И. А. Курбасова Е. И. Силантьева

ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ 1. is well under way

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1. is well under way —успешно ведется

2. simulation — моделирование

3. locomotive-simulator — локомотив-тренажер

4. power supply system — система энергоснабжения

1. device [di'vais] n устройство, прибор

2. perform [pə'fכ:m] v выполнять, совершать

3. complicated ['kכmplikeitid] а сложный

4. control [kən'troul] v управлять, регулировать

5. transmit [trænz'mit] v передавать; transmission[trsenz'mifən] n передача

6. employ [im'pכi] v использовать

7. sound [saund] n звук

8. fault [fכ:lt] n авария, повреждение; faulty ['fכ:lti] a дефектный, неисправный

9. occur [ə'kə:] v происходить, случаться

10. the only ['ounli] а единственный

11. require [ri'kwaiə] v требовать

12. able ['eibl] а способный; ability [ə'biliti] n способность

13. data ['deitə] n данные; process data [prə'ses] обраба­тывать данные

14. various ['vεəniəs] а различный, разнообразный; vary ['vεəri] v изменяться

15. emergency [I'mə:d3ənsi] n авария, крайняя необходи­мость

16. supply (with) [sə'plai] v снабжать; поставлять; тех. питать

17. in case of [keis] в случае

18. intend [in'tend] v предназначать, намереваться

19. reliable [ri'laiəbl] а надежный; rely (on, upon) [ri'lai] v полагаться (на)
Запомните формы нестандартных глаголов:




держать, хранить












приходить, приезжать




узнавать; учить





5. Скажите, как функционируют рассматриваемые в тексте системы автодиспетчера и локомотива-тренажера.

6. Найдите в тексте слова, образованные с помощью известных вам суффиксов и приставок, и переведите их.

7. Дайте английские эквиваленты к выделенным словам.

to make long computations, to carry out calculations,to perform a job by an electronic machine, a driverless train operated by a computer, designed for public service, a, defective device, to use mechanical transmission, to send impulses, if it is necessary, from different points of view, the data provided by the computer, to rely on the infor­mation supplied by the computer.

8. Укажите предложения, в которых слово only имеет значение «единственный», и переведите эти предложения
1. Only lack of funds stopped Peter Shilovsky's project.

2. The Pyreness Tunnel will be the only communication link between France and Spain during winter snows.

3. India is the only- country which uses three gauges on its railways. 4. It is only the Moscow Subway that can provide its passengers with all necessary comforts. 5. The only decision that could be made in this emergency situa­tion was to shut down the faulty section from the system.

  1. Переведите сочетания слов на английский язык.

сложная проблема; передавать информацию; линиипередач; подавать звуковой сигнал; управлять устройст­вом; согласно требованиям; устранить повреждение; не­исправная система; использовать бесколесные поезда; вы­полнять функции; надежное транспортное средство; пола­гаться на полученные. данные; значительно колебаться (изменяться); обрабатывать различные данные; единствен­ное устройство; предназначаться для аварийной ситуации; в случае крайней необходимости; обеспечивать необходи­мой информацией.

10. Найдите в тексте предложения со сказуемым, в состав которого входит обстоятельство, и переведите их (абз. 1, 3).
Образец: The driver must immediately stop the train.

Машинист должен немедленно остановить поезд.

11. Переведите предложения с модальными глаголами долженствования. Найдите аналогичные предложения в тексте и переведите их (абз. 6, 7,9).

1. When the train speed increased many improvements had to be made in the track structure. 2. The faulty equip­ment should be carefully examined and shut down if required. 3. In large cities there must be high-speed com­munications between the city's centre and the airports.

4. The regular operations in the sorting yards are to be planned beforehand. 5. Simulation technique ought to be used for training locomotive drivers. 6. According to the project, called the "Aerodromic system", the cars were to be pro­vided with wings (крылья).

12. Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения с при­частием II в функции определения и обстоятельства (абз. 4).

13. Найдите в тексте сложноподчиненные предложе­ния. В каждом из них выделите придаточное предложе­ние и определите его тип, обращая внимание на союз и его место в предложении (абз. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9).

14. Разделите предложения на смысловые отрезки (абз. 7); в группах подлежащего выделите основное слово и переведите группы подлежащего на русский язык.

15. Прослушайте вопросы и ответьте на них согласно текту.

1. What opterations are now transfrred to elictironic machines in industry, research and on trasport? 2.What functions does the autodriver perform? 3. Why is the introduction of the autodispatcher economically justified? 4.How do computers help the operators at the sorting yards?5. What to the automatic devices at railway substations do in case of an emergency? 6.What is the advantage of introducting the Express syustem? 7.What may turn our railways into a more reliable and effecient means cofcommunication?

16.Выберите из текта два – три примера использования автоматики на железнодоржном транспорте и расскажите о каждом их них.Свое собшение стройте по следушему плану.

1. The aim of the syustem (project).

2. The function performed by the ekectironic computer (aumotomatic device).

3. The advantages of the system (project).

17. Прочитите текст В без словаря (6 мин.) и скажите, какая транспортня система рассматривается в тексте, как она функционирует и что делает эту систему удоб­ным видом городского транспорта


1) International transport exhibitions have uirnedinto a useful tradition among transport engineers. The principal aim of these exhibitions is to demonstrate achievements in the field of surface transport including railways.

(2) At one of the international exhibitions Franc demonstrated a new city transportation system intended for towns with up to 800,000 people. The system is auto­matic and operates on its own rail track.

(3) The vehicles are equipped with four wheels and driv­en electrically with the аid а саble laid parallel to the track. These vehicles run continuously along the cable at a distance of 100 m from one another and are able .to develop, 35 km/h.

(4) While reaching the station the car is automatically disconnected from the cable and decelerated (замедлять). At the platform it moves at a speed of 0.3 m/h when pas­sengers are getting on the car. As soon as the passengers have entered the car, the doors automatic ally close and the car accelerates until it attains the speed of 35 km/h. Then a specially designed automatic device connects the car to the cable.

(5) Conpatrolled by computers, the system is quite reliable. A large number of electronic devices eliminate any risk of an accident or emergency situation. The track can be built above the streets, under the ground or at ground level. This makes the system particularly convenient for the streets with heavy traffic. The track itself is of light construction and the platforms are short. So the construc­tion cost of the whole system is rather cheap.

18. Прочитите текст С без словаря (3 мин) и перескажите его содержание по русски.

19. Опредилите значение выделлных слов и словосочетаний по контесеу.


(1) One of London’s undergound railways—the Victoria Line—was put into public service in 1968. The character­istic feature of this line is the automatically-driven trains and the automatic inspection of tickets.

(2) The line is serviced by eight-car trains controlled automatically with the aid of coded signals which are re­ceived from the running rails. Special devices installed in front of the trains pick up these signals, set the speed of the trains or stop the train in case of any emergency.

(3) Each train employs a single operator who is to open and close the doors at stations. If any fault occurs, he can drive the train in the usual way.

(4) Thanks to the automatic equipment a minimum distance between the trains can be safely provided. Nu­merous electronic devices are intended to operate the whole system and to avoid (избегать) any emergency which may lead to a serious accident.

  1. Определите, какой частью речи являются данные слова (§ 61).

disagreement, synchronous, underestimate, controlled, priceless, formulate, unhealthy, emergency, outward, stra­tegic, unlocalize, immovability, fruitful, transportable, mileage, forerunner, symmetric, harden, salty, demodulate, polar, polarity, polarize, polarizer, polarization, finely, empty, southward, frequent, abrasion, stratify, truthful, moisture, meter, magnetize, reclaimless, fitness, massive, insensibility, persistently, groundless, weaken, incombustible, subsidiary, normalize, manual, exposure, constituent, read­iness, modify, artful, superiority, momentary, unalterably, miniaturization, unbeautiful, foliage, reversal, provocative, suburban, outwardly.

. 2. Переведите данные слова, обращая внимание на приставки (§ 61).

irreplaceable, mislead, subtitle, trans-oceanic, recreate, interchange (n), disarrange, non-operative, self-cleaning, inelasticity, semi-axle, immovable, forego, pre-load, unbal­anced, irresistible, subsurface, interstate (a), non-conduct­ing, immeasurable, rearrange, underloaded, self-movingj) independent, intercooler, predetermine, irrationally, discol­our (v), immaterial, submarine, pre-pay, uncontrollable, intertrack, semi-enclosed, insufficiency, pre-heat, non-coded, immobile, underheated, unburned, subnormal, translocation, inefficiency, non-deforming, readjust (adjust—регулиро­вать), disadjust, self-adjusting, misunderstand, underdo, transporter.

3. Переведите сочетания слов, обращая внимание на суффиксы и приставки (§ 61).

a standardized container, a non-smoking compartment, unimportant information, an outward appearance, a non-reflecting surface, the incorrect application of a calculator, a sub-zero temperature, national independence, a smokeless operation, to disassemble a crane, unwanted effects, a transistorized receiver, an unusual transmitter, to minimize the wear of rails, an unqualified assistant, a semi-conductor rectifier, to misuse a transformer, the elasticity of a struc­ture, a wheelless train, a dieselized railway, to miscalcu­late the cost, an unknown researcher, a non-electrified section of track, a soundless operation, inorganic chemistry.

4. Опираясь на сигналы, определите явные и неявные сказуемые в каждом предложении данного текста.

(1) Today, we travel from one place to another quite easily. But for thousands of years, people had to walk or travel in horse-drawn carriages.

(2) In 1829, Shillibeer started the first bus service in London. The bus introduced by Shillibeer looked like a large carriage.

(3) Everybody knows that the English buses are of red colour and are very high, as they are double-decked buses. But the upper deck of the early buses had no roof. The passengers were given raincoats to put on if it started to rain.

(4) In 1885, the Londoners saw the first petrol-engine buses. In 1919, they achieved a speed of 12 mph.

(5) As to the first important passenger railway in England it was the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. In 1829, the company offered a prize of £ 500 for the best steam locomotive for this railway. The prize was won by G. Ste-phenson.

(6) Today, people use electric and diesel traction on their railways because electric and diesel trains attain a very high speed.

5. Переведите группы существительных с левыми опре­делениями.

a noiseless auxiliary engine; an extremely complex quick-acting computer; self-improving, self-programming and self-managing machines; densely-populated towns; a rocket-type passenger car; a diesel-electric power plant; a narrow-gauge mine railroad; a horse-drawn carriage; a high-horse­power diesel engine; a fully-computerized electric train; a double-decked bus service; a small-size automobile; Public Automated Rapid Transportation System; a nuclear-powered locomotive; a water-cooled engine; an engine cooling system; a specially-built multiple-unit rolling stock; automatically-controlled doors; the first commercially-produced switching locomotive; a superhigh-speed streamlined air-cushioned vehicle; little earth-moving work; engine-driven traction motor ventilators; automatic ticket inspection; a heavy-duty bus; excellent stop-and-go delivery electromobiles; slow-moving city electric buses; a heavy all-steel passenger rolling stock; the first diesel-electric multi-car train; low-grade cheap fuel.

6. Найдите группы существительных с левыми и пра­выми определениями и укажите в каждой группе основное слово,

1. Most special-type freight cars have been developed in recent years. 2. We know another very serious disadvan­tage of the early steam locomotives was their low efficiency. 3. The modern T-shaped rails which can carry a very heavy weight were invented in 1831. 4. It is reported that the light weight welded body of the car has a high strength. 5. In 1808, R. Trevithick demonstrated his little eight-ton steam lo­comotive which ran on a circular iron track. 6. Thanks to James Watt's engine many new wonderful machines were devised. 7. Four hundred years ago heavy wooden rails were used in England for transporting coal from the mines; in this case the small horse-drawn wagons to run on those wooden rails had heavy flanged wooden wheels. 8. In 1938, the world record speed for a steam train was 126 mph (about 200 kph).

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