Pre Modern History

Historical Knowledge and understanding

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Historical Knowledge and understanding

The focus of this unit is an in-depth study of the elective through the case study of one or more chosen historical contexts. Teachers should take guidance from the historical issues raised for the exploration of that elective using the nominated times and places. E.g. Feudalism- The Tokugawa Shogunate and English Feudalism, and using the historical content prescribed for this unit

For a standard (1.0) unit, students will study ONE or more of the following electives utilising one or more of the possible historical periods.

For a half standard (0.5) unit students will study at least ONE of the following electives utilising one of the possible historical periods and using the historical content prescribed for this unit.


Historical Contexts


The Tokugawa Shogunate

  • analyse the economic and political structures of the Shogunate

  • analyse the modes of social and political control used by the shogunate

  • examine the place of women in the feudal hierarchy in Tokugawa Japan

  • determine the impact of the long peace upon the military of Japan

  • determine the impact of the long peace upon the economy of Japan

  • engage with the historiographical debate over the economic problems generated by Sakoku

  • analyse the impact of American intervention under Commodore Perry

  • account for the Meiji restoration

English Feudalism

  • analyse the establishment, characteristics and changing nature of royal government in England

  • assess the claims of the four contenders to the English throne

  • examine the Norman Invasion and the mechanisms for asserting control. (Battle of Hastings; castle building; harrying the north; the role of the Church; the Domesday Book)

  • determine the impact of Henry I’s and Henry II’s legislation

  • assess the role of the rise of market towns and trade as a challenge to the traditional feudal economy

  • examine the extent to which women have and utilise power in the feudal system

  • how does the war between Stephen and Matilda highlight the weaknesses of the feudal system


Peter the Great, Russia

  • assess the structure of the Tsarist State and the extent to which it was absolute

  • assess the sources of the legitimacy and power of Tsarist system and the extent to which it was absolute

  • consider the methods of control utilised in a large state

  • assess the impact of Westernisation upon the Tsar’s power

  • assess the causes and consequences of the policies of territorial expansion

  • account for the movement of the capital to St Petersburg and assess its effectiveness in extending absolutism

Louis XIV, France

  • assess the power of the monarchy under the regency of Anne of Austria and Cardinal Mazarin

  • what was the nature and extent of the Fronde rebellions

  • Analyse Louis’ conception of absolute monarchy as god-given

  • Did ruling without a chief minister like Mazarin increase his power

  • Consider the move to Versailles as a move based on both strength and weakness

  • analyse the structure of the royal court and how it contributed to absolutism

  • examine the strengths and weaknesses of his administrative, economic and military reforms

  • did his foreign policy strengthen or weaken the absolute monarchy

  • consider the suitability of the title Sun King

Fredrick the Great, Prussia

  • examine the nature of Prussia and Fredrick Wilhelm’s rule

  • consider the tensions between Fredrick II’s enlightenment education and tendencies and the demands of an absolutist throne

  • assess Fredrick’s immediate attacks upon Austria (1740-1748) and the benefits and costs of those campaigns for his rule and control of Prussia

  • consider reasons for Fredrick’s military focus up until 1763 and the impact of his military on his political power

  • assess the nature of extent of his reforms subsequent to 1763

  • assess voltaire’s satirical representation of Fredrick

  • consider the origin and worthiness of his title ‘The great”

Empress Maria Theresa, Austria-Hungary

  • assess the extent of absolutism upon the ascension of Maria-Theresa to the throne

  • assess the nature of the title the Holy Roman Emperor

  • assess the causes and consequences of the War of the Austrian Succession for Maria-Theresa’s power and authority

  • assess the use Maria-Theresa made of her public image and how she constructed her Royal persona and power e.g. Vienna, monuments and public art

  • assess the role of the military, religion and the economy in building her power base

  • define the balance between absolute royal authority and the Codex Theresianus and the pressures of the Enlightenment

  • assess the extent of absolutism given the co-rulership with her husband and sons


Venetian Republic

  • assess the extent and limits of the power of the Doge

  • assess the reasons for the name “Republic” of Venice

  • aonsider the political meaning of the Marriage of the Sea Ceremony

  • assess the power and role of the Great Council of Venice

  • eexamine the power and role of the Concio, Great Council, Council of Ten, the Council of Forty and the Doge

  • examine the causes, process and consequences of the Golden Book and the Serrata on the Venetian system of limited democracy

  • examine the consequences of limited democracy on the power and effectiveness of the government of the republic

  • consider the value of Gasper Contareno’s The Commonwealth and Government of Venice as a historical source

English Civil War and Commonwealth

  • explore the relationship between the English Civil War and the notion of the “European crisis”

  • examine the role the crown’s financial difficulties played in the conflict with the parliament

  • assess how the competing interests of the three Kingdoms contributed to the political tensions of the period

  • consider the role of the rising middle class and assess how significant this is to the rising political tensions

  • consider the role of religion in the Civil war and assess its significance as a causal factor

  • compare the personalities of Charles 1 and Oliver Cromwell and the role they played in the defeat of the monarchy and the success of the Commonwealth

  • examine the reasons for the King’s military failures, and the success of the Commonwealth forces. How important was Cromwell’s new model army

  • explore the contemporary justifications for Charles’ execution

  • analyse why neither the Rump Parliament or the Nominated Assembly could provide stable government

  • Explore why the Protectorate was necessary and whether Cromwell was an effective ruler

  • examine the reasons for the Restoration and the failure of Republican government

Icelandic Althing

  • examine the extent of egalitarianism in Norse cultures

  • assess the extent of democracy given the class structure and the power of the godar

  • consider the anarchic nature of Icelandic society revealed it the Sagas

  • examine the powers and duties of the Althing and the consequences of the conflation of judicial and legislative powers

  • consider the power and duties of the Lawspeaker (iogsogumadthur)

  • assess the changes that were made to the Althing and the political system in Iceland from 1262 and the Norwegian monarchy and its consequences for democracy/anarchy

  • consider the consequences for the Althing of the absorption of Norway/Iceland into the Danish absolute monarchy

  • consider the historiographical representations of the Althing inherent in using the name of the Althing to legitimise Icelandic home rule and then the new nation in 1874

Reformation and Counter-reformation

Protestants and Catholics

  • examine the state of the Catholic church in Europe at the start of the 16th century, and reasons for criticism

  • consider the religious ideas and impact of Luther and Calvin

  • analyse the reasons for the successful spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany to 1547, including the attitudes of the German princes

  • account for religious conflict in Germany: the Peasants’ War; the Schmalkaldic League and the Peace of Augsburg

  • account for the role of spread and impact of Protestant ideas in any one of England, Scotland, France or the Netherlands: religious factors; aims and role of rulers; economic reasons; popular sentiments; religious conflicts

  • assess the successes and failures of the Catholic Reformation: spiritual movements; the Jesuits and other Catholic orders; clerical education and discipline; the Council of Trent


Shi’ite and Sunni

  • examine the structure of the Caliphate under the Prophet Mohammed

  • determine the roots of the conflict between Hussein bin Ali and Yazid

  • examine the causes and consequences of the Battle of Karbal

  • assess the similarities and differences between the two theologies

  • examine the representations of Sukayna bint Husayn (Ruqayyah Bint Hussain) and the role of martyrs in Shia theology

  • account for the dominance of Shia and Sunni theology in their particular areas such as Persia and Egypt

  • account for the emergence of Sufism and Isma’ilism

  • examine the methods and reasons for the persecutions of the Shia by various Sunni heads of state

Albigensianism and Catharism

  • examine the ideas of Neo-Platonism and Catharism and compare and contrast them with Catholic beliefs e.g. materialism, goodness, dualism and Church governance

  • examine the spiritual nature and socio-political role of the ‘Perfected Ones’

  • account for the popularity of Catharism by examining the corruption of the Catholic Church and the extent of its support and legitimacy

  • assess the reasons for the calling of crusade of 1209–1229 by Innocent III and the reasons for the support of people like Simon de Montfort and the opposition of Raymond VI of Toulouse and Peter II of Aragon

  • examine the conduct of The Crusades, with particular emphasis on the first three

  • examine the conduct of the inquisition using Le Roy Ladurie’s Montaillou

  • assess the inquisition as a means of social control

  • compare and contrast with the persecution of the Spiritual Franciscans from 1296 and assess if the church had changed

Pre-reformation Vernacular Movement

  • examine the rise and and variety of vernacular scripture movements such as Lollards, Waldensians, Paterines, Hussites and Cathars

  • examine the social and economic contexts of the supporters of these heresies

  • consider the political and economic motivations for declaring vernacular scripture movements heresies

  • assess the methods and extent of suppression of the heresies.

  • undertake a case study of John Wycliffe

  • consider reasons for the failures of the movements

Joan of Arc

  • assess the accuracy of and the representations of Joan of Arc’s early life

  • consider the complex political situation with the Hundred Years War and the disputed succession of Charles Valois and Henry V and Henry VI (Lancaster) and the interventions of the Duke of Burgundy

  • analyse the normative gender roles and the ways in which Joan violated gender discipline in making her way to the Prince’s court

  • assess the nature and extent of Joan’s contribution to the military campaigns

  • what was the nature of Joan’s power in the court and why was she betrayed

  • analyse the charges and trial according to a Feminist Historical approach

  • consider the reasons for Charles VII’s rehabilitation of Joan

  • consider the reasons for her Canonisation and the historical validity of her hagiography



  • examine the conditions that lead to the rise of the T’ang and the methods they used to join the divided north and South in a reunified empire

  • assess the significance of the imperial bureaucracy as a method of political and social control

  • consider the reasons for the growing importance of the examination system and the role the Confucian classics played in this

  • analyse whether the Neo-Confucian revival posed a real threat to the status of Buddhism in China, what were the root causes of the anti-Buddhist backlash

  • consider the factors that led to the decline of the T’ang and the rise of the Song dynasty

  • account for the revival of Confucian thought under the Song and assess the consequences of this on Chinese political and cultural life

  • in what ways did the Confucian assertion of male dominance effect the position of women in Chinese society


  • consider Pre-Confucian systems and its strengths and weaknesses and the value of the sources for that period

  • trace the connections between Korea and China and the impact of Buddhism

  • analyse the causes and effects of Goryeo use of Confucian principles

  • examine the reforms of Kins Gwangjong and Seongjong

  • examine Neo-Confucianism and its impact on the Joseon Dynasty

  • examine the ideas of Yi Hwang, Yi I and Jo Gwang-Jo

  • assess the causes, process and effects of the Dong Hak Rebellion


  • consider Pre-Confucian systems and its strengths and weaknesses and the value of the sources for that period

  • connections with China and Buddhism and Taoism

  • adaptation and Vietnamisation of Confucian thought

  • the use of Confucian principles in the extension of Chinese power and conversely its use to promote Vietnamese independence

  • examine the thoughts of Le Quy Don, Mac Dinh Chi and Nguyen Khuyen

  • the representation of Vietnamese philosophy by modern scholars as Broucheux and Vu

Nationalism'>Heroism, Stories, Myth and Social Control

Robin Hood, King Arthur and English Nationalism

  • assess the conditions in Britain at the time of the final withdrawal of Roman power

  • explore the origins of the Anglo Saxon migrations and the impact that this had on the existing British populations·

  • examine the contemporary evidence for arthur

  • consider the evolution of the Arthurian story: the invention and synthesis of tales, themes and characters

  • examine the ideals represented by Arthur: concepts of correct behaviour embodied in chivalry compared to the real world at the time

  • assess the view of women in the Arthurian stories, and how the Arthurian world has impacted on Western women’s lives

  • compare the circumstance that surround the development of the of Robin Hood story with those surrounding King Arthur

  • analyse the extent to which the Robin Hood story reflect English society, consider the ballad traditions, the judicial system and the feudal organisation of English society· The original records in court documents and chronicles of Robin Hood and his associates

  • analyse the role that both traditions have in the development of English nationalism

Courts of Love

  • examine why the Courts of Love emerge in Toulouse, Aquitaine, and Languedoc in the 12th and 13th centuries

  • to what extent were women empowered, in terms of politics and family life, by the Courts of Love

  • analyse the literary representations of women in the works of Christine de Pisan

  • to what extent were the Courts of Love an activity of the elite

  • to what extent did the Courts of Love challenge the Christian doctrines regarding feminine virtue

  • examine the musical genre of the Courts of Love

Roland of the Horn or El Cid AND Vlad Drakul and Resistance to Islam

  • compare and contrast literary and mythic representations of Vlad, Roland and/or El Cid with the historical accounts

  • consider the reasons for the various representations

  • consider the value of the literary sources as historical sources

  • analyse the changing nature of the construction of heroism

  • consider the construction of gender and masculinity employing ideals of heroism

  • consider the dichotomies constructed mythically between Islam and Christianity and the actual history of exchange and synthesis

  • consider the reasons for the relative popularity of the different myths in their societies

Indigenous Stories and Social Control

  • compare and contrast perspective on the phenomenon of religion

  • study various myths and rituals in their cultural contexts

  • examine the relationship between myth and ritual

  • examine the functional value for society of religious practice

  • examine approaches to understanding shamanic experience

  • provide an understanding of witchcraft and divination as systems of belief and social order

  • investigate the way myth functions as charter for social order, a symbolic repository of cultural meaning and as a life map


Khmer State

  • differentiate between the methodologies for written and archaeological sources

  • assess the value of Chinese Chronicle sources, e.g. Zhou Daguan

  • assess the ways in which the Khmer Devarajas differentiated their kingdom from Java and neighbouring entities. Was this nationalism

  • how did Jayavaram and his dynasty adapt Javan systems to enforce royal power i.e. Devaraja system, and can it be characterised as nationalistic

  • how was Angkor Wat used to promote Khmer power, independence and identity

  • assess the use of identity in the Khmer conflicts with Champa and Dai Viet

  • assess the role of Hinduism and Buddhism in the politics of identity and in royal authority and its consequences for economic power i.e. control of water management systems

Uniting the Kingdom – UK

  • assess the history of English absorption of Wales and Cornwall by 1543, through parliamentary incorporation, political and cultural integration of the ruling elites, and administrative cohesion across church and state

  • assess the reasons for failing to integrate Ireland into the English system, e.g. religion, alienation, atrocities and plantations

  • assess the success of James I/VI and Hanoverian cultivation of a British national identity

  • account for the English Parliament rejecting overtures for Union from Ireland and Scotland

  • compare and contrast the possible models of commercial union, federation union and incorporation and the impact of constructions of Nationhood

  • assess the impact of the Civil War upon the unity of Scotland, Ireland and England and the use of constructions of Nationhood by different sides

  • assess the impact of the relationship between Queen Anne and the Scottish Estates and then the ascension of the House of Hanover

  • assess the pressures International Relations and International trade placed upon the debate over the benefits and costs of Union

  • assess the nature and extent of a British nation of the United Kingdom in the 1707 Treaty of Union between Scotland and England

  • account for the rising of Jacobites under Prince Charles Edward in Scotland in 1745

  • compare and contrast the Treaty of Union of 1707 with the Act of Union of 1800

  • explore the historiographical controversy about whether England rescued an impoverished Scotland

  • explore the historiography of British oppression of Ireland.

Shivaji and the Maratha Empire

  • examine Shivaji Bhonsle (Marathi c. 1627/1630– 3 April 1680), also known as Chhatrapati Shivaji origins and early life

  • account for Shivaji overcoming the declining Adilshahi sultanate of Bijapur that formed the genesis of the Maratha Empire. , he was formally crowned

  • analyse his coronation as the Chhatrapati in 1674 of his realm at Raigad and construction and meaning of that title

  • to what extend did Shivaji established a competent and progressive civil rule with the help of a disciplined military and well-structured administrative organisations

  • to what extent did his action as a military leader consolidate is rule.

  • how did the army and his network of fortifications consolidate the state

  • to what extent and through what means did Shavaji use Hinduism to consolidate and justify his rule

  • engage with the historiographical debates as to his significance and the extent of nationhood he fostered before and after Indian independence and the rise of Hindu nationalism in modern India

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