a-Occures after the S2
b-It is divided into an early mid and late diastolic murmur c-In aortic stenosis the murmur is mid diastolic
In aortic regurgitation the murmur is called early diastolic blow
In atrial fibrillation and mitral stenosis the accentuation of presystolic murmur is not maintained
Radiofemoral delay present in one of the followingcondition; in Angina pectoris
Coarctation of the aorta c-Renal artery stenosis
d-Heart failure e-COPD
In hyperthyroidism Atrial fibrillation is best treated with: Quinidine
Digitalis and quinidine
Antithyroid drugs
Patients with aortic stenosis frequentlydevelop: Exertional dyspnea and angina
Wide pulse pressure
Systemic embloization
Atrial fibrillation
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Edema, ascites , enlarged liver and venous pressure of 180mm. of salinesuggest: Laennec’s cirrhosis