wants to move to the left, which is why she moves to the left. When the professor
presses another switch, the rat wants to climb a ladder, which is why she climbs
the ladder. After all, the rat’s desires are nothing but a pattern of firing neurons.
What does it matter whether the neurons are firing because they are stimulated
by other neurons, or because they are stimulated by transplanted electrodes
connected to Professor Talwar’s remote control? If you asked the rat about it,
she might well have told you, ‘Sure I have free will! Look, I want to turn left – and
I turn left. I want to climb a ladder – and I climb a ladder. Doesn’t that prove that
I have free will?’
Experiments performed on Homo sapiens indicate that like rats humans too
can be manipulated, and that it is possible to create or annihilate even complex
feelings such as love, anger, fear and depression by stimulating the right spots
in the human brain. The US military has recently initiated experiments on
implanting computer chips in people’s brains, hoping to use this method to treat
soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
In Hadassah Hospital in
Jerusalem, doctors have pioneered a novel treatment for patients suffering from
acute depression. They implant electrodes into the patient’s brain, and wire the
electrodes to a minuscule computer implanted into the patient’s breast. On
receiving a command from the computer, the electrodes use weak electric
currents to paralyse the brain area responsible for the depression. The
treatment does not always succeed, but in some cases patients reported that
the feeling of dark emptiness that tormented them throughout their lives
disappeared as if by magic.
One patient complained that several months after the operation, he had a
relapse, and was overcome by severe depression. Upon inspection, the doctors
found the source of the problem: the computer’s battery had run out of power.
Once they changed the battery, the depression quickly melted away.
Due to obvious ethical restrictions, researchers implant electrodes into human
brains only under special circumstances. Hence most relevant experiments on
humans are conducted using non-intrusive helmet-like devices (technically
known as ‘transcranial direct current stimulators’). The helmet is fitted with
electrodes that attach to the scalp from outside. It produces weak
electromagnetic fields and directs them towards specific brain areas, thereby
stimulating or inhibiting select brain activities.
The American military experiments with such helmets in the hope of
sharpening the focus and enhancing the performance of soldiers both in training
sessions and on the battlefield. The main experiments are conducted in the
Human Effectiveness Directorate, which is located in an Ohio air force base.
Though the results are far from conclusive, and though the hype around
transcranial stimulators currently runs far ahead of actual achievements, several
studies have indicated that the method may indeed enhance the cognitive
abilities of drone operators, air-traffic controllers, snipers and other personnel
whose duties require them to remain highly attentive for extended periods.
Sally Adee, a journalist for the New Scientist, was allowed to visit a training
facility for snipers and test the effects herself. At first, she entered a battlefield
simulator without wearing the transcranial helmet. Sally describes how fear
swept over her as she saw twenty masked men, strapped with suicide bombs
and armed with rifles, charge straight towards her. ‘For every one I manage to
shoot dead,’ writes Sally, ‘three new assailants pop up from nowhere. I’m clearly
not shooting fast enough, and panic and incompetence are making me
continually jam my rifle.’ Luckily for her, the assailants were just video images,
projected on huge screens all around her. Still, she was so disappointed with
her poor performance that she felt like putting down the rifle and leaving the
Then they wired her up to the helmet. She reports feeling nothing unusual,
except a slight tingle and a strange metallic taste in her mouth. Yet she began
picking off the terrorists one by one, as coolly and methodically as if she were
Rambo or Clint Eastwood. ‘As twenty of them run at me brandishing their guns, I
calmly line up my rifle, take a moment to breathe deeply, and pick off the closest
one, before tranquilly assessing my next target. In what seems like next to no
time, I hear a voice call out, “Okay, that’s it.” The lights come up in the
simulation room . . . In the sudden quiet amid the bodies around me, I was really
expecting more assailants, and I’m a bit disappointed when the team begins to
remove my electrodes. I look up and wonder if someone wound the clocks
forward. Inexplicably, twenty minutes have just passed. “How many did I get?” I
ask the assistant. She looks at me quizzically. “All of them.”’
The experiment changed Sally’s life. In the following days she realised she
has been through a ‘near-spiritual experience . . . what defined the experience
was not feeling smarter or learning faster: the thing that made the earth drop out
from under my feet was that for the first time in my life, everything in my head
finally shut up . . . My brain without self-doubt was a revelation. There was
suddenly this incredible silence in my head . . . I hope you can sympathise with
me when I tell you that the thing I wanted most acutely for the weeks following
my experience was to go back and strap on those electrodes. I also started to
have a lot of questions. Who was I apart from the angry bitter gnomes that
populate my mind and drive me to failure because I’m too scared to try? And
where did those voices come from?’
Some of those voices repeat society’s prejudices, some echo our personal
history, and some articulate our genetic legacy. All of them together, says Sally,
create an invisible story that shapes our conscious decisions in ways we seldom
grasp. What would happen if we could rewrite our inner monologues, or even
silence them completely on occasion?
As of 2016, transcranial stimulators are still in their infancy, and it is unclear if
and when they will become a mature technology. So far they provide enhanced
capabilities for only short durations, and even Sally Adee’s twenty-minute
experience may be quite exceptional (or perhaps even the outcome of the
notorious placebo effect). Most published studies of transcranial stimulators are
based on very small samples of people operating under special circumstances,
and the long-term effects and hazards are completely unknown. However, if the
technology does mature, or if some other method is found to manipulate the
brain’s electric patterns, what would it do to human societies and to human
People may well manipulate their brain’s electric circuits not just in order to
shoot terrorists, but also to achieve more mundane liberal goals. Namely, to
study and work more efficiently, immerse ourselves in games and hobbies, and
be able to focus on what interests us at any particular moment, be it maths or
football. However, if and when such manipulations become routine, the
supposedly free will of customers will become just another product we can buy.
You want to master the piano but whenever practice time comes you actually
prefer to watch television? No problem: just put on the helmet, install the right
software, and you will be downright aching to play the piano.
You may counter-argue that the ability to silence or enhance the voices in
your head will actually strengthen rather than undermine your free will.
Presently, you often fail to realise your most cherished and authentic desires
due to external distractions. With the help of the attention helmet and similar
devices, you could more easily silence the alien voices of priests, spin doctors,
advertisers and neighbours, and focus on what you want. However, as we will
shortly see, the notion that you have a single self and that you could therefore
distinguish your authentic desires from alien voices is just another liberal myth,
debunked by the latest scientific research.
Who Are I?
Science undermines not only the liberal belief in free will, but also the belief in
individualism. Liberals believe that we have a single and indivisible self. To be
an individual means that I am in-dividual. Yes, my body is made up of
approximately 37 trillion cells,
and each day both my body and my mind go
through countless permutations and transformations. Yet if I really pay attention
and strive to get in touch with myself, I am bound to discover deep inside a
single clear and authentic voice, which is my true self, and which is the source of
all meaning and authority in the universe. For liberalism to make sense, I must
have one – and only one – true self, for if I had more than one authentic voice,
how would I know which voice to heed in the polling station, in the supermarket
and in the marriage market?
However, over the last few decades the life sciences have reached the
conclusion that this liberal story is pure mythology. The single authentic self is as
real as the eternal Christian soul, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. If you look
really deep within yourself, the seeming unity that we take for granted dissolves
into a cacophony of conflicting voices, none of which is ‘my true self’. Humans
aren’t individuals. They are ‘dividuals’.
The human brain is composed of two hemispheres, connected to each other
through a thick neural cable. Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the
body. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, receives data from
the left-hand field of vision and is responsible for moving the left arm and leg,
and vice versa. This is why people who have had a stroke in their right
hemisphere sometimes ignore the left side of their body (combing only the right
side of their hair, or eating only the food placed on the right side of their plate).
There are also emotional and cognitive differences between the two
hemispheres, though the division is far from clear-cut. Most cognitive activities
involve both hemispheres, but not to the same degree. For example, in most
cases the left hemisphere plays a more important role in speech and in logical
reasoning, whereas the right hemisphere is more dominant in processing spatial
Many breakthroughs in understanding the relations between the two
hemispheres were based on the study of epilepsy patients. In severe cases of
epilepsy, electrical storms begin in one part of the brain but quickly spread to
other parts, causing a very acute seizure. During such seizures patients lose
control of their body, and frequent seizures consequently prevent patients from
holding a job or leading a normal lifestyle. In the mid-twentieth century, when all
other treatments failed, doctors alleviated the problem by cutting the thick neural
cable connecting the two hemispheres, so that electrical storms beginning in
one hemisphere could not spill over to the other. For brain scientists these
patients were a gold-mine of astounding data.
Some of the most notable studies on these split-brain patients were
conducted by Professor Roger Wolcott Sperry, who won the Nobel Prize in
Physiology and Medicine for his groundbreaking discoveries, and by his
student, Professor Michael S. Gazzaniga. One study was conducted on a
teenaged boy. The boy was asked what he would like to do when he grew up.
The boy answered that he wanted to be a draughtsman. This answer was
provided by the left hemisphere, which plays a crucial part in logical reasoning
as well as in speech. Yet the boy had another active speech centre in his right
hemisphere, which could not control vocal language, but could spell words using
Scrabble tiles. The researchers were keen to know what the right hemisphere
would say. So they spread Scrabble tiles on the table, and then took a piece of
paper and wrote on it: ‘What would you like to do when you grow up?’ They
placed the paper at the edge of the boy’s left visual field. Data from the left
visual field is processed in the right hemisphere. Since the right hemisphere
could not use vocal language, the boy said nothing. But his left hand began
moving rapidly across the table, collecting tiles from here and there. It spelled
out: ‘automobile race’. Spooky.
Equally eerie behaviour was displayed by patient WJ, a Second World War
veteran. WJ’s hands were each controlled by a different hemisphere. Since the
two hemispheres were out of touch with one another, it sometimes happened
that his right hand would reach out to open a door, and then his left hand would
intervene and try to slam the door shut.
In another experiment, Gazzaniga and his team flashed a picture of a chicken
claw to the left-half brain – the side responsible for speech – and simultaneously
flashed a picture of a snowy landscape to the right brain. When asked what they
saw, patients invariably answered ‘a chicken claw’. Gazzaniga then presented
one patient, PS, with a series of picture cards and asked him to point to the one
that best matched what he had seen. The patient’s right hand (controlled by his
left brain) pointed to a picture of a chicken, but simultaneously his left hand shot
out and pointed to a snow shovel. Gazzaniga then asked PS the million-dollar
question: ‘Why did you point both to the chicken and to the shovel?’ PS replied,
‘Oh, the chicken claw goes with the chicken, and you need a shovel to clean out
the chicken shed.’
What happened here? The left brain, which controls speech, had no data
about the snow scene, and therefore did not really know why the left hand
pointed to the shovel. So it just invented something credible. After repeating this
experiment many times, Gazzaniga concluded that the left hemisphere of the
brain is the seat not only of our verbal abilities, but also of an internal interpreter
that constantly tries to make sense of our life, using partial clues in order to
concoct plausible stories.
In another experiment, the non-verbal right hemisphere was shown a
pornographic image. The patient reacted by blushing and giggling. ‘What did
you see?’ asked the mischievous researchers. ‘Nothing, just a flash of light,’
said the left hemisphere, and the patient immediately giggled again, covering
her mouth with her hand. ‘Why are you laughing then?’ they insisted. The
bewildered left-hemisphere interpreter – struggling for some rational explanation
– replied that one of the machines in the room looked very funny.
It’s as if the CIA conducts a drone strike in Pakistan, unbeknown to the US
State Department. When a journalist grills State Department officials about it,
they make up some plausible explanation. In reality, the spin doctors don’t have
a clue why the strike was ordered, so they just invent something. A similar
mechanism is employed by all human beings, not just by split-brain patients.
Again and again my own private CIA does things without the approval or
knowledge of my State Department, and then my State Department cooks up a
story that presents me in the best possible light. Often enough, the State
Department itself becomes convinced of the pure fantasies it has invented.
Similar conclusions have been reached by behavioural economists, who want to
know how people take economic decisions. Or more accurately, who takes
these decisions. Who decides to buy a Toyota rather than a Mercedes, to go on
holiday to Paris rather than Thailand, and to invest in South Korean treasury
bonds rather than in the Shanghai stock exchange? Most experiments have
indicated that there is no single self making any of these decisions. Rather, they
result from a tug of war between different and often conflicting inner entities.
One groundbreaking experiment was conducted by Daniel Kahneman, who
won the Nobel Prize in Economics. Kahneman asked a group of volunteers to
join a three-part experiment. In the ‘short’ part of the experiment, the volunteers
inserted one hand into a container filled with water at 14°C for one minute,
which is unpleasant, bordering on painful. After sixty seconds, they were told to
take their hand out. In the ‘long’ part of the experiment, volunteers placed their
other hand in another water container. The temperature there was also 14°C,
but after sixty seconds, hot water was secretly added into the container, bringing
the temperature up to 15°C. Thirty seconds later, they were told to pull out their
hand. Some volunteers did the ‘short’ part first, while others began with the
‘long’ part. In either case, exactly seven minutes after both parts were over
came the third and most important part of the experiment. The volunteers were
told they must repeat one of the two parts, and it was up to them to choose
which; 80 per cent preferred to repeat the ‘long’ experiment, remembering it as
less painful.
The cold-water experiment is so simple, yet its implications shake the core of
the liberal world view. It exposes the existence of at least two different selves
within us: the experiencing self and the narrating self. The experiencing self is
our moment-to-moment consciousness. For the experiencing self, it’s obvious
that the ‘long’ part of the cold-water experiment was worse. First you experience
water at 14°C for sixty seconds, which is every bit as bad as what you
experience in the ‘short’ part, and then you must endure another thirty seconds
of water at 15°C, which is not quite as bad, but still far from pleasant. For the
experiencing self, it is impossible that adding a slightly unpleasant experience to
a very unpleasant experience will make the entire episode more appealing.
However, the experiencing self remembers nothing. It tells no stories, and is
seldom consulted when it comes to big decisions. Retrieving memories, telling
stories and making big decisions are all the monopoly of a very different entity
inside us: the narrating self. The narrating self is akin to Gazzaniga’s left-brain
interpreter. It is forever busy spinning yarns about the past and making plans for
the future. Like every journalist, poet and politician, the narrating self takes
many short cuts. It doesn’t narrate everything, and usually weaves the story only
from peak moments and end results. The value of the whole experience is
determined by averaging peaks with ends. For example, in the short part of the
cold-water experiment, the narrating self finds the average between the worst
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