Meaning: the
extent to which the
response exhibits
understanding and
interpretation of
Fulfills the require-
ments of the task; does a superior job of
showing unification of Islam and limits of unification
Fulfills some re-
quirements of the tasks;
does a good job of showing unification of Islam and limits of unification
Fulfills some re-
quirements of the task;
does an adequatejob of showing unification of Islam and limits of unification
Fulfills some re-
quirements of the tasks;
does a poor job of showing unification of Islam and limits of unification
Fulfills very few
requirements of
the tasks; make little attemps to show unification of Islam and limits of unification
Organization: the
extent to which the
response exhibits
direction, shape and
Establishes and maintains a clear focus
Shows a logical,
coherent sequence of
ideas through the use
of appropriate transitions or other devices
Generally focused
though it may include
some irrelevant
Shows a clear attempt
at organization
Shows an attempt to
maintain focus, but
may go off on some
Shows an attempt at
May show an attempt
to establish focus;
May include some
irrelevant information;
Shows little attempt at
Shows little attempt
to establish a focus;
May be repetitive,
focusing on minor
details or irrelevant
Little or no attempt
at organization
Language Use: the
extent to which the
response reveals an
awareness of audience
and purpose through
effective use of words,
sentence structure and
sentence variety
Is fluent and easy to
Is stylistically
sophisticated, using
varied sentence
structure and
Is still fluent and easy
to read;
Takes fewer chances
with varied sentence
structure, preferring
more simple sentences;
Primarily uses basic
Is readable;
Primarily uses
simple sentences and
basic, grade level
Is readable;
Uses minimal, below
grade level vocabulary;
May include fragmented
or incomplete thoughts
Difficult to read;
Uses minimal, below
grade level vocabulary;
May include fragmented
or incomplete thoughts
Writing Mechanics:
The extent to which the
response exhibits
conventional spelling,
punctuation, para-
graphing, capitaliza-
tion,. grammar, and
Demonstrates a
thorough knowledge
and control of the
conventions of English;
Few, if any errors (no
more than 5-6), and
none that interfere with
comprehension or flow;
Mistakes are minor or
repetitive and occur
with sophisticated
vocab. or structures
Demonstrates a good
knowledge and control
of the conventions of
written English;
Contains more errors
than a level 5 paper, but
none that interfere with
comprehension or flow;
Mistakes are still minor,
but they may occur on
basic vocabulary and
sentence structures
Demonstrates a
partial knowledge
and control of the
conventions of English;
Contains errors that
interfere with read-
ability but not with
May contain run on
sentences or fragments
Demonstrates a minimal
knowledge and control
of the conventions of
written English;
Contains many errors
that interfere with
readability, flow and
May contain run on
sentences or fragments
Demonstrates a lack of
knowledge and control
of the conventions of
written English;
Contains many errors
that make the writing
Document Usage/
References (if used)
Student does a superior job of synthesizing the documents and integrating outside knowledge; integrates documents in an unexpected or insightful way
Student does a good job of synthesizing the documents and makes an admirabel attmpt to integrate outside knowledge.
Student does an adequate job of synthesizing the documents and does a decent job integrating outside knowledge.
Student does a poor job of synthesizing the documents and makes some attempt to integrate outside knowledge.
Student does does not understand meaning of most documents and makes little attempt to integrate outside knowledge.