Introduction to Health and Safety at Work 26
monitoring of plant and equipment and its
liaison with external agencies
management and/or employee safety committees –
the management committee will monitor day to day
problems and any concerns of the employee health
and safety committee.
The role of the health and safety adviser is to provide
specialist information to managers in the organization
and to monitor the effectiveness of health and safety
procedures. The adviser is not ‘responsible’ for health
and safety or its implementation; that is the role of the
line managers.
Finally the job descriptions, which defi ne the duties
of each person in the health and safety organizational
structure, must not contain responsibility overlaps or blur
chains of command. Each individual must be clear
about his/her responsibilities and the limits of those
2.3.3 Arrangements for Health and Safety The arrangements section of the health and safety policy
gives details of the specifi c systems and procedures used
to assist in the implementation of the policy statement.
This will include health and safety rules and procedures
and the provision of facilities such as a fi rst aid room and
wash rooms. It is common for risk assessments (including
COSHH, manual handling and PPE assessments) to be
included in the arrangements section particularly for those
hazards referred to in the policy statement. It is important
that arrangements for fi re and other emergencies and for
information, instruction, training and supervision are also
covered. Local codes of practice (e.g. for fork lift drivers)
should be included.
The following list covers the more common items
normally included in the arrangements section of the
health and safety policy:
employee health and safety code of practice
accident and illness reporting and investigation
emergency procedures, fi rst aid
procedures for undertaking risk assessments
control of exposure to specifi c hazards (noise, vibra-
tion, radiation, manual handling, hazardous sub-
stances etc.)
machinery safety (including safe systems of work,
lifting and pressure equipment)
electrical equipment (maintenance and testing)
permits to work procedures
use of personal protective equipment
monitoring procedures including health and safety
inspections and audits
procedures for the control and safety of contractors
and visitors
provision of welfare facilities
training procedures and arrangements
catering and food hygiene procedures
arrangements for consultation with employees
terms of reference and constitution of the safety
procedures and arrangements for waste disposal.
The three sections of the health and safety policy are
usually kept together in a health and safety manual and
copies distributed around the organization.