How do human activities cause problems fo r wild animals?
H um an activities affect wild anim als in several ways. O ne of the main
problem s is the loss of natural habitats for wild anim als. F o r exam ple,
hum ans cut down rainforests to m ake room for farm land and expand
the cities into the countryside. This can eith er reduce the am ount of
prey which an anim al w ould norm ally hunt, or m ake th at anim al m ore
vulnerable to attack.
Why do some humans continue to illegally hunt rare and endangered
wild animals?
I think th at rare and endangered anim als are still hun ted by hum ans
because it is tradition and th ere can be a lot of m oney in it; th ere m ore
rare som ething is, the m ore m oney it is w orth. T hese people a re n ’t
thinking about what the future im plications will be if these anim als b e
come extinct; they are ju st thinking about their im m ediate need.
What problems can global warming cause fo r wild anim als?
G lobal w arm ing can cause m any problem s for wild anim als. T he
w arm er clim ate is affecting polar bears, for exam ple, as th eir habitat
is being reduced since the ice is th in n er and m elting, m aking it h ard er
for them to find food. T he w arm er clim ate is changing the habitat of
many wild anim als, from the arctic to the m ountains and to th e sea. It
is reducing their food or forcing them to move and ad ap t to a new e n
vironm ent.
Are humans to blame fo r global warming?
A lthough the tem p eratu re of the earth is naturally rising, I think th at
hum ans m ust be contributing to global w arm ing as the tem p eratu re is
rising so quickly. Burning fossil fuels and the em issions from cars are
our m ain contributing factors, and som ething needs to be done to im
prove the situation.
Do people today care about protecting the environment or are they not
really worried?
I think th at a lot of people care about the environm ent, but the m a
jority of people d o n ’t consider protecting the environm ent as th eir re
sponsibility. T here is a d ebate am ongst scientists about w hat is actually
happening to the environm ent (som e claim th a t hum ans are causing
global w arm ing whilst others deny th at global w arm ing actually exists)
and so som e peo p le probably ju st d o n ’t know w hat info rm atio n to
What measures can governments take to try to reduce the effects o f global
warming and help protect the environment?
O ne thing th at governm ents can do to help p ro tect the environm ent
is to fund research into renew able sources of energy and prom ote them
as alternatives to fossil fuels (which are lim ited and em it carbon diox
ide, contributing to global warming). G overnm ents can also encourage
recycling and m ake it clear to the general public why it is essential that
they all do their bit to help the environm ent. A n o th er thing which all
governm ents need to join to g eth er to discuss is reducing the am ount
of carbon emissions by regulating industry.
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