Structure of the resume in English
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General guidelines for the structure of a resume in English
Instead of the title, the name of the applicant is most often written - this helps to reduce the length of the resume. Although you can write Resume or CV.
Personal information
Be sure to include these points with personal information about yourself in your resume in English:
Name - if you used your name in the title,
Tarjimasi bilan ingliz tilida mukammal rezyume (CV)
Chet el kompaniyasining potentsial ish beruvchisining siz bilan birinchi tanishuvi rezyume yordamida sodir bo'ladi. Bir qarashda ish beruvchini qiziqtirish uchun mukammal rezyume yozish va intervyu olish oson emas, lekin bu mumkin.
Agar ingliz tilida rezyume yozishingiz kerak bo'lsa, vazifa ancha murakkablashadi.
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