.
Did she start boxing?
No, she didn’t start boxing.
Did she start business?
No, she didn’t start business.
Did she start learning English?
No, she didn’t start learning English.
Did she start swimming?
No, she didn’t start swimming.
What did she start doing?
She started learning how to dance.
Did she learn how to dance by reading?
No, she didn’t learn dancing by reading.
How did she start learning dancing?
She started by practicing.
Did she practice dancing twice a week?
Keyin u qanday qilib raqsga tushishni o‘rganishni boshiadi. Har kuni u raqsga tushishni mashq qildi.
U boksni boshladimi?
Yo‘q, u boksni boshlamadi.
U biznesni boshladimi?
Yo‘q, u biznesni boshlamadi.
U Ingliz tili o4rganishni boshladimi?
Yo‘q, u Ingliz tili o‘rganishni boshlamadi.
U suzishni boshladimi?
Yo‘q, u suzishni boshlamadi.
U nima qilishni boshiadi?
U qanday qilib raqsga tushishni boshiadi.
U qanday qilib raqsga tushishni o‘qishdan boshladimi?
Yo‘q, u raqsga tushishni o‘qishdan boshmadi.
U raqsga tushishni oTganishni qanday boshiadi?
U mashq qilishdan boshiadi.
U raqsga tushishni haftada
marta mashq qilishdan boshladimi?
maria mashq
'o. she didn! practice twice Yo‘q. u haftada 2
a week. qilmadi.
Did she practice ooce a week”» U haftada I marta mashq
No, she didn *t practice on с с a week.
Did she practice 3 times a week?
No, of course not.
She didn ’t practice 3 times a week.
How often did she practice dancing?
She practiced every day.
Did she practice singing every day?
No, she didn't practice singing every day.
NV hat did she practice every day>
She practiced dancing every day.
She practiced how to move her arm. how to move her body, how to step, how to walk. She practiced dancing in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.
Vo q, и haftada 1 marta mashq qilmai.
U haftada 3 marta mashq qildimi?
Yo*q, aJbatta yo*q,
U haftada 3 marta mashq qilmadi.
L raqsga tushishni necha marta mashq qildi?
L1 har Ik uni mashq qildi.
U har kuni qo‘shiq kuylashni mashq qildimi?
Vo’q, u bar kuni qo'shiq kuylashni mashq qilmadi.
U har kuni nimani mashq qildi?
har kuni raqsea tushishni mashq qildi.
qo'lini, tanasini qanday qilib barakatlantiiishni, qanday qilib qadam bosishni, qanday qilib yurishni mashq qildi. U ertalab, kundu/i. kechki payt raqsga tushishni mashq
Did she practice how to
No, she didn’t practice how to speak.
Did she practice how to drive?
No she didn’t practice how to drive.
Did she practice how to sing?
No, she did not practice how to sing.
What did she practice?
She practiced how to dance. She practiced how to move an arm, how to move legs and how to step.
Did she practice how to run?
No, she did not practice how to run.
She practiced how to walk. Did Alice practiced?
No, she wasn’t Alice.
Who practiced dancing?
U qanday gapirishni mashq qildimi?
Yo'q, u qanday gapirishni mashq qilmadi.
U qanday qilib mashina haydashni mashq qildimi?
Yo‘q, и qanday qilib mashina haydashni mashq qilmadi.
U qanday qilib qo'shiq aytishni mashq qildimi?
Yo:q, u qanday qilib qo‘shiq aytishni mashq qilmadi.
U nimani mashq qildi?
U qanday qilib raqsga tushishni mashq qildi.
U qanday qilib qo‘llami, oyoqlami harakatga keltirishni, qanday qilib qadam bosishlami mashq qildi.
U qanday qilib yugurishni mashq qildi?
Yo‘q, u qanday qilib yugurishni mashq qilmadi.
U qanday qilib yurishni mashq qildi.
Alis mashq qildimi?
Yo‘q, u Alis emas edi.
Kim raqsga tushishni mashq qildi?
Gloria practiced dancing.
Did she practice dancing only in the afternoon?
No, not only in the afternoon.
Did she practice only on Monday?
No, not only on Monday. But every day.
How often?
Every day.
Did she practice in the morning only?
No, she practiced not only in the morning but also in the afternoon and in the evening. She practiced dancing without stopping.
Why did she practice without stopping?
Because she had a huge desire to be a dancer.
Did she want to be an average dancer?
No, she did not want to be an average dancer.
What kind of a dancer did she want to be?
She wanted to be the best dancer in the world.
Gloria raqsga tushishni mashq qildi.
U raqsga tushishni faqat kunduzi mashq qildimi?
Yo‘q, nafaqat kundizi.
U faqat dushanba kuni mashq qildimi?
Yo‘q, nafaqat dushanba kuni, balki har kuni mashq qildi.
Qanchada bir?
Har kuni.
U faqat ertalab mashq qildimi?
Yo‘q, nafaqat ertalab, balki kunduzi, kechki payt ham mashq qildi.
U to‘htovsiz raqsga tushishni mashq qildi.
Nimaga u to‘htovsiz mashq qildi?
Chunki uning raqqosa bolish xohishi judayam katta edi.
U o‘rtacha raqqosa bo‘lishni xohlarmidi?
Yo‘q, u o‘rtacha raqqosa bo lishni xohlamadi.
Qanday raqqosa bolmoqchi edi?
U dunyodagi eng zo‘r raqqosa bolmoqchi edi.
Who wanted to be the best dancer in the world'?
Gloria wanted to be the best dancer in the world.
Did she want to be the best singer in the world?
No, not a dancer, she wanted to be the best dancer.
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