1. faculty ['fækəlti] n факультет
2. first- (second-, etc.) year student студент первого (второго и т. д.) курса; in the first (second, etc.) year
на первом (втором и т. д.) курсе
3. general subjects ['dзenərəl 'sΛbdзikts] общеобразова-. тельные предметы; special subjects ['spe∫əl] предметы
по специальности
4. academic year [ækə'demik] учебный год
5. term [tə:m] n семестр
6. get a mark in (physics, etc.) получить оценку по (физике и т. д.)
7. get a grant [gra:nt] получить стипендию
8. fail in an examination [feil] не выдержать экзамен
9. rector ['rektə] n ректор
10.dean [di:n] n декан
11.department [di'pa:tmant] n кафедра
1. Read these words and word combinations. ;
civil engineering ['sivil ndsi'niann] гражданское строительство, cybernetics [aiba/netiks] кибернетика, speciality [yspefi'aeliti], theoretical [Oia'retikal] subjects, depot ['depou], higher mathematics [maeGi'maetiks], physics ['fi-ziks], chemistry ['kemistn] химия, descriptive geometry [dis'knptiv dsi'omitn] начертательная геометрия, drawing [dro:irj] черчение, foreign language ['form 'laeggwids] иностранный язык, head [hed] возглавлять.
2. Answer these questions.
1. What facts show that the Moscow Railway Transport Instituta is one of largest in our country? 2. How long do the stuats study at the Institute? 3. Where do they have practical training? 4. What general subjects do the first- and second-year students study? 5. When do the students begin to study special subjects? 6. When do the students take examinations? 7. What students get grants? 8. Whom is the Institute headed by? 9. Who is at the head of a faculty?
3. Translate these word combinations, (a) into Russian: to study at the Railway Construction Faculty, to be a first-year student, to study general subjects, to take examinations at the end of each term, to pass an examination in drawing, to get a good mark in descriptive geometry, to get a grant, to fail in higher mathematics, to be headed by the dean;
(b) into English:
изучение общеобразовательных предметов, в конце учебного года, сдавать экзамены в конце семестра, сдать экзамен по физике, получить стипендию, не выдержать экзамен по химии, получить хорошую оценку по черчению, кафедра иностранных языков, декан факультета «Электрификация железных дорог», ректор института.
4. Make up sentences using these words and word combinations.
1. study, at the institute, about 15,000 students; 2. engineers, trains, in 22 specialities, my institute; 3. by practical training, is followed, the study of theoretical subjects, at workshops and on construction sites; 4. general subjects, study, the first- and second-year students; 5. begins, in the third year, the study of special subjects; 6. take examinations, the students, of each term, at the end; 7. the Dean, of each faculty, is, at the head; 8. the students, get grants, all the examinations, who pass.
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