I thank clinical colleagues, lab members and collaborators for fruitful discussions. I also
acknowledge the scientific community for openly engaging in discussions on social
media, for sharing ideas and collaborating to mitigate the damage of this ongoing crisis.
Competing interests
The author is a cofounder of Cytodelics AB, Stockholm, Sweden, and is scientific advisor
for Scailyte AG, Zurich, Swizerland, and Kancera AB, Stockholm, Sweden.
additional information
Correspondence should be addressed to P.B.
Peer review information Hannah Stower was the primary editor on this article and
managed its editorial process and peer review in collaboration with the rest of the
editorial team.
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© Springer Nature America, Inc. 2021
Nature MeDICINe
| VOL 27 | JanUaRy 2021 | 28–33 |