Global dust storm source areas determined by the total ozone monitoring spectrometer and ground observations

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NCEP images were kindly provided by the NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder Colorado from their Web site at

The authors of this paper would like to acknowledge that an extremely interesting paper by Joe Prospero and co authors entitled 'Environmental Characterization of Global Sources of Atmospheric Dust Derived from NIMBUS7-TOMS Absorbing Aerosol Products’ which was kindly circulated to us on completion in December 2000 days before the submission of this paper. The paper deals with similar material and data. Since the latter was refereed along with this, the content of this paper has evolved along different lines. It is now distinct in terms of the quantitative analysis of NCEP circulation data.

Table 1.
Maximum mean AI values for major global dust sources determined from TOMS


Bodélé Depression of central Sahara >30

West Sahara in Mali and Mauritania >24

Arabia (southern Oman/Saudi border) >21

Eastern Sahara (Libya) >15

South West Asia (Makran coast) >12

Taklamakan/Tarim basin >11

Etosha Pan (Namibia) >11

Lake Eyre basin (Australia) >11

Mkgadikgadi basin (Botswana) >8

Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia) >7

Great Basin of the USA >5

Figure Captions
Figure 1: The world map of annual mean AI values determined by TOMS.
Figure 2: Area average TOMS AI values for the main dust regions.
Figure 3: Annual average TOMS AI values for the Sahara.
Figure 4: Long term mean NCEP July-September surface wind speeds over the Sahara study domain.
Figure 5: Long term mean NCEP July-September near surface convergence over the Sahara study domain.
Figure 6: Latitude – height section of NCEP July-September long term mean zonal (west to east) wind vectors. The vertical axis is pressure. The section has been averaged over 20o to 30o E.
Figure 7: April to June zonal 850 hPa (approximately 1.5 km) wind differences between three years of extremely high dust content and two years of extremely low dust content.
Figure 8: TOMS AI values (white contours), potential sand flux (black contours) and elevation in km (colour bar) for the Sahara, long term means, April-June.
Figure 9: Annual average TOMS AI values for SW Asia.
Figure 10: Distribution of surface observed dust storms in SW Asia (after Middleton, 1986a).
Figure 11: Distribution of surface observed dust storms in China (after Derbyshire et al., 1998).
Figure 12: Annual average TOMS AI values for China.
Figure 13: Long term mean May NCEP near surface (925 hPa) vertical velocity fields (omega) for China.
Figure 14: TOMS AI values (white contours), potential sand flux (black contours) and elevation in km (colour bar) for China, long term annual means.

Figure 15: Annual average TOMS AI values for southern Afirca.

Figure 16: TOMS AI values (white contours), potential sand flux (black contours) and elevation in km (colour bar) for southern African, long term means, July-September.
Figure 17: Distribution of surface observed dust storms in USA (after Orgill and Sehmel, 1976).
Figure 18: Correlations between surface synops visibility data (1980-1993) for Bilma, Niger and TOMS AI values for the 4 seasons, JFM, AMJ, JAS and OND.

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