She did not attain her aim.
Did she decide to go to college in France?
No, she didn’t go to college in France.
Where did she go?
She went to school.
Where was the school?
The school was in France.
Was she taught grammar by teachers?
Yes. She was taught grammar by teachers.
Did she study there for 9 years?
No, she did not study there for
How long did she study there? She studied there for 2 years. Who studied there for 2years?
Alis aqlli qiz edi.
U qayerdan edi?
U Fransiyadan edi.
U Fransiyadagi maktab- ga borishga qaror qildi. 0‘qituvchilar unga qa- yta - qayta grammatika o‘qitishdi. U maktabda 2 yil o‘qidi. Lekin 2 yildan so6ng u maqsadiga erisha olmadi. Niyatiga yeta olmadi.
U Fransiyadagi kollejga borishga qaror qildimi?
Yo‘q, u Fransiyadagi kollejga bormadi.
U qayerga bordi?
U maktabga bordi?
Maktab qayerda edi?
Maktab Fransiyada edi.
Uning grammatikasi o‘qitu- vchilar tomonidan o‘qitildimi?
Ha, uning grammatikasi 0‘qi- tuvchilar tomonidan o‘qitildi.
U u yerda 9 yil o‘qidimi?
Yo‘q, u yerda 9 yil o‘qimadi.
U u yerda qancha o‘qidi?
U u yerda 2 yil o‘qidi.
Kim u yerda 2 yil o‘qidi?
Alice studied there for two years.
Where did she study?
She studied at school in France.
What did she study at school in France?
She studied English grammar.
After 2 years did she achieve her goals?
No, she didn’t achieve her goals after 2 years.
Because she was always taught grammar. She was a grammar queen.
If so what was her dream?
Her dream was to communicate with English people.
What was her problem?
Her problem was she couldn’t speak English veiy well.
That’s why she couldn’t achieve her goal.
U u yerda Alis 2 yil o‘qidi.
U qayerda o‘qidi?
U Fransiyada maktabda o‘qidi.
U Fransiyada maktabida nimani o‘qidi?
U Ingliz grammatikasini o'qidi.
yildan so‘ng u maqsadiga erishdimi?
Yo‘q, u 2 yildan so‘ng maqsadiga erishmadi.
Chunki u doim grammatikaga o'qitildi. U grammatika qiroli bo‘ldi.
Agar shunday bo4Isa, uning orzusi nima edi?
Uning orzusi Ingliz odamlar bilan muloqot qilish edi.
Uning muammosi nimada edi?
Uning muammosi Ingliz tilida gaplasha olmasligi edi. Shu- ning uchun u niyyatiga yeta olmadi.
She wanted to succeed. She wanted to be fortunate.
That’s why she went to England. In England she went to the Good club. At the Good club she learnt to speak English perfectly. She learnt English perfectly. Of course, she became happy.
Did she want to succeed?
Yes, she wanted to succeed.
Who wanted to succeed?
Alice wanted to succeed.
Did she succeed?
No, she didn’t succeed.
What did she do?
She went to England.
In England she went to Good club.
Why did she go to Good club?
Because she wanted to speak very well.
In Good club did she leam grammar again?
No, she didn’t leam grammar. She practiced to speak English.
U eng oldingilardan bo‘lish- ni xohladi. U omadli bo'lish- ni xohladi. Shuning uchun u Angliyaga bordi. Angliyada Good Clubga bordi. Good Clubda u Ingliz tilida zo‘r gapirishni o6rgandi. U ingliz tilini mukammal o‘rgandi. Albatta, u bahtiyor bo‘ldi.
U omadli bo‘lishni xohlagan edimi?
Ha, u omadli bo‘lishni xohlagan edi.
Kim omadli boTishni xohlagan edi?
Alis omadli bo‘lishni xohlagan edi.
U omadli bo‘ldimi?
Yo‘q, u omadli bo‘lolmadi.
U nima qildi?
U Angliyaga bordi.
U Angliyada Good Clubga bordi.
Nimaga u Good Clubga bordi?
Chunki u juda yaxshi gapirishni xohlagan edi.
Good Clubda u yana gramma- tikani o‘rgandimi?
Yo‘q, u grammatikani o‘rgan- madi. U Ingliz tilida gapirishni mashq qildi.
After studying in Good Club, could she speak English?
Yes, after studying in Good Club she could speak English perfectly.
Was she sad?
Now she was not sad.
She was happy.
Why was she happy?
Because she succeeded in Good Club.
Good Clubda o‘qigandan keyin, u Ingliz tilida gapira olgan edimi?
Ha, Good Clubda o‘qigandan keyin u Ingliz tilida zo‘r gapira olgan edi.
U hafa edimi?
Yo‘q, u hafa emas edi.
U hursand edi.
U nimaga hursand edi?
Chunki Good Clubda uni omadi kelgan edi.
In three weeks, you listened P.O.V lessons in different tenses. By this way; you learnt 3 important tenses without studying grammar books. In this story, you should change the tenses by yourself. But my dear student never forget your purpose. Your purpose is to speak English. For doing this, you should listen the audios every day at least 3 hours. When you speak do not think about grammar, just feel it. It is the most important thing of your speaking.
Lesson 1.4 Short story 1.4.1 Pretty baby
There was a pretty baby. She was very clever. She was astute. She lived in France. She was French. She was a very happy baby. Her name was Alice. She was remarkably happy. Alice was a beautiful and intelligent baby. She was only 2 years old. Alice wanted to be an interpreter. She could speak 28 languages. She was only two years old. And she learnt 28 languages in 2 years. She was a wonderful interpreter. She could speak not only one language, but also she could speak 28 languages perfectly. She spoke Uzbek and Italian. She wanted to speak perfect English language. She made a firm decision to learn English. Because she had already spoken Uzbek language. She went to a book shop. She bought dictionaries and grammar books. And every day she learnt grammar rules. She memorized new words every day. After 99 days, she still couldn’t speak English. She knew many words. She nearly knew all grammas rules. However, she couldn’t speak. When she tried to speak, she thought about grammar. She analyzed grammar rules. She couldn’t use the new words in a real conversation. She decided to throw away all the grammar books. She threw all the grammar books away. She didn’t know what to do. She decided to go to school in France. The teachers taught her grammar again and again. She studied at school for two years. But after 2 years , she didn’t achieve her goal. She didn’t reach her goal. She didn’t attain her aim. She didn’t accomplish her goals. She didn’t have any goal achievements and attainments and accomplishments, she didn’t achieve her ambition and aspiration yet. She wanted to succeed. She wanted to be fortunate. That’s
why she went to England. In England she went to the GOOD CLUB. At the GOOD CLUB she learnt to speak English perfectly. She didn’t leam to speak Italian perfectly. She leamt to speak English perfectly. Of course, she became happy.
Now you have listened to the short story. It’s time to listen to the mini story. Remember when you listen to the short story try to change the tenses by yourself. It will help you to feel the grammar. And while you are listening to the mini story answer the question. It will help you to speak English powerfully.
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