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■to table, aha £Й£ Spta XST. °“ ^ ™-d father approves of her hJ f,T iler,famiI>' members and her
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Ik>m Canada. She will be a Canadian girl. She will live in Ottawa. She will work in a mental hopital and she will like her work. She will not be lazy. She will work hard. She will try hard because she is tfoing to open her own hospital. She will always be busy She will be busy on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. She vv111 be occupied on Friday and Saturdays too. Jane will work hard id weekdays, and sometimes she will have to work on weekends. June’s father, mother and brother will live and work on a farm. June will like to spend her free time at home. She will have some
riends there. Unfortunately she will have two problems. Her first problem will be that she will live far from the working place and
will take much money for transport. The second problem will be that she will be engaged. Many times she will try to give up her job but she will not be able to because she will be fond of her profession. One day, around the table, she will tell about her plans
lo her family members and her father will approve of her. Her lather will be rich enough that’s why he will give her money to open her own hospital. She will become happy and she will open her clinic near the farm. She will help poor people. She will treat them free of charge. Then she will have enough time and she will spend her free time with her family and friends.
esson 1.2 Mini story 1.2 Romeo's dream
Hi, how are you feeling today? How is your mood? I hop that you are feeling wonderful So, we are going to listen to thi mini story lesson. I hope that you know our rules. As usual you have to answer the questions quickly. So are you ready? In that case breathe deeply, jump, run, dance but please don’t sit still ок?! And listen carefully so let’s go!!!
There is a handsome guy. His name is Romeo.
Is there a girl?
No, there is not a girl
Is there an old woman?
No, there is not an old woman.
Is there a boy?
Yes, there is a boy.
His name is Romeo.
Is he ugly?
No, he is not ugly.
He is handsome.
Is his name Jack?
No, his name is not Jack.
Is his name Joseph?
No, his name is not Joseph.
What is his name?
Kelishgan yigit bor.
Uning ismi Romeo.
U yerda qiz bola bormi? Yo‘q, u yerda qiz bola yo‘q. U yerda qari ayol bormi? Yo‘q, u yerda qari ayol yo‘q.
U yerda o‘g‘il bola bormi? Ha, u yerda o‘g‘il bola bor. Uning ismi Romeo.
U hunukmi?
Yo‘q, u hunuk emas.
U kelishgan,
Unung ismi Jackmi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi Jack emas. Uning ismi Josefmi?
Yo‘q, unung ismi Josef emas. Uning ismi nima?
| к к jKNQMY Company
hs name is Romeo.
Whose name is Romeo?
I Iic boy’s name is Romeo.
Is his name ugly Jack?
No, his name is not ugly Jack.
His name is handsome Romeo.
lie lives in France.
Where does he live?
Ilium, he lives in France.
I Ic is French.
I )oes he live in Japan?
No, he does not live in Japan.
I )ocs he live in Brazil?
No, he does not live in Brazil.
)<>es he live in the USA?
No, he does not live in the USA.
Where does he live?
с lives in France.
Is he English?
No, he is not English.
He lives in France, lie is French.
Who is from France?
Romeo is from France.
Is Monica from France?
Uning ismi Romeo.
Kimning ismi Romeo?
Bolakayning ismi Romeo.
Uning ismi badbashara Jekmi?
Yo‘q, uning ismi badbashara Jek emas.
Uning ismi kelishgan Romeo.
U Fransiyada yashaydi.
U qayerda yashaydi?
Hmm, u Fransiyada yashaydi.
U Fransuz.
U Yaponiyada yashaydimi?
Yo‘q, u Yaponiyada yashamaydi.
U Braziliyada yashaydimi?
Yo‘q> u Braziliyada yashamaydi.
U AQSH da yashaydimi?
Yo'q, u AQSFE da yashamaydi.
U qayerda yashaydi?
U Fransiyada yashaydi.
U inglizmi?
Yo‘q, u ingliz emas.
U Fransiyada yashaydi.
U Fransuz.
Kim Fransiyadan?
Romeo Fransiyadan.
Monika Fransiyadanmi?
No, Monica is not from France.
Yo‘q, Monika Fransiyadan emas.
Kim Fransiyadan?
Romeo Fransiyadan.
Uning orzusi bor.
Uning orzusi katta va qimmat uy egasi boTish.
ho is from France?
Romeo is from France.
He has a dream.
Unung orzusi bormi?
Ha, unung orzusi bor.
Alisaning orzusi bormi?
Yo6q, Alisaning orzusi yo‘q.
Kimning orzusi bor? Romeoning orzusi bor.
Uning orzusi AQSH ga borishmi?
Yo‘q, uning orzusi AQSH ga borish emas.
LI raqsni o‘rganishni hohlaydimi?
Yo‘q, u raqsga tushishni o‘rganishni xohlamaydi.
U mashina sotib olmoqchimi ? Yo‘q, u mashina sotib olmoqchi emas.
Uning orzusi nima?
U katta va qimmat uyi bo‘lishini xohlaydi.
is dream is that he wants to have a big expensive house.
Doss he have a dream?
Yes, he has a dream.
Does Alice have a dream?
No, Alice doesn’t have a dream.
Who has a dream?
Romeo has a dream.
Is his dream to go to the USA?
No, his dream is not to go to the USA.
Does he want to learn dancing?
No, he doesn’t want to learn dancing.
Does he want to buy a car?
No, he does not want to buy a car.
What is his dream?
He wants to have a big expensive house.
Does he want to buy a shelter?
No, he doesn’t want to buy a shelter.
What does he want?
He wants to have a big expensive house.
But he has a problem.
His problem is that he does not have enough money to buy that house.
He is not rich enough.
But he wants to have a big expensive house.
He wants to be rich.
He is handsome but he is not rich.
Does he have a problem?
Yes, unfortunately, he has a problem.
Is he ill?
No, he is not ill.
Is he deaf?
No, he is not deaf.
U boshpana sotib olmoqchimi?
Yo Iq, u boshpana sotib olmoqchi emas.
U nimani xohlaydi?
U katta va qimmat uyi bo‘lishini xohlaydi.
Lekin unda muammo bor.
Uning muammosi o‘sha uyni sotib olishga yetarlicha puli yo‘q!igida.
U yetarlicha boy emas
Lekin u katta va qimmat uyi bo‘lishini xohlaydi.
U boy bo‘lishni xohlaydi.
U kelishgan ammo u boy emas.
Unda muammo bormi?
Ha, afsuski unda muammo bor.
U kasalmi?
Yo‘q, u kasal emas.
Uning qulog‘i og‘irmi?
Yo‘q, uning qulog‘i og‘ir emas.
Uning yetarlicha puli bormi?
Yo‘q, uning yetarlicha puli
Nega unda yetarlicha pul yo‘q?
Chunki u kambag‘al.
Does he want to be rich? Yes, he wants to be rich. Who wants to be rich? Romeo wants to be rich.
Is he ugly and poor?
No, he is not ugly and poor.
He is handsome, and maybe he is poor.
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