Material Culture of Religion: Glossary of (selected) Religious Terms, Concepts, People, Etc. A ad

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Christian: The normative eastward-facing posture worshippers take; that part of the church one looks at when viewing the altar from the nave. In many cases, east is the direction along which the rising sun's first light penetrates the church on the day of the patron saint after whom the church was named.

Christian: Early Church father. xxxx

Christian: Prayer, esp. one repeated often.


  1. Gnostic: Egyptian sage/mystic, resident in Alexandria 1st Century CE.

  2. Priory of Sion: An acrostic or anagram used as a subtitle by Priory of Sion in 12-13th Century; combines Latin words or ("gold") and ursus ("bear").


  1. Jewish: A branch of Judaism.

  2. Christian (Eastern): A "shorthand" term for Eastern Christianity or the Church in Constantinople, headed by the Patriarch.

  3. Christian (Eastern): A general term for the historic churches of southern and eastern Europe which are in communion with the bishopric of Constantinople (Istanbul), notably the Greek Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Orthodox Sunday
Christian (Eastern Orthodox): The first Sunday of Lent.

The position, regarding religious opinion or worship, that has come to be considered normative and representative of the mainstream of a religious tradition.


  1. Religious behavior and worship practice that has come to be considered normative and representative of the mainstream of a religious tradition.

  2. Right behavior, faith proven healthy by its producing the expected ethical results.

Buddhist (Zen): The traditional style of eating in a monastery.

Santeria: One of the four Gods (the others are Eleggua, Ochosi, and Oggun).


Scientologist: Continue an auditing process or a series of processes past the point of completion.

(see also sin)
Scientologist: A harmful act or a transgression against the moral code of a group that can be intentional or unintentional.


P. Villaverde
New Age: One of the seven invisible doctors of Central Spiritual Resurrection religious sect, this spectral being specialized in casting evil spells.

Muslim: The letters "pbuh" are an abbreviation for "peace be upon him", an honorific added by (some) English-speaking Muslims after each mention of Prophet Muhammad's name. Usually, the abbreviation is used in print, and the entire phrase when speaking out loud.

pagan (Latin: paganus, "country-dweller, peasant")

  1. Christian (Early): Uneducated peasants who preferred ancient ways of nature worship to Christian ritual, doctrine and theology.

  2. Common usage: xxxx; contains inference of disdain.

  3. Christian (Evangelical): Devin-worshipper.

Paitishahem Gahambar
Zoroastrian (holiday): The festival commemorating the creation of the earth and the harvesting of summer crops.

Buddhist: The language of the Theravada Buddhist scriptures. Pali refers to scriptural text rather than commentary upon scriptural text.

Palm Sunday
Christian (holiday): The celebration of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem; the Sunday before Easter.

Pandurang (=Vitthal)
Hindu: An incarnation of Vishnu.

panj kakke (Punjabi)
Sikh: The "five k's", symbols worn by all Sikh males who are members of the Khalsa. They are:

  1. kesh: uncut hair

  2. kangha: comb

  3. kirpan: dagger

  4. kara: steel bracelet

  5. kaccha: short pants

panth (Sanskrit: "path" or "road")
Hindu/Buddhist: Used to designate groups in India following particular teachers or doctrines.

Pantheism (from the Greek pan theos: "all is God")
The doctrine that everything that exists is in some sense identical with God, that the whole of reality is divine.

Pantokrator (Greek: "ruler of all")
Christian (Eastern): Christ represented as "Lord over Life and Death".

Christian (Roman Catholic): The ecclesiastical office held by the Pope.

pa qua (Chinese : " eight trigrams ")
Taoist: The foundations of the I Ching that represent the eight directions of the compass associated with the forces of nature that make up the universe. (see also bagua)


  1. Story, usually drawn from ordinary life, which teaches a spiritual or ethical lesson.

  2. Christian: A story that has a specific religious point to it, and is thus distinct from an allegory, in which the various details all carry separate meaning. Characteristic of the teaching activity of Jesus as narrated in the New Testament, many of the parables underwent a process of allegorization, which can be discerned through comparative study of the Gospels.

Buddhist (holiday): The observance of the entry of Buddha into the final nirvana - a state of complete detachment.

Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate
Christian (Roman Catholic): Religious Community of Women Contemplative-Missionaries founded in 1920 (in New York State?).

Parsi (=Parsee) ("the Persians")
Zoroastrian: A Zoroastrian living in India, or a Zoroastrian of Indian descent. The descendants of a small group of Zoroastrians who left their Iranian homeland to escape from Islamic oppression to seek a land of religious freedom, who settled in northwest India (Gujarat province) in the 10th Century CE.

Hindu: Shiva's consort, displaying both serene and fearful aspects.

Paryushana Parva
Jain (holiday): Eight day festival signifying human emergence into a new world of spiritual and moral refinement.

pasdaran (Arabic?: "guards")
Muslim: Sipah-i pasdaran-i inquilab-i islami = Islamic Revolutionary Guard.

pasha (Turkish?)
Muslim (Ottoman): An official title denoting rank of minister, governor or equivalent.

Paschal full moon
Christian: The full moon that precedes Easter.

Hindu: Shiva in his aspect as "Lord of the Beasts." Symbolized by the lingum, he is believed to bring fecundity.

Pasni (Nepalese)
Hindu (Nepal): A rice-feeding ceremony conducted for seven-month-old babies, and repeated at age 77 plus 7 months.

Passionist Nuns
Christian (Roman Catholic): Cloistered contemplative order of nuns founded in Italy in 1771 by St. Paul of the Cross.

Passover (= Pesach)
Jewish: A spring festival of freedom or liberation marking the exodus of the Children of Israel from slavery in ancient Egypt. It commemorates the angel of death's "passing over" the Israelite homes during the tenth plague. See also Passover details.

Pater noster (or, Paternoster) (Latin: "our father")

  1. Christian: The first two words of the Lord's Prayer in Latin, often used as a name for this common prayer.

  2. Common usage (Germany): A particular kind of always moving "dumb waiter" elevator for humans, requiring prayer for one's personal safety in leaping on and off.

path (Punjabi: "reading")

  1. Sikh: A reading of any portion of the sacred scriptures.

  2. Common usage (Nepal): A small raised platform which provides shelter for travelers on important routes and intersections.


  1. Christian: A bishop of a chief episcopal see.

  2. Christian (Eastern): A title for a senior bishop in the Orthodox Church.

  3. Jewish: When used in the plural, "patriarchs" often refers to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the founders of Judaism.

  4. Common usage: Founding father of any traditional community.

patristic (from the Greek patres: "fathers")
Christian: Referring to the church fathers.

Pavarana Day
Buddhist (holiday): The festival marking the end of the Rains Retreat, primarily observed by monks in monasteries.

Christian (Roman Catholic): One of the seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church in which the believer confesses sin and receives absolution.

Christian: One who is repentant of his/her sins. See also contrition.

Pentecost (=Whitsunday)

  1. Christian: The festival celebrating the descent or gift of the Holy Spirit as narrated in Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2, occurring fifty days after resurrection of Christ.

  2. Jewish: The holiday remembering the giving of the Law to Moses fifty days after the Passover.

Scientologist: Any sense message such as sight, sound, smell, etc.

Pesach (Hebrew)
See Passover.

xxxx; 1204-1374

Indian subcontinent: The twelfth (and last) month of the (solar) calendar; the others are Chaitra, Vaishaaka, Jyeshta, Aashaadha, Sraavana, Bhaadrapada, Aaswayuja, Kaartika, Maargasira, Pushya and Magha.

Phلp Luân (Vietnamese: “wheel of law”)
See Wheel of Law.

Secret Society/Scotland/17th Century: Possibly connected with Rosicrucianism and/or Freemasonry

Philo of Alexandria
Christian: Early church father, first century CE xxxx

phronesis (Greek)

  1. Practical reason; common sense.

  2. Aristotelian: Practical reason as an intellectual virtue.

Religious devotion or form of reverence.

Pious Union of St. Joseph
Christian (Roman Catholic): An organization founded in Italy in 1912 by Blessed Louis Guanella; its goals are that all priests remember the dying in the Divine Sacrifice, and that all the faithful accustom themselves to raise up special prayers to God and to St. Joseph for the dying. (see Pious Union of St. Joseph)

Journeys for devotion, penance, thanksgiving, or the fulfillment of a vow.

Pillars of Islam
See Five Pillars.

Common usage (exp. 18th C): Belief that volcanoes, earthquakes and other forces changed topography over time. (See also Neptunism.)

Poher, Alain
Priory of Sion: Member/Leader (20th Century); provisional president of France from 28 April to 19 June 1969.

An action that renders one ritually unclean, in need of purification before reentering the presence of holy things.


  1. Multiple origins.

  2. Christian Identity : The different races have their origins in separate creations by God ; see also Christian Identity.

A system of marriage allowing one man two or more legal wives.

Common usage: The many gods worshipped by various groups of people are equally powerful.

Christian (Roman Ctholic): Designates Religious Institutes under the jurisdiction of the Holy See, and present in more than one Diocese.

Poor Clare Missionary Sisters
Christian (Roman Catholic): Cloistered Franciscan order of women religious.

Poor Clare Nuns
Christian (Roman Catholic): Cloistered Franciscan order of women religious; founded by St. Clare of Assisi.

Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
Christian (Roman Catholic): Cloistered Franciscan order of nuns.

Poor Sisters of Jesus Crucified and the Sorrowful Mother
Christian (Roman Catholic): Order of nuns established by Father Alphonsus Maria, C.P. on 21 January 1924 in Scranton, Pa.

(see also papacy

  1. Christian (Roman Catholic): The title used for the Bishop of Rome, who is considered to have supreme authority in questions of faith and morals and in leadership of the church hierarchy.

  2. Christian (Roman Catholic): The highest authority in the church who leads 1.1 billion faithful worldwide through a bureaucracy based in the Vatican in Rome, Italy. (Note: the Pope has not always resided in the Vatican in Rome, but that has been the case in recent centuries).

Pope Clement XII
Christian (Roman Catholic): xxxx-xxxx. Issued papal bull in 1738 excommunicating Freemasons as "enemies of the Roman Church".

Philosophy: The conviction that the only certain knowledge is the exact description of what we perceive with our senses. (see also logical positivism)

Christian: The belief in a future 1,000-year period of Jesus Christ's rule on earth that will follow a period of preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Philosophy: The belief that truth is what consistently works in human action ("the practical").

praise house
Christian: Meetinghouse for slaves on some southern plantations used for religious and social events.

Prajna (= Prajna Devi)
Hindu: Goddess of wisdom.

pravrajya (Sanskrit: lower ordination)
Buddhist: A term for the lower ordination of a monk or nun. See also upasampad.


  1. {xxxx}

  2. Christian (Order of St. Benedict): Prayer schedule specifying Matins (nighttime/pre-dawn), Prime (6 a.m.), Terce (morning), Sext (noon), None (afternoon), Vespers (6 p.m.) and Compline (evening).

Christian Identity: People of color created before Adam and Eve; see also canon; generally bestowed by bishop for exceptional service to the diocese.

Scientologist: A person who is receiving auditing on his way to becoming Clear.
Christian: The belief in a future 1,000-year period of Jesus Christ's rule on earth following the Second Coming of Christ.

Hindu/Buddhist: A spirit of someone who is dead.

A term used in the context of many quite different religious to designate one who mediates, usually through specialist routines such as sacrifice, between God/Gods and community/humankind. Priests either inherit their positions or are consecrated to them.

Primary Cause
Christian: God as the fundamental cause of events in this world (the causal powers of creatures is secondary).

Christian (esp. Roman Catholic): The psalms, prayers, readings and versicles used at the first hour of the liturgical day.

Prince Noachite de Notre Dame (=Seneschal)
Priory of Sion: Second-level rank, below Nautonnier.

Priory of Sion
Secret Society/Europe: Founded approx. 1100; continuation into contemporary times possible. (Also known as: Ordre de Sion, Prieuré de Sion; Ormus; Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas; possibly allied with Knights Templar.)

Scientologist: An exact set of questions asked or directions given by an auditor to help a person locate areas of spiritual distress, find out things about himself and improve his condition.

Process Church of the Final Judgement
New Age: Sect founded in 1963; see also Process Church of the Final Judgement.

Divine inspiration to discern the religious significance of one's times and proclaim its practical implications.

An enunciator or interpreter of a divine message imparted in visions or auditions. A prophet is summoned, sometimes against his/her will, to call people to "true" worship. Prophets are often persecuted and many times martyred. Sometimes prophets also are founders of religious traditions, for example Joseph Smith (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and Muhammad (Islam).

Prophet, the
Muslim: Denotes Muhammad.

Prophet Cherry
Christian: Founder of the Church of God in Philadelphia approx. 1915, a congregation of Black Jews.

A form of prayer whereby the feet, knees, hands and forehead all touch the floor.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Tract made public in 19th century offering a social and political program.
[note: continuing controversy over authorship and date of composition; perhaps a satirical work written in Geneva in 1864 by Maurice Joly as an attack on Napoleon III.]

providential (when used to describe God)

  1. Hellenistic: Refers to God as a perfect rational entity whose knowledge is also perfect who created the cosmos and takes an interest in that creation.

  2. Common usage: Refers to God as Father.

Prieuré de Sion
See Priory of Sion.

Christian: Second part of the daily prayer time schedule; usually 6 a.m.

Jewish/Christian: The singing or chanting of psalms by a religious congregation.

psyche (Greek)
Soul or spirit; the principle which sustains life.

Hindu: A ritual offering to the Gods.

Hindu/Buddhist: Merit earned through actions and religious devotion.

Hindu: A class of literature concerned with edifying tales about Gods and heroes.

Pure Land Buddhism
Buddhist: A version of Mahayana Buddhism popular in Japan, which teaches that its devotees can achieve a paradise after their deaths, called "the pure land of the west."

Christian (Roman Catholic): A temporary place of suffering for those who will be saved at the Last Judgment but are not pure enough to enter the bliss of heaven immediately.

Purim (Akkadian: "lots", "dice", "chances")
Jewish (holiday): A festival in late winter celebrating the deliverance of the Jews from destruction at the hands of the Persians; commemorates the day (appointed by a random draw) upon which all the Jews of the Persian Empire were to have been murdered, but for the cunning intervention of the Jewish Queen Esther. (See Purim.)

Indian subcontinent: The tenth month of the (solar) calendar; the others are Chaitra, Vaishaaka, Jyeshta, Aashaadha, Sraavana, Bhaadrapada, Aaswayuja, Kaartika, Maargasira, Magha and Phaalguna.

Indian subcontinent: Day with a full moon.


qabala (=cabala)

qabila (Arabic?: "tribe")

Muslim: Group in early Islam who argued for free will in theological debates; considered precursors of the Mu'tazila.

Muslim: False accusation of adultery.


  1. Muslim: Magistrate.

  2. Muslim: A judge administering or deciding religious law.

  3. Muslim: Judge appointed by the (political) state with administrative as well as judicial duties.

Muslim: The day of judgment.

qi (= ch'i; Chinese: "energy of life")
Taoist: The Gods are representations of the natural world, variations of the all-pervading qi.

qibla (Arabic)
Muslim: The direction in which Muslims face to perform prayers.
See also qibla
"Subtle energy" exercises to maximize >qi

qiyas (Arabic: "analogy")
Muslim (Sunni): One of the sources of shari'a.

Qu'ran (Arabic)
(go to Qur'an glossary part one)

Muslim: Refers to the Meccan tribe to which Muhammad belonged.

The character in Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame was named for the day on which he was found, Quasimodogeniti Sunday.

Quasimodogeniti Sunday ("newborn baby Sunday") Christian (Roman Catholic): The first Sunday after Easter. Like newborn babies, newly converted Christians crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it they can grow up in their salvation, now that they have tasted that the Lord is good. The reference is to the newly baptized and communed, those who had come to the new birth of water and the Holy Spirit at the Easter vigil and had received the Lord's Supper for the first time. If someone converted to Catholicism on Easter Sunday, then the following Sunday, Quasimodo Sunday, would be the first time the new church members could receive communion.

qutb (Arabic: "axis")
Muslim (Shi'ite: Sufi): A title given to a founder of a Sufi tariqa or sub-tariqa.


R. A. Miranda
See Miranda, R.A..

rabb (Persian?: "ruler")

rabbaniyyah (Persian?: "rule of God")

rabbi (Hebrew: "my master")

  1. Jewish: An ordained authority in religious law and a respected leader of the community. The rabbi is not a priest, but primarily a teacher and spiritual guide.

  2. Jewish: The sages of Israel from about 200-600 CE, whose task was to study, interpret and debate the meaning of the Torah. The rabbis are the authorities who took part in the discussions recorded in the Mishnah, Talmud and Midrash. Rabbinic Judaism is the form of religion originating with these rabbis.

Rabi-al-Awwal (Arabic: "the first spring")
Common usage (Muslim): Third month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

Rabi-al-Thani (Arabic: "the second spring")
Common usage (Muslim): Fourth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

Radclyffe, Charles

  1. English nobleman: b. 1693.

  2. Priory of Sion: Grand Master.

rahim (Arabic: "benevolent")
Muslim: One of the names of God.

rahman (Arabic: "merciful)
Muslim: One of the names of God.

ra'iyyet (pl. re'aya; Turkish?)
Muslim (Ottoman Empire): A tax-paying subject of the sultan.

ra'is (Arabic: "president")

raj'a (Arabic)
Muslim: Return of the 12th imam.

rajab (Arabic: "the revered month")
Common usage (Muslim): Seventh month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

Raksha Bandhan (Sanskrit: "protective bond")

  1. Hindu (Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh) (holiday): Falls on Shravana Poornima. Participants tie "rakhis" (decorative strings) to each other's wrists to pledge mutual protection and, symbolically, to the entire Hindu society.

  2. Hindu: The festival honoring the loving ties between brothers and sister in a family.

Ram Navami
Hindu (festival): xxxx.

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