Academic Essay Samples
IELTS Essays,
Letters, Graphs, Diagrams & Maps
15- Considering our depleting energy resources, conservation of energy
is a necessity.
How can people save energy in their homes?
Use specific reasons to support your opinion.
Since the
beginning of time, energy has pervaded our earth. These days we
rely on it to advance in our technological developments. We also need energy
for a variety of other things such as: to keep our bodies alive and healthy, to
run our machines and other technical devices, and
also to keep warm in
winter and cool in summer. However, People and other things can run out of
energy in which case they can no longer have the ability to do work.
Therefore, energy conservation is of paramount importance.
Conservation of energy means to ‘save’ energy. As the natural energy
sources become increasingly scarce it is important to
learn how to save
energy. One way of doing this is to create an energy efficient home. To create
an energy efficient home there are many measures that can be taken to save
energy including the installation of solar energy panels; as the sun is a
constant natural energy resource we can store that energy and
use it to heat
out water.
We can also save energy by using the ‘Sleep mode’ on most modern
household appliances including computers. Computers are definitely
becoming more and more popular in homes, if and
only if the computer needs
to be on at all times you should use the sleep mode which lets the computer
run on the minimum amount of energy needed.
Last but not least, energy can be conserved by doing the simple things around
the home to lessen the usage of the machines that do work: for example,
turning appliances off at the power point instead of just at the
switch on the
appliance and shutting all windows and doors and closing all curtains to keep
the heat in the house instead of relying on the heater to do all the work, and
vise-versa in the summer, opening all the windows and
doors to let the cool
air in instead of relying on the air conditioner.
In conclusion, it is important for all people to realize the need for conserving
energy. It is impossible for all the natural resources to keep up with our
forever advancing
civilization, and supply us with the energy that we need.
(365 words)
Essay Practice
Massive consumption of fossil fuels is causing various types of environmental
pollution upsetting the ecosystem.
How can the governments and the people help to reduce the destructive effects of
fossil fuel consumption?