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Does the student-teacher
model the task/activities
that learners will do
during the practice stage?
The students got the idea of each activity since the
teacher explained as many times as possible and also did
some effective modeling. In
certain moments like when
explaining the matching task, the teacher asked for
understanding using L1.
Does the student-teacher
encourage the learners to
recall what they learnt in
previous lesson(s)?
The practitioner spends some time of the lesson asking
the functions and recalling
the names in English of the
different organs of the excretory system.
Does the student-teacher
give clear instructions for
tasks/activities to the
The teacher does not begin a task or activity without
make sure that most of the students have understood the
activity. In the matching activity that is supposed to be
as assessment, the teacher explained first the
unknown vocabulary of each definition.
Are the teaching
resources well prepared
and helpful?
The use of the video projector is a great tool for the
development of the class. Students can know where the
teacher is focused in and can follow the different
procedures of the class. However; during the
presentation of the video the
speakers were not good at
all since the classroom and the group is big and some
students did not heard very well.
Does the student-teacher
check learners’
comprehension of the
new topic of the lesson?
The way to check students’ comprehension was
implemented asking in general about the comprehension
of the topic, but it was not observed the implementation
a strategy in order to check, in a meaningful way, the
students’ comprehension.
Do learners participate
actively in the class?
A great amount of students participate during the class
providing opinions and ideas about the topic.
Are ground rules clearly
This criteria was not relevant in this implementation due
to different factors, such as the time management.
the stages well-
There was an evident sequence of the activities that
matched with what is on the lesson plan. Nevertheless;
the times stablished for each activity was not exactly as
Does the student-teacher
manage time
All the activities were carried out as planned in the time
given by the institution.
Does the student-teacher
enough time for
the learners to
As the students were willing to participate during every
activity, the teacher gave an important portion of time
for these interventions.