TABLE 1: Listing of Societies in the Standard Sample
No. Society (SCCS) Date Seq. E.A. HRAF q Focus
Nama Hottentot 1860 102 Aa3 FX13 a Gei/Khauan tribe
Kung Bushmen 1950 1 Aa1 FX10 a Nyai Nyae region
Thonga 1865 104 Ab4 FT6 a Ronga subtribe
Lozi 1900 103 Ab3 FQ9 a Ruling Luyana
Mbundu 1890 202 Ab5 FP13 a Bailundo subtribe
Suku 1920 731 Ac17 Feshi territory lineage center
Bemba 1897 105 Ac3 FQ5 b Zambia branch
Nyakyusa 1934 208 Ad6 FN17 a Age villages of Mwaya and Masoko
Hadza 1930 726 Aa9 Tribe
Luguru 1925 704 Ad14 Morogoro District
Kikuyu 1920 108 Ad3 FL10 a Fort Hall or Metume district
Ganda 1875 306 Ad7 FK7 a Kyaddondo district (V: Kampala)
Mbuti 1950 202 Aa5 FO4 a Epulu net-hunters, Ituri forest
Nkundo Mongo 1930 110 Ae4 FO32 a Ilanga group
Banen 1935 830 Ae51 Ndiki subtribe
Tiv 1920 116 Ah3 FF57 a Tar of Benue Province
Ibo 1935 643 Af10 FF26 a E. Isu-Ana group of South Ibo
Fon 1890 10 Af1 City and environs of Abomey
Ashanti 1895 111 Af3 FE12 a Kumasi State
Mende 1945 211 Af5 FC7 a Vicinity of town of Bo
Wolof 1950 21 Cb2 MS30 a Upper and lower Salum in Gambia
Bambara 1902 12 Ag1 FA8 a Segou to Bamako on Niger River
Tallensi 1934 114 Ag4 FE11 a Tribe
Songhai 1940 122 Cb3 Bamba division
Pastoral Fulani 1951 1082 Cb24 Wodaabe of Niger
Hausa 1900 1084 Cb26 MS12 b Zazzagawa of Zaria
Massa (Masa) 1910 646 Ai9 Around Yagoua in Cameroon
Azande 1905 117 Ai3 FO7 a Yambio Chiefdom
Fur (Darfur) 1880 875 Cb17 Jebel Marra
Otoro Nuba 1930 647 Ai10 Nuba Hills
Shilluk 1910 218 Ai6 FJ23 a Kingdom
Mao 1939 1062 Ai47 Northern division
Kaffa (Kafa) 1905 860 Ca30 Kingdom
Masai 1900 119 Aj2 FL12 c Kisonko or S. Masai of Tanzania
Konso 1935 18 Ca1 Town of Buso
Somali 1900 19 Ca2 MO4 c Dolbahanta clan or subtribe
Amhara 1953 679 Ca7 MP5 a Gondar district
Bogo 1855 867 Ca37 Tribe
Kenuzi Nubians 1900 24 Cd1 Kenuzi Nubians of Dahmit
Teda 1950 23 Cc2 MS22 Nomads of Tibesti
Tuareg 1900 880 Cc9 MS25 a Ahaggaren tribe
Riffians 1926 125 Cd3 MX3 b Entirety: Moroccan
Egyptians 1950 124 Cd2 MR13 a Town and environs of Silwa
Hebrews - 621 230 Cj3 Kingdom of Judea
Babylonians -1750 413 Cj4 City and environs of Babylon
Rwala Bedouin 1913 132 Cj2 MD4 a Unspecified
Turks 1950 653 Ci5 MB1 b Northern Anatolian Plateau
Gheg Albanians 1910 25 Ce1 EG1 a Mountain Gheg of No. Albania
Romans 110 126 Ce3 EI9 City and environs of Rome
Basques 1934 225 Ce4 Village of Vera de Bidasoa
No. Society (SCCS) Date Seq. E.A. HRAF q Focus
Irish 1932 128 Cg3 ER6 a County Clare
Lapps 1950 129 Cg4 EP4 a Konkama District
Yurak Samoyed 1894 136 Ec4 RU4 a Tribe
Russians 1955 1257 Ch11 RF1 c Viriatino Village
Abkhaz 1880 1265 Ci12 RI3 b Tribe
Armenians 1843 912 Ci10 RJ1* - Vicinity of Erevan
Kurd 1951 913 Ci11 MA11 c Town and environs of Rowanduz
Basseri 1958 358 Ea6 Nomadic branch
Punjabi (West) 1950 1258 Ea13 Mohla Village
Gond 1938 142 Eg3 AW32 a Hill Maria
Toda 1900 143 Eg4 AW60 a Tribe
Santal 1940 42 Ef1 AW42 Bankura and Berghum Districts
Uttar Pradesh 1945 1260 Ef11 AW19 c Village and environs of Senapur
Burusho 1934 139 Ee2 AV7 a Hunza State
Kazak 1885 35 Eb1 RQ2 b Great Horde
Khalka Mongols 1920 134 Eb3 AH4* b Narobanchin Territory
Lolo 1910 40 Ed2 AE4 c Liang Shan and Taliang S
Lepcha 1937 140 Ee3 AK5 a Lingthem and vicinity
Garo 1955 47 Ei1 AR5 Rengsanggri Village
Lakher 1930 147 Ei4 Tribe
Burmese 1965 146 Ei3 AP1 c Nondwin Village
Lamet 1940 49 Ej1 Tribe, Northwestern Laos
Vietnamese 1930 149 Ej4 AM1 a Red River Delta in Tonkin
Rhade 1962 456 Ej10 Ko-Sier Village
Khmer 1292 248 Ej5 City of Angkor, Capital
Siamese 1955 367 Ej9 AO7 c Bang Chan Village
Semang 1925 148 Ej3 AN7 b Jehai Group or subtribe
Nicobarese 1870 244 Eh5 Car Nicobar of North Islands
Andamanese 1860 45 Eh1 AZ2 a Aka-Bea of South Andaman
Vedda 1860 145 Eh4 AX5 a Danigala Forest hunting group
Tanala 1925 144 Eh3 FY8 b Menabe subtribe
Negri Sembilan 1958 1262 Eh16 Inas District
Javanese 1954 54 Ib2 OE5 Town and environs of Pare
Balinese 1958 152 Ib3 OF7 c Tihingan Village
Iban 1950 53 Ib1 OC6 a Ulu Ai Group
Badjau 1963 1099 Ia13 Tawi-Tawi and adjacent islands
Toradja 1910 254 Ic5 OG11 Bare'e subgroup
Tobelorese 1900 1118 Ic10 Tobelo District
Alorese 1938 154 Ic2 OF5 a Abui of Atimelang Village
Tiwi 1929 157 Id3 OI20 a Tribe: Melville Island
Aranda 1896 56 Id1 OI8 a Alice Springs and environs
Orokaiva 1925 457 Ie9 OJ23 a Aiga subtribe
Kimam 1960 1101 Ie18 Bamol Village
Kapauku 1955 57 Ie1 OJ29 c Botukebo Village
Kwoma 1960 655 Ie12 OJ13 Hongwam subtribe
Manus 1937 373 Ig9 OM6 a Peri Villag
New Ireland 1930 163 Ig4 OM10 a Lesu Village
Trobrianders 1914 62 Ig2 OL6 a Kiriwina Island
Siuai 1939 61 Ig1 Northeastern group
Tikopia 1930 66 Ii2 OT11 a Ravenga District
Pentecost 1953 164 Ih3 Bunlap Village
Mbau Fijians 1840 1267 Ih14 Bau Chiefdom, Vanua Levu
No. Society (SCCS) Date Seq. E.A. HRAF q Focus
Ajie 1845 263 Ih5 Neje Chiefdom
Maori 1820 167 Ij2 OZ4 c Nga Puhi Tribe
Marquesans 1800 168 Ij3 OX6 c Te-i'i Chiefdom S.W. Nuku Hiva
Western Samoans 1829 1263 Iil4 OU8 b Aana in Western Upolu Island
Gilbertese 1890 633 If4 Makin and Butiritari Islands (N)
Marshallese 1900 1266 Ih14 OR11 a Jaluit Atoll
Trukese 1947 60 If2 OR19 b Romonum Island
Yapese 1910 260 If6 OR22 a Island
Palauans 1947 59 If1 Ulimang Village
Ifugao 1910 150 Ia3 OA19 b Kiangan Group
Atayal 1930 51 Ia1 AD1 c Tribe (but excluding Sedeq)
Chinese 1936 1259 Ed15 AF1 a Kaihsienkung Village, Chekiang
Manchu 1915 137 Ed3 AG1 a Aigun District
Koreans 1947 39 Ed1 AA1 a Kanghwa Island
Japanese 1950 237 Ed5 AB43 Southern Okayama
Ainu 1880 325 Ec7 AB6 c Saru Basin in Hokkaido
Gilyak 1890 37 Ec1 RX2 a Sakhalin Island
Yukaghir 1850 236 Ec6 Upper Kolyma River
Chukchee 1900 135 Ec3 RY2 a Reindeer Division
Ingalik 1885 377 Na8 Shageluk Village
Aleut 1800 458 Na9 NA6 a Unalaska Branch
Copper Eskimo 1915 169 Na3 ND8 a Coronation Gulf
Montaganais 1910 495 Na32 NH6 a Lake St. John & Mistassahi Band
Micmac 1650 504 Na41 NJ5 b Mainland division
Saulteaux 1930 496 Na33 NG6 b Berens River band
Slave 1940 466 Na17 Lynx Point band
Kaska 1900 170 Na4 ND12 a Upper Liard River Group
Eyak 1890 270 Nb5 Tribe
Haida 1875 70 Nb1 Masset Town
Bellacoola 1880 471 Nb9 NE6 a Central group, lower B.C. River
Twana 1860 71 Nb2 Tribe
Yurok 1850 172 Nb4 NS31 b Tsurai Village
Pomo (Eastern) 1850 533 Nc18 NS18 a Clear Lake, Village of Cignon
Yokuts (Lake) 1850 539 NC24 NS29 a Tulare Lake
Paiute (North.) 1870 564 Nd22 NR13 a Wadadika of Harney Valley
Klamath 1860 523 Nc8 NR10 Tribe
Kutenai 1890 380 Nd7 Lower or eastern branch
Gros Ventre 1880 75 Ne1 NQ13 a Tribe
Hidatsa 1836 622 Ne15 Village
Pawnee 1867 342 Nf6 NQ18 c Skidi Band or subtribe
Omaha 1860 179 Nf3 NQ12 b Tribe
Huron 1634 79 Ng1 Bear and Cord Subtribes
Creek 1800 180 Ng3 NN11 Upper division in Alabama
Natchez 1718 385 Ng7 c Kingdom
Comanche 1870 177 Ne3 NO6 Tribe
Chiricahua 1870 81 Nh1 NT8 a Central band
Zuni 1880 183 Nh4 NT23 Pueblo
Havasupai 1918 175 Nd3 NT14 a Tribe
Papago 1910 184 Ni2 NU28 a Archie division
Huichol 1890 282 Ni3 a Tribe
Aztec 1520 185 Nj2 NU7 City & environs of Tenochtitlan
Popoluca 1940 284 Nj3 b Town and environs of Soteapan
No. Society (SCCS) Date Seq. E.A. HRAF q Focus
Quiche 1930 1166 Sa13 Town of Chichicastenango
Miskito 1921 390 Sa9 SA15 Vicinity: Cape Gracias a Dios
Bribri 1917 287 Sa5 SA19 b Tribe
Cuna (Tule) 1927 85 Sa1 SB5 a San Blas Archipelago
Goajiro 1947 391 Sb6 SC13 a Tribe
Haitians 1935 1237 Sb9 SV3 b Town of Mirebalais
Callinago 1650 87 Sb1 ST13 a Dominica Island
Warrau 1935 88 Sc1 SS18 a Winikina of Orinoco Delta
Yanomamo 1965 1264 Sd9 SQ18 Shamatari Tribe
Carib (Barama) 1932 189 Sc3 SR9 a Barama River
Saramacca 1928 392 Sc6 SR8 a Upper Suriname River
Mundurucu 1850 90 Sd1 SQ13 b Cabrua Village
Cubeo (Tucano) 1939 293 Se5 SQ19 Village on Caduiari River
Cayapa 1908 194 Sf3 SD6 a Rio Cayapas Basin
Jivaro 1920 191 Se3 SD9 a Tribe
Amahuaca 1960 634 Se8 Upper Inuya River
Inca 1530 93 Sf1 SE13 b City and environs of Cuzco
Aymara 1940 193 Sf2 SF5 a Chucuito Clan community in Peru
Siriono 1942 91 Se1 SF21 a Vicinity of the Rio Blanco
Nambicuara 1940 198 Si4 SP17 a Cocozu Group
Trumai 1938 98 Si2 SP23 Village of Vanivani
Timbira 1915 200 Sj4 SO8 b Ramcocamecra or Canella
Tupinamba 1550 400 Sj8 SO9 a Hinterland of Rio de Janeiro
Botocudo 1884 299 Sj5 Naknenuk subtribe
Shavante 1958 1184 Sj11 Village of Sao Domingo
Aweikoma 1932 199 Sj3 SM3 Duque de Caxias Reservation
Cayua 1890 1170 Sj10 SM4 S. Mato Grosso & adj. Paraguay
Lengua 1889 1168 Sh9 Those in contact with mission
Abipon 1750 196 Sh3 SI4 a Those in contact with mission
Mapuche 1950 195 Sg2 SG4 c Vicinity of Temuco
Tehuelche 1870 349 Sg4 SH5 a Equestrian
Yahgan 1865 94 Sg1 SH6 b Eastern and central
8. Nyakyusa materials are found in the HRAF Ngonde file (FN17)
56,66* The HRAF files are found in the OWC files [Khalka, Armenians].
59. West rather than East Panjab (HRAF AW6)
102. Mbau rather than Lau Fijians (Atlas #165, Ih4, HRAF OQ6);although the
Bau chiefdom moved to Vanua Levu, the focus is not the same as the
Atlas Vanua Levu (Atlas #694, Ih8, 1940, village of Nakaroka).
106. Western rather than American Samoans (Atlas #65, Ii1, OU4).
102. Jaluit rather than Majuro Marshallese (Atlas #160, If3, HRAF also
111. Ulimang village focus, not Koror (as in Atlas #59, If1)
9. Kindiga 97. Lesu 156. Mosquito
Igbo 101. Bunlap 157. Talamanca
Dahomey 125. Naskapi 162. Warao
Twi 127. Ojibwa 163. Yanoama
39. Barabra 129. Nahane 165. Bush Negroes
43. Fellahin 143. Dhegiha 180. Caingang
73. Annamese 148. Eastern Apache 181. Guarani
76. Thai 150. Plateau Yumans 184. Araucanians
Appendix: Bibliography of Coded Studies Using the Standard Sample
G. P. Murdock and Diana O. Morrow. 1970. Subsistence Economy and
Supportive Practices: Cross-Cultural Codes 1. Ethnology 9:302-330.
G. P. Murdock and Suzanne F. Wilson. 1972. Settlement Patterns and
Community Organization: Cross Cultural Codes 3. Ethnology 11:254-295.
Herbert Barry III and Leonora M. Paxson. 1971. Infancy and Early
Childhood: Cross-Cultural Codes 2. Ethnology 10:466-508.
Herbert Barry III, Lili Josephson, Edith Lauer, and Catherine Marshall.
1976. Traits Inculcated in Childhood: Cross-Cultural Codes 5.
Ethnology 15:83-114.
Arthur Tuden and Catherine Marshall. 1972. Political Organization:
Cross-Cultural Codes 4. Ethnology 11:436-464. (Coded only as
additional sources to 1-3 above.)
George P. Murdock and Caterina Provost. 1973. Factors in the Division
of Labor by Sex: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Ethnology 12: 2-3-225.
George P. Murdock. 1980. Theories of Illness: A World Survey.
PittsburgHRAF: University of Pittsburgh Press.
8+ Gwen J. Broude and Sarah J. Greene. 1976. Cross-Cultural Codes
on Twenty Sexual Attitudes and Practices. Ethnology 12: 409-29.
[all 186 societies coded: additional sources for 13 societies plus
three alternates are cited].
8& Martin K. Whyte. 1979. Cross-Cultural Codes Dealing with the Relative
Status of Women. Ethnology 17:211-37. [93 societies coded:
additional sources cited for two societies].
The initial sample design, several codes, and suggested primary and
secondary authorities, as well as the pinpointing of the best described
social units in time and space, are found in:
9. Murdock, George P., and Douglas R. White. 1969. Standard Cross-
Cultural Sample. Ethnology 8: 329-369.
Additional codes drawing on the same bibliographic references are provided
Murdock, George P., and Catherine Provost. 1973. Measurement of
Cultural Complexity. Ethnology 12: 379-392.
Barry, Herbert, III, L. Josephson, E. Lauer, and C. Marshall. 1977.
Agents and Techniques for Child Training: Cross-Cultural Codes 6.
Ethnology 16: 191-230.
Murdock, George P., S.F. Wilson, and V. Frederick. 1978. World
Distributions of Theories of Illness. Ethnology 17: 449-470 (see #7).
Schlegel, Alice, and Herbert Barry III. 1979. Adolescent Initiation
Ceremonies: A Cross-Cultural Code. Ethnology 18: 199-210.
14. Rohner, Ronald P., and Evelyn C. Rohner. 1981. Parental-Acceptance-
Rejection and Parental Control: Cross-Cultural Codes. Ethnology 20:
Studies 1 through 6, 6A, 6B, and 8 through 12 are reprinted in:
Herbert Barry III and Alice Schlegel, eds. 1980. Cross-Cultural Codes
and Samples. PittsburgHRAF: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Reserved symbols: Orthography
° o degree latitude, longitude ?
?? missing bibliographic information
0 0 0 0 unsure as to focus and whether to include ? ? ? ?
e right accent (French)
e left accent
HRAF source
SCCS# 1 EA# 102 Aa3 Nama Hottentot. Focus: Gei//Khauan tribe.
G:27°30'S, 17°E. T:1860.
Principal Authority(ies)
1411112 Schultze, L. 1907. Aus Namaland und Kalahari. Jena.
FX13= 1 i
Other Dependable Primary Sources
0204000 Hoernl‚, A. W. 1925. The Social Organization of the Nama
FX13= 4 Hottentots. American Anthropologist, n.s., 27: 1-24.
0000001 Hoernl‚, A. W. 1918. Certain Rites of Transition and the
FX13= 3 Conception of !Nau among the Hottentots. Harvard African
Studies 2:65-82.
4. �Useful Secondary Sources
2122221 *Schapera, I. 1930. The Khoisan Peoples of South Africa.
FX13= 2 London.
030303 Murdock, G. P. 1934. Our Primitive Contemporaries, pp.
a 475-507. New York.
5. �Other Sources
^^^^^ Kohler, C. 1970. A new contribution to Nama Studies. African
b Studies 29: 279-285.
Aa1 Kung Bushmen.
Focus: Nyae Nyae region.
G:19°50'S, 20°35'E.
1. �Principal Authority(ies)
^^^^^ Marshall, L(orna). 1976. The !Kung of Nyae Nyae.
a Cambridge, Mass.
1022110 Marshall, L. 1960. !Kung Bushman Bands. Africa 30: 325-355.
0100221 Marshall, L. 1965. The !Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert.
FX10=15 Peoples of Africa, ed. J. L. Gibbs, Jr., pp. 241-278. New York.
0011332 Marshall, L. 1959. Marriage among !Kung Bushmen. Africa
FX10= 1 29: 335-364
2033000 Marshall, L. 1961. Sharing, Talking and Giving. Africa
FX10=12 31: 231-249. Reprinted in R. B. Lee and I. DeVore 1976. (below).
0000001 Marshall, L. 1962. !Kung Bushman Religious Beliefs. Africa
FX10=13 32:221-252.
0000000 Marshall, L. 1957a. The Kin Terminology System of the !Kung
FX10= 5 Bushmen. Africa 27: 1-25.
0000000 Marshall, L. 1957b. N!ow. Africa 27: 232-240.
FX10= 6
0004000 Thomas, E. M. 1959. The Harmless People. New York,
FX10= 9 Alfred A. Knopf.
0000400 Marshall, Lawrence, and Lorna Marshall. 1956. !Kung Bushmen
c of South West Africa. South West Africa Annual 1956: 11-23.
^^^^^ Marshall, J. 1956. The Hunters. Somerville, Mass. (Film)
^^^^^ Marshall, J. 1957. Ecology of the !Kung Bushmen. Senior
e Honors Thesis, Harvard.
0000000 Marshall, J. 1958. Man as a Hunter. Natural History 67(6):
FX10=11 291-309, (7):376-395.
2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources
^^^^^ Lee, R. B. 1979. The !Kung San. Cambridge. [Dobe !Kung].
^^^^^ Lee, R. B. 1972. The !Kung Bushmen in Botswana. Hunters and
g Gatherers Today, ed. M. Bicchieri. pp. 327-368. New York.
^^^^^ Lee, R. B. 1966. Subsistence Ecology of !Kung Bushmen.
FX10=16 Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.
^^^^^ Lee, R. B. 1968. What Hunters do for a Living. Man the Hunter,
h ed. R. B. Lee and I. DeVore, eds., pp. 30-48. Chicago.
^^^^^ Lee, R. B. 1974. Male-Female Residence Arrangements and Political
i Power in Human Hunter-Gatherers. Archives of Sexual Behavior 3:
^^^^^ Lee, R. B., and Irven DeVore, eds. 1976. Kalahari Hunter-
j Gatherers. Cambridge, Mass. [Dobe !Kung: Chapters 1-3, 6-14].
^^^^^ Tobias, P. (ed.). 1978. San Hunters and Herders of Southern
k Africa. Cape Town.
^^^^^ Draper, P. 1972. !Kung Bushman Childhood. Ph. D. Dissertation.
l Harvard. [Dobe !Kung].
^^^^^ Draper, P. (forthcoming). !Kung Subsistence Work at /Du/da.
^^^^^ Draper, P. 1975. !Kung Women: contrasts in Sexual Egalitarianism
n in the foraging and sedentary contexts. Toward an Anthropology
of Women, ed. R. Reiter, pp. 77-109. New York. [Dobe !Kung].
^^^^^ Draper, P. 1978. The Learning Environment for Aggression and Antisocial Behavior among the !Kung. Teaching Non-Aggression, ed. A. Montagu, pp. 31-53. New York.
^^^^^ Biesele, M. in press. !Kung Folklore. Cambridge, Mass. [Dobe].
^^^^^ Biesele, M. 1975. Folklore and Ritual of !Kung Hunter-gatherers.
q Ph. D. Dissertation, Harvard. [Dobe !Kung].
^^^^^ Biesele, M. 1972. Hunting in semi-arid areas - the Kalahari
r Bushmen Today. Botswana Notes and Records (special ed.).
^^^^^ Hansen, J. D. L., A. S. Truswell, C. Freeseman, and B. MacHutchon.
s 1969. The Children of Hunting and Gathering Bushmen. South
African Medical Journal 43: 1158. [Dobe !Kung].
^^^^^ Harpending, H. C. 1971. !Kung Hunter-Gatherer Population
t Structure. Ph. D. Dissertation. Harvard. [Dobe !Kung].
^^^^^ Howell, N. 1979. Demography of the Dobe Area !Kung. New York.
^^^^^ Howell, N. n.d. Estimating Absolute Age in a Remote and
Nonliterate Population. Princeton. MS.
^^^^^ Konner, M. J. 1971. Infants of a Foraging People. Mulch 1:
v 44-73. [Dobe !Kung].
^^^^^ Konner, M. J. 1972. Aspects of the Developmental Ethology of
w a Foraging People. Ethological Studies of Child Behavior, ed.
N. G. Blurton Jones. Cambridge.
^^^^^ Konner, M. J. 1973. Infants of a Foraging People. Ph. D.
x Dissertation. Harvard.
^^^^^ Konner, M. J. in press. Infancy among the Kalahari Desert San.
y Cultural and Social Influences in Infancy and Early Childhood, ed.
P. H. Leiderman and S. Tulkin. Stanford.
^^^^^ Shostak, M. 1981. Nisa. Cambridge, Mass. [Dobe !Kung].
3. �Auxiliary Primary Sources
0005003 Schapera, I. 1930. The Khoisan Peoples of South Africa. London.
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