Qutni, D., Kristiawan, M., & Fitriani, Y.
Educational Research in Indonesia (Edunesia)
A. Introduction
Education quality determines the quality of the people to live in the developed and
dignified. UU No 20 the year 2003 on system education in national started to carry update
curriculum, improvement
in capability of educators, the provision means and
infrastructure, improvement in well-being of educators, improvement organizational,
management, and supervision.
Essential for implemented, associated with improvement
in the quality of the supply power human. Management is most often discussed in the field
of academic and practice.
Education aims to provide human resources for national development. The
development step is always strived to be in harmony with the records of the times. The
times have always brought new things that never appeared before. According to Kemal &
Hasibuan (2017) states that resource management requires human beings and the
awareness needed in humans as a source that only takes the potential and is decided in an
organization, and needs to continue to be developed so that it can contribute as much as
possible to the organization and to development itself. The progress of science and
technology in developing countries is determined by management resources taken from
humans, called human resource management, this is the dominant factor in this field.
Increasing the quality of management resources leads people to see the concept in
the totality of life, the dimensions of quality that lie in the context of the development as a
whole, namely good
faith and professional service, intellectual discipline and efficiency
(Suryadi et al, 2020). The phenomenon of social at a time now and time the era of
globalization a was decide was management resources human (Ruhana, 2012). Human
resources are the most important capital of all activities. Humans as the most important
element are analyzed and developed in ways, time, energy and abilities that can actually be
used optimally for the benefit of organizations and individuals (Fathoni, 2006).
Human resource management is a science and art that
regulates the process of
utilizing human resources and other effectively and efficiently to achieve a goal (Almasri,
2016). With era full and change, environment in which faced by management source take
human challenge, change appear to quickly and include issues which very wide. managing
resource take the human in a was decide for success an organization, fail in the image would
have an impaction difficulties organizations in the ideal in various challenges (Widiansyah,
According to Kemal, et al (2019) human resource management is a factor that will
determine organizational performance, the appropriateness of utilizing and developing
human resources and integrating them in a unified movement and direction of the
organization will be important for increasing organizational capabilities
in achieving its
goals. In order to better understand how the position of human resource management in an
organizational context requires an understanding of the meaning of human resource
management itself, in order to position the role of human resource management in the
dynamics of organizational movements (Iskarim, 2017).
The importance of human resource management can
be separated from human
efforts to develop an increase in the quality of human resources. The participation of human
resources in development requires awareness without coercion and that is the essence of
the role of human resources in expected development
One of the important areas in education management is related to human resources
involved in the education process, both educators such as teachers and education personnel
such as administrative personnel. The intensity of the world
of education in relation to