BOG‘LOVCHISIZ BOG‘LANGAN SHART GAPLAR Real va noreal shart gaplarda if bog‘lovchisi quyidagi hollarda tu shib
qolishi mumkin:
1. Real shart gaplarning kesimi should + V bilan ifodalangan bo‘lib, if bog‘lovchisi tushib qolsa, should gapning boshida keladi:
Should he come, ask him to wait. =
If he should come, ask him to wait.
Agar u kelib qolsa, kutib tu-
rishini iltimos qiling.
Should need arise, we shall com-
municate with you again. = If need
should arise, we shall communicate
with you again.
Agar zarurat tug‘ilsa, biz siz bi-
lan yana bog‘lanamiz.
21 — M. G‘apporov kutubxonasi