In what century Linguistic typology witnessed its second birth? a) XX century
b) XIX century c) XVIII century
d) second half of XIX century
The first period of scientific linguistics is….
the period of the Universal Grammar
the period of comparative Linguistics
the period of System Linguistics
the period of Structural Linguistics
132)Appearance of dictionaries was the influence of…
fifth factor
sixth factor
fourth factor
third factor
The first factor is… a) typological imitation
b) development of comparative language studies c) appearance of scientific comparative works d) influence of Lexicography
Greenberg grouped the hundreds of African languages into… a) four families
b) three families c) five families d) two families
The smallest unit of sound distinguishing meaning is called a ...
a) phone
b) morpheme c) phoneme d) allophone
A fricative and an affricate differ in ...
pressure phase and friction phase
place of articulation
the manner of articulation
3. A voiced and a voiceless sound differ in ...
There is no difference
the direction of the air stream
vocal chord action
In which of these words is the vowel the shortest? e) bean
f) bead g) bee h) beat
… which is mainly concerned with the functioning of phonetic units in the language.
segmental phonetics;
practical phonetics;
suprasegmental phonetics;
theoretical phonetics.
6. The branch of phonetics that studies the linguistic function of consonant and vowel sounds, syllable structure, word accent and prosodic features, such as pitch, stress and tempo is called …
instrumental phonetics;
practical phonetics;
theoretical phonetics;
… studies the larger units of connected speech syllables, words, phrases, texts. e) segmental phonetics;
f) theoretical phonetics; g) practical phonetics;
h) suprasegmental phonetics.
How many vowels are there in the English, Russian and Uzbek languages?
20, 6, 6
18, 6, 10
19, 6, 6
24, 10, 6
What language classifies vowels into short and long according to the length e) Russian
f) English g) Uzbek h) Polish
According to the palatalization of the tongue, what language has soft and hard
According to the passive organs of speech, consonants are divided into: e) Labial
f) Dental and alveolar g) Sonorant
h) Fricative
A special prominence given to one more syllable in a word is:
The pause
The rhythm
The melody
The stress
Which language has free word stress? e) Russian and English
f) Czeck and Slovak g) French
h) Kazakh
What is a syllable?
Morphemic structure of the word
One of the speech sounds
The shortest segment of speech sounds
Segmental structure of the word
15. Find the correct answer where English and Uzbek stress position is correctly shown.
words in English have mostly 1st syllable stressed position and Uzbek last syllable stressed position
words in Uzbek have mostly 2nd syllable stressed position and English 1st syllable stressed position
there is no stable stress position in both languages
words in Uzbek and English have free syllable stressed position
Fan bo‘yicha talabaning mustaqil ta‘limi shu fanni o‘rganish jarayonining tarkibiy qismi bo‘lib, uslubiy va axborot resurslari bilan to‘la ta‘minlanadi. Auditoriyadan tashqarida talaba darslarga tayyorlanadi. Adabiyotlardan konspekt qiladi, uy vazifalarni bajaradi. Ayrim mavzularni kengroq o‘rganish uchun qo‘shimcha adabiyotlarni o‘qiydi, referatlar tayyorlaydi. Mustaqil ta‘lim reyting tizimi asosida o‘qituvchi tomonidan baholanadi.
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