katta katta sakrash
Crowl - chumolidek emaklash
Let me explain- tushuntirib beray!
Taking a stand- qatorda turish
Catch sb Ving/V1-biron narsani ustida kimnidir ushlab olish
My mom always catches me eating chocolate.)
Die of shame- uyatdan olay dedim
To be dead meat- O'lding!
Die of hunger- ochlikdan olish
Die of thirst - chanqab olish
Tweeting -sayrash
Scared =terrifild=frightend= holat orqali qoʻrqish
Fatty food - Yogli
Organic food - Tabiiy
Salty food - Tuzli
Supper food. Vitaminli
Pre_packaged. Yarim tayyor
Junk food. Prosta qorin aldaydigan
Baboon- maymum
ape- tentak, jinni bolmoq
I got on his nervous and so he is going ape
Prosper- gullab yashnash
To be at war- jang qilyapti
Arrest sb- kimnidir qolga olish
Imprison sb- kimnidir qamash
Reach sucsess- muvaffaqiyatga erishish
Know sb by sight-kozga issiq korinish
In theory/ on paper - xom schyotda
In practise- haqiqatda
On average- ortacha hisob kitobda
Give/make a donation to sb -kimgadir ehson qilish
Obese- semiz
Obesity- semizlik
Lose weight- sal kilo tashlamoq
Get into shape- ozimiz hohlagan vaznga kelmoq
Go on a diet - biron bir ovqatlanish ratsionini tuzish
Yoursdan keyin noun ishlatilmaydi ekan!
your time shoshma
To be meant to V1
For ex: Toys are meant to play
Full fill a secret -bilmasdan aytib qoʻyish sirni
Struggles in our life are meant to shape you for your purpose
Responsibility- javobgarlik
I'm responsible for my actions.
Make a deal -bitim tuzish
I'm a grown up person so I'm responsible for my actions
Sooner or later you will be mine
Beyond- ortida
Whatever-nima bolsa ham
Wherever- qayer bolsa ham
Whichever- qaysisi bolsa ham
Whoever- kim bolsayam
It is a piece of cake- easy
Win respect- hurmatga sazovor bolish
Lose respect- hurmat yoqotish
Hurmatga loyiq bolishni sizlar topinglar
Develop the habit of V(ing)
Biron bir odatni orttirib olgan
For ex: I developed the habit of snoring. (Snore - xurrak otish)
Break the habit of V(ing)
Biron bir odatni yoʻqotgan
For ex: I broke the habit of snoring.
with smb - kimdandir mamnun, xursand boʻlish
Iʼm pleased with my parents!
Have a chat = have a conversation = suhbatlashmoq
Have a chit - chat = gʻiybatlashmoq
Have an idle chit - chat vapshi gʻiybatlashmoq
Have a check up - koʻrikdan oʻtish
Give smb a check up - kimnidir koʻrikdan oʻtkazish
Take the temperature - temperatura oʻlchash
Take the blood pressure - davleniya oʻlchash
A couple of - bir juft
Several - bir qancha
Out of fashion= out of date- modadan qolgan
State of the art=modern=cutting edge - zamonaviy
So tomorrow - zamonaviy
Fish tank- katta akvarium
Fish bowl - kichik baliq soladigan idish
Sb wears his/her short/long - doim sochini o'stirib yurish
Sneeze - aksirish
Is it Ok? - maymili?
If only Sb did smth - qaniydi kimdir biron narsa qilsa edi (hozirgi zamondagi afsus)
Ugly = disgusting - hunuk
Do smth doing smth - biron narsa qilaturib biron narsa qilish
It's up to you - o'zingizga bog'liq
Like Ving- rohatlanish
Like to Ving=prefer - afzal ko'rmoq
Try=make an affort to
Try hard = take an affort to V1
Impact - ta'sir o'tkizish
Not the other way around - boshqacha bo'lishi mumkin emas
Places of interests - qiziqarli joylari
Do sb mind If I V1 - biron
narsa qilsam qarshimasmisiz
Do you mind Ving? - biron narsa qilishga qarshimasmisiz
Deserted - bo'm bo'sh
Follow your heart - yuragingga ergash
Pay close attention to your feelings - hissiyotlaringa e'tibor ber
No matter - farqi yo'q
Feel right - yurak jiz etishi
Walk away - ket
Chances are= It's likely that - tabiiy hol
Wiser - aqilliroq
Faced - yuzlanish
But that isn't the case - lekin bunaqa emas
Selective about smth - biron narsa da nozik tab
Make an attend - o'xshamadi
Time flies - vaqt tez o'tishi
Get on well - yaxshi chiqishib ketish
Get on with sb - kim bilandir chiqishish
Do/carry out explosion - portlatishni amalga oshirish
Do smth on my own - biron narsani yolg'iz o'zi qilish
Do smth by myself - mustqaqil (yonida ozdam bolsa ham) qilish
Is it clear? - tushunarlimi
It is clear cut - Chyotky tushunarli
the moments - rasmga olish
Do smth on purpose= do smth deliberately - atay biron narsani qilish
Have a bumpy ride - qiyin damlarni boshidan o'tkizish
Give encouragement to Sb - kimnidir ruhlantirish
To be good/bad/expert/ at Ving
To be hungry for knowledge - bilimga o'ch
Not the other way around - boshqacha bo'lishi mumkin emas
Stick to Ving - biron naraga yoki qilishga yopishib olish
Write down=jot down= take a note - yoz
Simultaneously = at the same time - kamida ikkita ish harakatni bir vaqtda qilish
Make an excuse - bahona topish
Gain knowledge - bilim orttirish
Brodan your horizon - fikrlash doirasini kengaytirish
Demonstrate knowledge - bilim ko'rsatmoq
Boast= show off – maqtanish
Make an exuse-bahona topish
lazy students always made an excuse when they didn't do their homework
But that is not case-bu bunaqa emas , lekin unday emas
Not the other way around-boshqacha boʻlishi mumkin emas
Impact-tasir oʻtkazish
I remember you in my every heart beat-men seni eslayman
har bir yuragim urganda
no metter-farqi yoʻq , muhim emas
Pay close attention to-yaxshilab etibor qarat
Is it okay if I V1-biror nimaga ruxsat soʻrash
Is it okay if I go out-tashqariga chiqib kelsam maylimi
Somebody/one wear his/her hair long-kimdir sochini oʻstirib yoki qisqa qilib yurishi
So tomorrow-oʻta zamonaviy
State of the art=modern=catting edge=up-to-date+noun=zamonaviy
Out of fashion date -zamondan qolish
Come(back) into fashion -yana modaga qaytmoq
Exclude someone-kimdirni 🪓 ketish
Include -oʻz ichiga olmoq
Sooner or later-ertami kechmi
There is no need v1-zaruriyat mavjud emas
we don’t have to make money because there is no need
for donkey's years - anchadan beri, uzoq yillardan beri!
in a nutshell-qisqasini aytganda
Do smth on purpose = Do smth deliberately
– atay biron narsani qilish
Have a bumpy ride – qiyin damlarni boshidan o’tkazish
Give encouragement to sb –
kimnidir ruhlantirish
To be good/bad/expert at Ving – biron narsa qilishda mutaxasis/expert
To be hungry for knowledge – bilimga o’ch
Not the other way around – boshqacha bo’lishi mumkin emas
Stick to Ving – biron narsaga qilishga yopishib olish
To be hungry for smth/to do smth – biron narsaga o’ch
Simultaneously – kamida ikkita ish harakatni bir vaqtda qilish
At the same time - kamida ikkita ish harakatni bir vaqtda qilish
Gain knowledge – bilim orttirish
Broaden your horizon – fikrlash doirasini kengaytirish
Demonstrate knowledge – bilimni ko’rsatmoq
Boast = show off – maqtanish
Have a discussion with sb – kim bilandir bahs munozara qilish
Fix smth – biron narsani tuzatish yoki o’rnatish
Fixed (adj) – o’rnatilgan
Coach potato – ertalabdan kechgacha TV oldida o’tiradigan odam
To be attached to smth – biron narsaga yopishib olish
Consume – istemol qilmoq
Eat – yemoq
Season the food – ovqatga ziravor sepish
Smth is high in smth – (-)
The food is high in sugar.
Milk is rich in vitamins.
Too sweet (-) Very sweet (+)
When my mother saw me with my girlfriend, my face turned red.
When I always see my boss, my face turns pale.
Imagination – tasavvur
Imagine Ving – biron narsa
qilishda hayol surish
Stand still – qimirlamasdan tur
Lay still – qimirlamasdan yot
Daydream – hayol surish
Throw to – (+) otish
Throw at – (-) otish
Leave a taste in the mouth – og’izdagi ta’mni ketkizish
I drank water to leave the bitter taste in my mouth.
Prefer smth to smth – bunga qaraganda bu afzalroq
Prefer doing smth to Ving - bunga qaraganda bu afzalroq
Prefer V1 smth/sb rather than V1 - bunga qaraganda bu afzalroq
Would rather do smth than do smth - bunga qaraganda bu afzalroq
Would rather sb V2 –
I would rather Toxir danced. I would rather you cooked palov.
Draw/gain benefit – foyda qilish (ustun jihat)
Make a profit – (money) foyda qilish
Do/conduct business – biznes qilish
I can freely assume that – deyarli aminman
Certainly – albatta
Stripy clothes – yo’l yo’l kiyim
Check clothes – kletchatka kiyim
Flowery clothes – gulli kiyim
Plain clothes – odnoton kiyim
Spotty clothes – dog’li kiyim
Stain – ketmaydigan dog’
Loose – keng kiyim
Thight –
tor kiyim
Long-sleeved – engi uzun
Short-sleeved – engi kalta
Matching – bir biriga tushadigan kiyim
Versatile – bir biriga tushadigan hamma narsa (oyoq kiyim, bosh kiyim,sumka etc)
Baggy clothes – katta turadigan kiyim
Do smth by chance – tasodifan biron narsa bo’lish
Do smth on purpose – atay biron narsa qilish
O+affect(s) +Sb+(adv)
The book affects you positively.
O+have/has +(adj)effect on Sb
The book has a positive effect on you.
Focus on smth/sb – biron narsaga/kimga diqqatni qaratmoq
Pay attention to smth – biron narsaga e’tibor bermoq
Get into trouble – muammoga tushib qolish
From time to time = sometimes
Above the surface – qatlamni tepasida