Albanian version – below
Call for Papers
International Conference
“Law and values in contemporary society”
Tirana-Albania, 21-22 November 2014
Albanian Institute of Sociology (AIS 9th International Conference)
European University of Tirana
Albanian Sociological Association (ALBSA)
In partnership with:
International Sociological Association (ISA)
The Balkan Sociological Forum (BSF)
Sociological Association of Kosovo (SAK)
Time and Place:
21-22 November 2014, Tirana-Albania
European University of Tirana, Albania (UET)
Deadline for abstract submission:
10 September 2014; 24:00 GMT
Conference themes:
I. Central Theme: “Law and values in contemporary society”
The Social Basic of Law
Social Conditioning of Law
Social Functions of Law
Law as an Instrument of Social Change
Changes in the Law in the State and in the Society
Sociological Jurisprudence
The sociological movement in law: Prediction, Pragmatism and Positivism
The Sociologist as Social Critic: the Marxian Perspective
Law, values and the forms of the Political Authority: The Weberian Perspective
The Acceptance and Legitimacy of Law
Law and Morality
Law and Culture
The Sociologist as Moralist: The Durkheimian Perspective
Law and Solidarity in Modern Society: Durkheim
The Law and Social Control: Parsons
Law and Equal Opportunity: Testing empirically Parsons Theory
Roles and Standards
The Power of Law and the Power of Values
Values: Individualism vs. Altruism
Empirical Studies of the “Living Law”
The “Copy-paste” laws, the case of EU Integration of the West Balkan Countries
Sociological analysis of “anomie” in transitional (post-Communist) Societies
The inertia and the impact of the traditional values in Contemporary society
The Customary Law
Law, values and Contemporary Social Problems
Community and Problem-Solving Courts
II. Other themes by 16 Thematic Sessions:
TS 01: Public Sphere, Communication, Culture and Arts
TS 02: Population & Migration
TS 03: Education
TS 04: Political Studies and Law Issues
TS 05: Religion, Collective Behavior & Social Movements
TS 06: Marriage & Family
TS 07: Integration and Globalization
TS 08: Childhood, Youth & Gender
TS 09: Organizations, professions and Work
TS 10: Theoretical, Comparative & Historical Studies
TS 11: Deviance & Social Control
TS 12: Ethnic Relations, Human Rights & Collective Goods
TS 13: Economy & Development
TS 14: Social Security & Public Health
TS 15: Technology & Innovations
ST 16: Students (BA, MA, PhD)
How to present a paper:
1. Choose the Session (Thematic Sections: ST01 – ST16) to which you wish to participate;
2. Fill out the Paper Proposal Form and submit to the Conference Secretary, before 10th of September 2014.
Please don’t submit more than two abstracts for the entire conference. In case when two abstracts are submitted those must not refer to a single Thematic Section;
3. Wait for the confirmation of abstract receipt. Those who do not receive confirmation within 10 days should contact the secretary of the conference;
4. Wait for the Acceptance Letter;
5. Contact with Secretary of the conference for the registration procedures;
6. Take the confirmation of the registration.
Accommodation and other details:
to be announced one month before the conference
The Conference Scientific Committee is headed by:
Leke SOKOLI, President of the Albanian Sociological Association (ALBSA)
Tonin GJURAJ, Rector of the European University of Tirana (UET)
The Conference Secretary:
Elda SOKOLI KUTROLLI – ALBSA Executive Secretary
Paper Proposal Form
Please, fill out the Paper Proposal Form and send it before 10 of September 2014 to the Conference secretary: aisconf2014@gmail.com; conference@instituti-sociologjise.al;
Author’s name and Surname
University or Institution
E-mail address:
Co-Authors (if any):
Thematic Session (ST01-ST16)
Abstract Title (not more than 15 words)
Abstract (150-250 words)
Keywords (4-6 words)
The presentation: 1. Oral Presentation; 2. Power point; 3. Distributed paper; 4. Poster Presentation
The conference documents you prefer:
1. Only the Conference book (Proceedings);
2. Proceedings and the certificate of participation;
3. Proceedings, the certificate of participation, and the publishing of full paper as article in the International Journal “Social Studies”;
If you are interested to publish the full paper as article in the International Journal “Social Studies”, your preferred language is: 1. English; 2. Albanian; 3. Italian; 4. Other language (specify);
Bailey, Y. Frankie. 1998. Popular Culture, Crime & Justice, Belmont etc.: West/Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Cotterrell, Roger. The Sociology of Law; an introduction, London, Dublin and Edinburg: Butterworths.
Deflem, Mathieu. 2008. Sociology of Law – Visions of a Scholarly Tradition, Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press
Ehrlich, Eugen. [1936], 2009. Fundamental Principles of the Sociology of Law, New Brunswick (USA) and London (UK): Transaction Publishers.
Febrajo, Alberto. 2009. Sociologia del diritto, Concetti e problemi, Bologna: il Mulino.
Pellumbi, Servet. 2014. Etikokratia, reflections on the theory and practice of democracy/Etikokracia, refleksione mbi teorinë dhe praktikën e demokracisë. Tirana: Morava.
Reasons, E. Charles and William D. Perdue. 1981. The ideology of Social Problems, Sherman Oaks, California: Alfred Publishing Co.
Sokoli and Nora Malaj. 2013. Contemporary Social Problems/ Probleme Sociale Bashkekohore, Tirana: Albanian Institute of Sociology & Morava.
Treviño, A. Javier. 2010. The Sociology of Law – Classical and Contemporary Perspective, 4th Edition, New Brunswick (USA) and London (UK): Transaction Publishers.
Wilson, K. Everett. 1971. Sociology: rules, roles, relationships, Illinois: The Dorsey Press.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Tirana- Albania, next November!
* * *
Konferencë Ndërkombëtare “Ligji dhe vlerat ne shoqërinë bashkëkohore”
Organizatore te Konferencës:
Instituti Shqiptar i Sociologjisë (Konferenca e 9-te Vjetore Ndërkombëtare e tij)
Universiteti Evropian i Tiranës (UET)
Shoqata Sociologjike Shqiptare (SHSSH)
Ne bashkëpunim me:
Shoqatën Ndërkombëtare te Sociologjisë (ISA)
Ministrinë e Arsimit dhe Sporteve, të Shqipërisë
Forumin Sociologjik te Ballkanit (BSF)
Shoqatën e Sociologeve te Kosovës (SHSK)
Koha dhe vendi:
21-22 Nëntor 2014, Tiranë
Universiteti Evropian i Tiranës (UET)
Afati për dërgimin e abstrakteve:
10 shtator 2014
Tema e konferencës:
I. Tema kuadër: “Ligji dhe vlerat në shoqërinë bashkëkohore”
II. Tema të lira, pavarësisht tematikës, sipas 16 Seksioneve Tematike, që janë:
ST01: Sfera publike, komunikimi, kultura dhe arti
ST02: Popullsia dhe migracioni
ST03: Arsimi
ST04: Studime mbi çështjet politike e ligjore
ST05: Feja, sjellja kolektive dhe lëvizjet sociale
ST06: Martesës dhe familja
ST07: Integrimi dhe globalizimi
ST08: Studime mbi fëmijërinë, rininë dhe çështjeve gjinore
ST09: Studime mbi organizatat, punën dhe profesionet
ST10: Studime teorike, historike dhe krahasuese
ST11: Studime mbi sjelljet deviante dhe kontrollin shoqëror
ST12: Marrëdhëniet etnike, të drejtat e njeriut dhe e te mirat kolektive
ST13: Ekonomia dhe zhvillimi
ST14: Sigurimi social dhe shëndetit publik
ST15: Teknologjia dhe Inovacioni
ST16: Studentët
Për t’u përfshirë në konferencë:
1. Zgjidhni Sesionin Tematik (01 –16) në të cilin dëshironi të merrni pjesë;
2. Plotësoni “Paper Proposal Form” dhe e dërgoni në Sekretarinë e Konferencës, para datës 10 shtator 2014;
3. Prisni konfirmimin për marrjen e abstraktit. Nëse nuk merrni konfirmim brenda 10 ditëve, komunikoni me Sekretarinë;
4. Prisni për Letrën e Pranimit;
5. Kontaktoni me sekretarinë për regjistrimin;
6. Merrni konfirmimin e regjistrimit.
Akomodimi dhe detaje të tjera:
Për tu njoftuar një muaj para konferencës
Komisioni shkencor drejtohet nga:
Lekë SOKOLI, Presidenti i Shoqatës Sociologjike Shqiptare (ALBSA)
Tonin Gjuraj, Rektor i Universitetit Evropian të Tiranës (UET)
Sekretaria e konferencës
Elda SOKOLI KUTROLLI – Sekretare Ekzekutive e ALBSA
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