EKOLOGIK NAZORAT tabiiy muhitni muhofaza qilish, tabiiy resurslardan oqilona foydalanish va ekologik xavfsizlikni taminlash qoida-talablarini barcha vazirlik, davlat qomitalari va idoralari, korxonalar, tashkilotlar, muassasa, mansabdor va jismoniy shaxslar tomonidan bajarilishini tekshirish, tabiiy muhit holatini organish va kuzatish, chora-tadbirlarni qollash bilan boglik siyosiy-huquqiy, ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy va manaviy-marifiy chora-tadbirlar yigindisini oz ichiga oladi
JOINT STOCK COMPANY - an economic entity whose charter fund is divided into a certain number of shares confirming the company's obligations to shareholders.
BANKS are commercial organizations and are legal entities that perform the following types of activities, which are considered banking activities: accepting deposits from legal entities and individuals and using the received funds for lending or investing at risk; making payments.
FORM OF GOVERNMENT is a legal institution, a procedure for organizing state power. It includes the method of formation of higher and local state bodies and the order of their interaction with each other and the population.
WAZIR (Arab. porter) - the head of a government office or council (devan) in the Middle Ages in the countries of the Middle and Middle East, including the khanates of Central Asia. A senior official. V. is a member of the government and a high-ranking official in charge of a certain ministry.
COURT OF MINISTERS is the official name of the government in Israel, Latvia, Japan, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and a number of other countries. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the government is called the "Cabinet of Ministers", and according to the Law "On the Republican Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan", it is responsible for leading the effective activity of the economy, social and spiritual spheres in the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is an executive power body that ensures the implementation of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
MINISTRY - in most countries, the central administrative body of the state manages some branches of socio-cultural construction and administrative-political activity. Creation of new Ministries, termination of existing ones, appointment of their heads are under the authority of the President of Uzbekistan and are approved by the supreme representative body of the state - Oliy Majlis.
CURRENCY - foreign currency, securities denominated in foreign currency, payment documents denominated in foreign currency and pure gold bullion are currency assets.
VETO (Lat. Veto - I forbid) is an action that suspends the decision of some body or does not allow it to enter into force in modern countries. Granting the head of state the right to veto (prohibit decisions) laws adopted by the parliament is of particular importance. Absolute (or resolutory) veto, in which the head of state has the right to withdraw the law adopted by the parliament, and relative (delayed or suspensive) types are distinguished.
STATE APPARATUS (Machinery of government in English) is a system of state bodies, through their activities, state power and its functions are implemented.
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