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Sample answers for Writing tasks
This is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a
score. Here is the
examiner's comment:
All parts of the prompt are addressed and a clear position is presented throughout
the response. Main ideas are extended and supported. Ideas are logically
organised and there is a clear progression throughout the response. A range of
cohesive devices is used flexibly, while each paragraph has a clear central topic
which is developed. The lexical resource is sufficient to allow some flexibility and
precision and although there are a few spelling errors, these do not detract from the
overall clarity of the response. A variety of complex structures is used with some
flexibility and accuracy. Grammar and punctuation are well controlled and error-free
sentences are frequent.
M� � �· w,w,50Qr\
wi...M be.come li...mi...lle.ss '-" who.l cor.c:e.fl\S lro.ve.lli..."t} for bolh WO(\(. Wd plea.sure..
TI-.ere.fore., i...f lhi...s LS lo ho.ppe", lhe" le.cvni..."t} 0. t\e.W � LS
No....x:l.do.�S, le.o.(I\L"t} 0. t\e.w � for lhe purpose of work.L"t} LI\ ocher COul\lAe.S See.ms
lo be.come more. w,t\e.� or, �
re.C°3"LSLOI\ o.re.
lr�L"t} lo purSue. lheLr h6,ppi..t\e.SS fot
from home.. AISo, lhe he� do.�s of e.�rs
look.L"t} °"� for co.po.ble. pe.ople ho.ve. �. Il See.ms lho.l l� 's e.�rs are. look.i..."t}
°"� for mulli... -sk.Ule.d e.�e.s, bul lhe� o.lSo wo.l\l pe.ople who lc.t\Ow more. lho.l\ lhe..r
mocher l°"tlue.. SOOl\e.r or lo.le.r, lhe>Se who Omi...lle.d le.ar"L"t} more. o.re. p_ioble.ss.
He>we.ve.f, lo � mLl\d, O. t\e.W � shouk:ln 'l be. le.a,t\e.d _iusl for lro.ve.lli..."t} Of work.L"t} L"
o. fore.Lt}" cOUt\lr�. A fore.Lt}" '°"'Suo.se. shouk:I help lhe le.o.ft\e.f b<00.c:k" hi...s mLl\d. � lhi...s I
me.w, lho.l lhe
new � shouk:I C¥\d
o.llow us lo Ul\c:krslw,d more. o.bo,.,l lhe wof\d
LlSe.lf, C¥\d � ovr o.nce.slors' �s of lhi...r.1<.L"t} Wd o.c:lL"t}- Ne.e.dle.ss lo �· lc.t\OwL"t}
wi...11 help us .....he" Ll comes lo unc:krslW\di..."t} lhe � ro.c:e., be.co.uSe.
'°"'Suo.se. LS lhe fLrsl poe.m of o. cOUt\lf�.
All of lhLs be.L"t} SO.Ld, I be.lLe.ve. lho.l le.ar"L"t} o. dLHe.re.nl '°"'Suo.se. should be.
for so.lLsf�L"t} ovr �SLco.l t\e.e.dS, li...l<.e. mC>t\e.�, bul o.lSo ovr more.I ne.e.dS, be.co.uSe. ne.ve.f
be.fore. ho.d such o.
lhi...rsl for k.nowle.dif be.e." dLsplo.�e.d.
Sample answers for Writing tasks
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