U ayol edimi?
U ayol emas edi.
U bolakay edimi?
Yo‘q, u bolakay emas edi.
Unda kishi edimi?
Ha, u erkak kishi edi.
U yerda erkakmidi, yoki ayol?
U yerda erkak edi.
Uning ismi Robert edimi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Robert emas edi.
Uning ismi Ashermidi?
here was a man. His name was John. He was a wood cutter. He worked for a company for 5 years but never got a promotion.
Was there a woman?
No, there was not a woman.
Was there a boy?
No, there was not a boy.
Was there a man?
Yes, there was a man.
Was there a man or a woman?
There was a man.
Was his name Robert?
No, his name was not Robert
Was his name Usher?
No, his name wasn’t Usher.
What was his name?
His name was John.
Whose name was John?
The man’s name was John.
Was he a carpenter?
No, he wasn’t carpenter.
Was he a blacksmith?
No, he wasn’t a blacksmith.
What was he?
He was a woodcutter.
Was John a woodcutter?
Yes, he was a woodcutter
Who was a woodcutter?
John was a woodcutter.
Did he work for a company?
Yes, he worked for a company.
Where did he work?
He worked for a company
How long did he work for a company?
He worked for a company for 5 years.
Did he work for 7 years?
No, he worked for 5 years.
Where did he work for 5 years?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Asher emas edi.
Uning ismi nima edi?
Uning ismi Jon edi.
Kimning ismi Jon edi? Kishining ismi Jon edi.
U duradgor edimi?
Yo‘q, u duradgor emas edi.
U taqachi edimi?
Yo‘q, u taqachi emas edi.
U kim edi?
U naqqosh edi.
Jon naqqosh edimi?
Ha, u naqqosh edi.
Kim naqqosh edi?
Jon naqqosh edi.
U kompaniyada ishlar edimi? Ha, u kompaniyada ishlar edi.
U qayerda ishlar edi?
U kompaniyada ishlar edi.
U kompaniyada qancha ishlagan edi?
U kompaniyda 5 yil ishlagan
U 7 yil ishlagan edimi?
Yo‘q, u 5 yil ishlagan edi.
U qayerda 5 yil ishlagan edi?
He worked for a company for 5 years.
Who worked for a company for 5 years?
John worked for a company for 5 years.
Did he get a promotion?
No he didn’t get a promotion.
The company hired a new worker. His name was Bill. Bill got a raise within a year.
What did company do?
The company hired a new worker
Did company hire a new manager?
No, the company hired a new woodcutter.
Was his name Joseph?
No, his name wasn’t Joseph.
What was his name?
His name was Bill.
Who was Bill? Was he a new director?
No, he wasn’t a new director. He was a new woodcutter.
Who was new woodcutter?
Bill was a new woodcutter.
Was John a newr woodcutter?
www.booknomy.uz U kompaniyada 5 yil ishladi.
Kim kompaniyada 5 yil ishladi?
Jon kompaniyada 5 yil ishladi.
U ishxonasida ko‘tarildimi?
Yo‘q, u ko‘tarilmadi.
Kompaniya yangi ishchi yo‘lladi. Uning ismi Bill edi. U 1 yilga qolmasdan ko4arildi.
Kompaniya nima qildi? Kompaniya yangi ishchi oldi.
Kompaniya yangi manager olgan edimi?
Yo‘q, kompaniya yangi naqqoshni ishga olgan edi.
Uning ismi Jozef edimi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Jozef emas edi.
Uning ismi nima edi?
Uning ismi Bill edi.
Bill kim edi? U yangi direktor edimi?
Yo‘q, u yangi direktor emas edi. U yangi naqqosh edi.
Kim yangi naqqosh edi.
Bill yangi naqqosh edi.
Jon yangi naqqosh edimi?
No, John was an old woodcutter.
Did Bill get a raise within a year?
Yes, he got a raise within a year.
Did John, get a raise within a year?
No, John didn’t get a raise within a year.
Who got a raise within a year?
Bill got a raise within a year.
Did he get a raise within a month?
No, he got a raise within a year.
This caused resentment in John and he went to his boss to talk about it. The boss said: “You are still cutting the same number of trees you were cutting 5 years ago. We are a result-oriented company and we would be happy to give you a raise if your productivity goes up”.
What did cause it?
Yo‘q, Jon eski naqqosh edi.
Bill bir yil ichida ko‘tarildimi?
Ha, u bir yil ichida ko‘tarildi.
Jon bir yil ichida ko‘tarildimi?
Yo‘q, Jon bir yil ichida ko4tarilmadi.
Kim bir yil ichida ko‘tarildi? Bill bir yil ichida ko‘tarildi.
U bir oy ichida ko‘tarildimi?
Yo‘q, u bir yil ichida ko‘tarildi.
Bu Jonni qattiq achchiqlanishiga sabab bo‘ldi va u bu masalani boshlig4 bilan gaplashdi. Boshlig‘i: “Sen 5 yil oldingi miqdorda darahtlarga naqsh solyapsan. Biz natijani mo‘ljalga olgan kompaniyamiz va biz seni ko6tarishdan bahtiyor bo‘lardik agar seni ishingni unumdorligi ko6tarilganida”- dedi.
Bu nimaga sabab boidi?
This caused resentment in John and he went to his boss to talk about it.
Where did he go?
He went to his boss.
Why did he go to his boss?
He had resentment. He wanted to talk about it.
Who wanted to talk about it?
John wanted to talk about it.
With whom did he want to talk?
He wanted to talk with his boss.
What did his boss say?
His boss said: “you are cutting the same number of trees you were cutting 5 years ago. We are a result-oriented company and we would be happy to give you a raise if your productivity goes up”.
Did his boss say they would give him a raise the next day?
Bu Jonning qattiq jahlini chiqishiga sabab bo‘ldi va u boshlig‘i bilan bu haqida gaplashishga kirishdi.
U qayerga bordi?
U boshlig‘i oldiga bordi.
Nimaga u boshlig‘ini oldiga bordi?
Uning qattiq jahli chiqqan edi. U bu haqida gaplashmoqchi edi.
Kim bu haqida gaplashmoqchi edi?
Jon bu haqida gaplashishni xohladi.
Kim bilan gaplashmoqchi edi?
U boshiig‘i bilan gaplashmoqchi edi.
Uning boshlig‘i nima dedi.
Uning boshlig‘i aytdi:
“5 yil oldin darahtlami naqqoshlayapsan. Biz natijani moTjallangan kompaniyamiz va unumdorlikni oshiri- shingdan bahtiyor bo‘lardik”
Uning boshlig‘i ertaga seni ko‘taramiz dedimi?
No, he didn’t say that. He said they would be happy to give him a raise if his productivity went up.
John went back, started hitting harder and putting in longer hours but he still was not able to cut more trees.
Did he go home?
No, he didn’t go home.
Where did he go?
He went back.
Did he leave his job?
No, he didn’t leave his job.
What did he do?
He tried to cut more trees.
Did he cut more trees than before?
No, he couldn’t cut more trees than before.
What did he do then?
He went to his boss and told him about his dilemma. The boss told John to go to Bill. Mavbe there was something Bill knew they didn’t know.
Did he go to Bill?
Yo'q, unday demadi. U agar unumdorligingiz oshsa biz seni ko‘tarishdan bahtiyor bo‘lardik dedi.
John qaytib borib qattiqroq va ko‘proq ishlashni bosh- ladi, lekin baribir ko‘p daraxtlarni kesa olmadi.
U uyiga bordimi?
Yo‘q, u uyiga bormadi.
U qayerga bordi?
U ish joyiga qaytib bordi.
U ishini tashlab ketdimi? Yo‘q, u ishini tashlab ketmadi.
U nima qildi?
U ko‘proq daraxtlarni kesishga harakat qildi.
U oldingiga nisbatan ko‘proq daraxtlarni kesdimi?
Yo‘q, u oldingiga nisbatan ko‘proq daraxt kesa olmadi.
Keyin nima qildi?
U boshlig‘ini oldiga bordi va qiyin ahvoldaligini aytdi. Boshliq Jonga Billni oldiga borishini aytdi. Balkim u yerda sen va men bilmagan Bill biladigan biron narsa bordir.
U Bill yoniga bordimi?
No, at first he went to his boss.
Why did he go to his boss?
He toid him his dilemma.
What did his boss say?
His boss said to go to Bill.
Did he say to go to Joseph?
No, he didn’t say to go to Joseph. He said to go to Bill.
Who was Bill?
Bill was a woodcutter.
Did he go to Bill?
Yes, he went to Bill.
What did he say to Bill?
John asked Bill how he managed to cut more trees. Bill answered: “After every tree I cut I take a break for 2 minutes to sharpen my axe. When was the last time you sharpened your axe?”. This question hit him like a bullet and John got his answer.
What did he ask Bill?
Yo‘q, birinchi u boshlig‘ini oldiga borgan edi.
Nimaga boshlig‘ini oldiga borgan edi?
U unga qiyin ahvolini aytdi.
Uning boshlig‘i nima dedi?
Boshlig‘i Billni oldiga borishini aytgan edi.
U Jozefni yoniga borislmi aytdimi?
U Jozefni oldiga borishni aytmadi.
Bill kim edi?
Bill naqqosh edi.
U Billni oldiga bordimi?
Ha, u Billni oldiga bordi.
U Billga nima dedi?
Jon Billdan qanday qilib ko‘pgina daraxtlarni kesishini so‘radi. Bill har bir kesilgan daraxtdan keyin 2 minutlik tanaffus qilaman boltamni o‘tkirlab olish uchun deb javob berdi. Sen boltangni oxirgi marta qachon o6tkirlagansan? Bu savol unga miltiqni o‘qidek tegdi va Jon javobini topdi.
U Billdan nimani so‘radi?
He asked Bill how he managed U Billdan qanday qilib
to cut more trees?
Who asked?
John asked.
Why did he ask how to cut more trees?
Because he wasn’t able to cut more trees.
What did Bill answer?
Bill answered; “After every tree I cut, I take a break for 2 minutes to sharpen my axe”.
Did he take a break to have lunch?
No, he didn’t take a break to have lunch.
For what did he take a break?
He took a break to sharpen his axe.
Did he take a break to sharpen his knife?
No, not knife, he sharpened his axe.
Who sharpened his axe?
Bill sharpens his axe.
How long did he take a break to sharpen his axe?
ko‘pgina daraxtlami kesishini so‘radi?
Kim so‘radi?
Jon so‘radi.
Nimaga u qanday qilib ko‘pgina daraxt kesishni so‘radi.
Chunki u ko‘pgina daraxt kesa olmayotgan edi.
Bill nima deb javob berdi?
Bill: “Har bir kesilgan daraxtdan keyin 2 daqiqalik tanaffus qilib boltamni o'tkirlayman” dedi.
U tushlik qilgani tanaffus qilar edimi?
Yo‘q, u tushlik qilgani tanaffus qilmas edi.
Nima uchun u tanaffus qilar edi.
U boltasini o‘tkirlash uchun tanaffus qilar edi.
U pichog‘ini o‘tkirlash uchun tanaffus qilarmidi?
Yo‘q, pichoq emas, boltasini o'tkirlar edi.
Kim boltasini o'tkirlar edi?
Bill boltasini o‘tkirlar edi.
U boltasini o‘tkirlash uchun qancha tanaffus qilar edi.
Be took a break for 2 minutes to sharpen his axe.
What did he ask from John?
Biil asked John when the last time was to sharpen his axe.
Did he ask when the last time was to have lunch?
No, he didn't ask that.
Did he get his answer?
Yes, he got his answer.
What was the reason that he wasn’t able to cut more trees?
Because he didn’t sharpen his axe so often.
U boltasini o4kirlash uchun 2 minut tanaffiis qilar edi.
U Jondan nimani so‘radi?
Bill Jondan ohirgi marta qachon boltasini o4kirlaganini so‘radi.
U ohirgi marta qachon tushlik qilganini so‘radimi?
Yo‘q, uni so^ramadi.
U javobini oldimi?
Ha, u javobini oldi.
U ko‘p daraxt kesa olmaganligini sababi nima edi?
Chunki u boltasini tez-tez o‘tkirlamas edi.
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