Focused Ethnographic Bibliography for the

HRAF:FT06 SCCS# 3 EA# 104 Ab4 Thonga. Focus: Ronga subtribe

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SCCS# 3 EA# 104 Ab4 Thonga. Focus: Ronga subtribe.

G:25°50'S, 32°20'E. T:1895.

1. Principal Authority(ies)

1111111 Junod, H. A. 1927 (2d ed.). The Life of a South African Tribe.
FT6=1-2 2v. London.

SCCS# 4 EA# 103 Ab3 Lozi. Focus: ruling Luyana.

G:16°S, 23°E. T:1900.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)

2122110 Gluckman, M. 1951. The Lozi of Barotseland. Seven Tribes
FQ9 = 2 of British Central Africa, ed. E. Colson and M. Gluckman,

pp. 1-93. London.

1000220 Gluckman, M. 1941. Economy of the Central Barotse Plain.
FQ9 =10 Rhodes-Livingstone Papers 7.
0000000 Gluckman, M. 1972 (lst ed. 1965). The Ideas in Barotse
FQ9 = 4 Jurisprudence. Manchester.
0000000 Gluckman, M. 1950. Kinship and Marriage among the Lozi of

FQ9 = 6 Northern Rhodesia and the Zulu of Natal. African Systems of

Kinship and Marriage, A. R. Radcliffe-Brown and D. Forde, eds.
2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources
0200000 Bertrand, A. 1899. The Kingdom of the Barotsi. London.
0011000 Holub, E. 1895. Seven Years in South Africa, v.2. London.

4. �Useful Secondary Sources

0003010 *Turner, V. W. 1952. The Lozi Peoples of Northwestern
FQ9 = 1 Rhodesia. London.
^^^^^ Mainga, M. 1973. Bulozi under the Luyana Kings: Political
Evolution and State Formation in Pre-Colonial Zambia. London.
SCCS# 5 EA# 203 Ab5 Mbundu. Focus: Bailundo subtribe.

G:12°15'S, 16°30'E. T:1890.

  1. �Principal Authority(ies)
    3111111 Childs, G. M. 1949. Umbundu Kinship and Character. London.
    FP13= 1

  2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources
    1300221 Hambly,W. D. 1934. The Ovimbundu of Angola. Field Museum
    FP13= 3 Anthropological Series 21:89-362.

3. �Auxiliary Primary Sources

0200002 Edwards, A. C. 1962. The Ovimbundu under Two Sovereignties.
FP13= 6 London.
4. �Useful Secondary Sources
2000003 McCulloch, M. 1952. The Ovimbundu of Angola. London.
FP13= 2
00003005. Duffy, J. 1959. Portuguese Africa. Cambridge, Mass.

SCCS# 6 EA# 731 Ac17 Suku. Focus: "lineage center" in Feshi

G: 6°S, 18°E. T:1920.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)

1111111 Kopytoff, I. 1965. The Suku of Southwestern Congo. Peoples
a of Africa, ed. J. L. Gibbs, Jr., pp. 441-477. New York.
2224223 Kopytoff, I. 1964. Family and Lineage Among the Suku of the
b Congo. The Family Estate in Africa, ed. R. F. Gray and P. H.
Gulliver, pp. 83-116. Boston.
0300000 Kopytoff, I. 1961. Extension of Conflict as a Method of
Conflict Resolution Among the Suku of the Congo. Journal
of Conflict Resolution 5:61-69.
0002000 Kopytoff, I. 1971. Thå Suku of the Congo: an ethnographic
d test of Hsu's hypothesis. Kinship and Culture, ed. F. L. K.
Hsu. pp. 69-86. Chicago.
^^^^^ Kopytoff, I. 1977. Matrilineality, residence, and residential
e zone. American Ethnologist 4: 539-558.
2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources
0000010 Torday, E., and T. A. Joyce. 1906. Notes on the Ethnography

f of the Bayaka. Journal of the Royal Anthropological

Institute 36:39-58.
0033000 Van de Ginste, F. 1947. Le mariage chez les Basuku.
g Bulletin des Jurisdictions IndigŠnes et du Droit Coutumier
Congolais, no. 5. 1-2.
3. �Auxiliary Primary Sources
3000002 Holemans, K. 1959. Etudes sur l'alimentation en milieu

h coutumier du Kwango. Annales de la Soci‚t‚ Belge de

M‚decine Tropicale 39:361-374.

SCCS# 7 EA# 105 Ac3 Bemba. Focus: of Zambia.

G:10°S, 31°E. T:1897.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)

1011110 Richards, A. I. 1939. Land, Labour and Diet in Northern
FQ5 = 2 Rhodesia. Oxford.
3100220 Richards, A. I. 1951. The Bemba of North-eastern Rhodesia.
a Seven Tribes of British Central Africa, ed. E. Colson and

M. Gluckman, pp. 164-191. London.

0200000 Richards, A. I. 1940. The Political System of the Bemba
FQ5 = 7 Tribe. African Political Systems, ed. M. Fortes and E. E.
Evans-Pritchard, pp. 83-120. Oxford.
2022000 Richards, A. I. 1940. Bemba Marriage and Present Economic
b Conditions. Rhodes-Livingstone Papers 4.
0033000 Richards, A. I. 1948. Hunger and Work in a Savage Tribe.
c Glencoe.
0044000 Richards, A. I. 1956. Chisungu: A Girl's Initiation
FQ5 = 3 Ceremony Among the Bemba. London.
0400000 Richards, A. I. 1950. Some Types of Family Structure Amongst
d the Central Bantu. African Systems of Kinship and Marriage,
ed. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown and D. Forde, pp. 206-251. London.
^^^^^ Richards, A. I. 1968. Keeping the King Divine. Proceedings of
e the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
1968: 23-25.
^^^^^ Richards, A. I. 1971. The Consilar System of the Bemba of
f Northern Zambia. Councils in Action, ed. A. I. Richards and A.
Kuper. Cambridge.

^^^^^ Richards, A. I. and C. Tardits. 1974. A propos du marriage Bemba.

g L'Homme 14: 111-118.
^^^^^ Tardits, C. 1974. Prix de la femme et mariage entre cousins
h croises, la cas des Bemba d'Afrique centrale. L'Homme 14: 5-30.
2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources

4355000 Gouldsbury, C., and A. Sheane. 1911. The Great Plateau of

i Northern Rhodesia. London.

3. �Auxiliary Primary Sources

0500000 Delhaise, C. 1908. Chez les Wabemba. Bulletin de la
j Soci‚t‚ Royale Belge de G‚ographie 32: 173-227, 261-283.

SCCS# 8 EA# 208 Ad6 Nyakyusa. Focus: age village near Mwaya
and Masoko.

G: 9°30'S, 34°E. T:1934.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)

1101111 Wilson, M. 1951. Good Company. London.
FN17= 1
0013000 Wilson, M. 1957. Rituals of Kinship Among the Nyakyusa.
FN17= 2 London.
0000030 Wilson, M. 1959. Communal Rites of the Nyakyusa. London.
FN17= 9
^^^^^ Wilson, M. 1977. For Men and Elders: Change in the Relations of
a Generations and of Men and Women among the Nyakyusa-Ngonde
People 1875-1971. New York.
2022221 Wilson, G. 1936. An Introduction to Nyakyusa Society.
FN17= 8 Bantu Studies 10: 253-292.
0200000 Wilson, G. 1951. The Nyakyusa of South-Western Tanganyika.
b Seven Tribes of British Central Africa, ed. E. Colson and

M. Gluckman, pp. 253-291. London.

0030000 Wilson, G. 1938. The Land Rights of Individuals Among the
FN17= 5 Nyakyusa. Rhodes-Livingstone Papers 1: 1-52.
2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources
0040000 Lehmann, F. R. 1951. Notes on the Daily Life of the
FN17=14 Nyakyusa. Sociologus n.F, 1: 138-148.
^^^^^ McKenny, M. G. 1973. The social structure of Nyakyusa: a re-
evaluation. Africa 43: 91-107.
^^^^^ Charsley, S. R., and M. G. McKenny. 1974. The social structure of
d Nyakyusa. Africa 44: 422-424.

SCCS# 9 EA# 726 Aa9 Hadza. Focus: Entirety.

G: 3°45'S, 35°E. T:1930.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)


Kohl-Larsen, L.


Wildbeuter in Ostafrika.




Woodburn, J.


The Social Organization of the Hadza of


North Tanzania.

Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge.

2000000 Woodburn, J. 1968. An Introduction to Hadza Ecology. Man the

Hunter, ed. R. B. Lee and I. DeVore, pp. 49-55. Chicago.
0200000 Woodburn, J. 1968. Stability and Flexibility in Hadza
d Residential Groupings. Man the Hunter, ed. R. B. Lee and I.
DeVore, pp. 103-110. Chicago.
^^^^^ Woodburn, J. 1970. Hunters and Gatherers: the Material Cultures
e of the Nomadic Hadza. London.
2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources

0030003 Bleek, D. F. 1931. The Hadzapi or Watindiga of Tanganyika

f Territory. Africa 4:273-286.
SCCS# 10 EA# 704 Ad14 Luguru. Focus: Morogoro District.

G: 6°50'S, 37°40'E. T:1925.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)

1200110 Beidelman, T. C. 1967. The Matrilineal Peoples of Eastern
a Tanzania. London.
2411220 Scheerder, ??, and Tastevin, ??. 1950. Les Wa lu guru.
b Anthropos 45:241-286.
2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources

0100000 Young, R., and H. Fosbrooke. 1960. Land and Politics Among

the Luguru of Tanganyika. London.
0302000 Christensen, J. B. 1963. Utani: Joking, Sexual License and
d Social Obligations Among the Luguru. American Anthropologist
0400000 McVicar, J. n.d. Notes on the Waluguru. Ms.

3. �Auxiliary Primary Sources

^^^^^ Brain, J. L. 1969. Matrilineal descent and marital stability:

f A Tanzanian case. Journal of Asian and African Studies 4(2):

^^^^^ Mluanda, M. 1971. Traditional practices among the Luguru in
g Eastern Tanzania. Bulletin of the International Committee on
Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research 13: 57-65.

SCCS# 11 EA# 108 Ad4 Kikuyu. Focus: Fort Hall or Metume District.

G: 0°40'S, 37°10'E. T:1920.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)

1221110 Kenyatta, J. 1939. Facing Mount Kenya. London.
FL10= 4
0303000 Lambert, H. E. 1956. Kikuyu Social and Political
FL10= 2 Institutions. London.
3000000 Lambert, H. E. 1950. The Systems of Land Tenure in the
FL10= 5 Kikuyu Land Unit. Communications from the School of
African Studies, n.s. 22: 1-185.
2030000 Leakey, L. S. B. 1952. Mau Mau and the Kikuyu. London.
FL10= 3
^^^^^ Leakey, L. S. B. 1977. The Southern Kikuyu before 1903.
a 3 vols. New York.
2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources

0012000 Cagnolo, C. 1933. The Akikuyu. Nyeri.


  1. �Auxiliary Primary Sources
    ^^^^^ Routledge, W. S., and Routledge, K. 1910. With a Prehistoric
    FL10= 7 i People: The Akikuyu of British East Africa. London.

  2. �Useful Secondary Sources
    4130220 Middleton, J. 1953. The Kikuyu and Kamba of Kenya. London.
    FL10= 1 i

0000300 Hailey, W. M. H. 1950. Native Administration in the British

African Territories, pt. I. London.
0000400 MacPhee, A. M. 1968. Kenya. New York.
0000500 Ross, W. M. 1968. Kenya from Within: A Short Political
e History. London.
^^^^^ Tignor, R. 1976. The Colonial Transformation of Kenya: The
f Kamba, Kikuyu, and Masai from 1900-1936. Princeton.

SCCS# 12 EA# 306 Ad7 Ganda. Focus: Kyaddondo district.

G: 0°20'N, 32°30'E. T:1875.

    1. 1. �Principal Authority(ies)
      1211111 Roscoe, J. 1911. The Baganda. London.
      FK7 = 2

    2. 0002002 + Mair, L. P. 1934 (2d ed. 1965 New York). An African People
      FK7 = 1 in the Twentieth Century. London.

  1. �Other Dependable Primary Sources
    0123220 Southwold, M. 1965. The Ganda of Uganda. Peoples of
    FK7 =15 Africa, ed. J. L. Gibbs, Jr., pp. 81-118. New York.

^^^^^ Southwold, M. 1971. The Meanings of Kinship. Rethinking

a Kinship and Marriage, ed. R. Needham, pp. ??. London.
0000000 Richards, A. I. 1960. The Ganda. East African Chiefs, ed.
FK7 = 9 A. I. Richards, pp. 41-77. London.
0000000 Richards, A. I. 1966. The Changing Structure of a Ganda
FK7 =13 Village: Kisozi 1892-1952. Nairobi.

  1. �Auxiliary Primary Sources
    0000003 Kagwa, A. 1934. The Customs of the Baganda. New York.
    FK7 = 8

  2. �Useful Secondary Sources
    2000000 Fallers, M. C. 1960. The Eastern Lacustrine Bantu. London.
    FK7 =12

0304003 + Murdock, G. P. 1934. The Ganda of Uganda. Our Primitive

b Contemporaries, pp. 508-550. New York
^^^^^ Perlman, M. L. 1969. Law and the status of women in Uganda: A

Systematic comparison between the Ganda and the Toro. Tropical

Man 2: 60-106.
5. �Other Sources
^^^^^ Kottack, C. P. 1972. Ecological variables in the origin and

d evolution of African States: the Buganda example. Comparative

Studies in Society and History 14: 351-380.
^^^^^ Lugira, A. M. 1970. Political civilization. Cahiers des
e Religiones Africains 4(8): 191-202.

^^^^^ Malyseua, D. B. Buganda. Voprosy Istorii 4: 113-120. (Russian)

^^^^^ Semakula Kiwanuka, M. S. M. 1972. A History of Buganda from the

g Foundation of the Kingdom to 1900. New York.

^^^^^ Rusch, W. 1975. Classes and State in Buganda before the Colonial
h Period. Berlin. (German)


SCCS# 13

EA# 202

Aa5 Mbuti Pygmies.

Focus: net hunters of the


G: 1°45'N, 28°20'E.


1. �Principal Authority(ies)

^^^^^ Turnbull, C. M. 1983. The Mbuti Pygmies: Change and Adaptation.
a New York.
2113111 Turnbull, C. M. 1965a. Wayward Servants. Garden City, N.Y.
FP13= 2
1021223 Turnbull, C. M. 1961. The Forest People. New York.
FP13= 3
0030031 Turnbull, C. M. 1965b. The Mbuti Pygmies. Anthropological
FP13= 1 Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 50:iii, 1-282.
0002000 Turnbull, C. M. 1965c. The Mbuti Pygmies of the Congo. Peoples
a of Africa, ed. J. L. Gibbs, Jr., pp. 279-317. New York.
3040003 Putnam, P. 1948. Thå Pygmies of the Ituri Forest. A Reader in
FP13= 4 General Anthropology, ed. C. S. Coon, pp. 322-342. New York.
3. �Auxiliary Primary Sources

^^^^^ De Leeuwe, J. 1966. Development in Bambuti society. Antropos 61:

b 737-763. (German).
4. �Useful Secondary Sources

^^^^^ Hart, J. A. 1978. From Subsistence to Market: A case study of

the Mbuti net hunters. Human Ecology 6(3): 325-353.

SCCS# 14 EA# 110 Ae4 Nkundo Mongo. Focus: Ilanga group.

G: 0°45'S, 19°E. T:1930.

    1. 1. �Principal Authority(ies)
      1111111 Hulstaert, G. 1938. Le mariage des Nkundo'. M‚moires de
      FO32= 2 l'Institut Royal Colonial Belge 8: 1-520. Brussels.

    2. ^^^^^ Hulstaert, G. 1971. Sur quelques croyances magiques des Mongo.
      a Cahiers des Religion Africaines 5(9): 145-167.

  1. �Other Dependable Primary Sources
    0300002 Brepoels, H. 1930. Het familiehoofd bij de Nkundo negers.
    FO32= 5 Congo 2: ii, 332-430.

  2. �Auxiliary Primary Sources
    0200000 Boelaert, E. 1940. De Nkundo-Maatschappij. Kongo-Overzee
    FO32= 3 6: 148-161.


Schebesta, P.


My Pygmy and Negro Hosts.



(Transl. of 1934.

Vollblutneger und Halbzwerge.


[focus on the Pygmy vassals of the Ilanga].

2000000 Gutersohn, Th. 1920. Het economisch leven van den

FO32= 4 Mongo-neger. Congo 1: i, 92-105.
4. �Useful Secondary Sources

0022000 Van der Kerken, G. 1944. L'ethnie Mongo. M‚moires de

l'Institut Royal Colonial Belge 13: 1-1143.

SCCS# 15 EA# 830 Ae51 Banen. Focus: Ndiki subtribe.

G: 4°40'N, 19°E. T:1935.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)

1011111 Dugast, I. 1959. Monographie de la tribu des Ndiki. Vie sociale
a et familiale. Travaux et M‚moires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie 58:

(ii) 1-635. Paris.

0000000 Dugast, I. 1955. Monographie de la tribu des Ndiki: Vie
b mat‚rielle. Travaux et M‚moires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie 58:

(i) 1-824. Paris.

0000010 Dugast, I. 1944. L'agriculture chez les Ndiki de population
BanŠn. Bulletin de la Soci‚t‚ d'Etudes Cameroun, n.s., 8:7-130.
2133222 McCulloch, M., M. Littlewood, and I. Dugast. 1954. Peoples
d of the Central Cameroons. London.

2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources

0022000 Tessmann, G. 1934. Die Bafia und die Kultur der Mittelkamerun
e Bantu. Stuttgart.

SCCS# 16 EA# 116 Ah3 Tiv. Focus: tar of Benue province.

G: 7°15'N, 9°E. T:1920.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)


Bohannan, P., and L. Bohannan.


Three Source Notebooks


in Tiv Ethnography.

New Haven.

0000000 Bohannan, P., and L. Bohannan. 1968. Tiv Economy. Evanston.

^^^^^ Bohannan, P., and L. Bohannan. 1969. A Source Notebook on
FF57=30 Tiv Religion. 5v. New Haven.
0000000 Bohannan, P., and L. Bohannan. 1957. Tiv Markets. New York
FF57=24 Academy of Sciences, Transations, series 2: 613-621.
2122221 Bohannan, L., and P. Bohannan. 1953. The Tiv of Central
FF57=19 Nigeria. London.
0200000 Bohannan, L. 1957. Political Aspects of Tiv Social
b Organization. Tribes Without Rulers, ed. J. Middleton and

D. Tait, pp. 33-66. London.

0000000 Bohannan, L. 1952. A Genealogical Charter. Africa 22: 301-315.
0000030 Bohannan, P. 1953. Concepts of Time Among the Tiv of
FF57=27 Nigeria. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 9: 251-262.
0000040 Bohannan. P. 1954a. Tiv Farm and Settlement. London.
3000000 Bohannan, P. 1960. Tiv Trade and Markets. Ms. (see FF57=24)
4000000 Bohannan, P. 1955. Some Principles of Exchange and Investment
FF57=26 Among the Tiv. American Anthropologist 57: 60-70.
0003000 Bohannan, P. 1965. The Tiv of Nigeria. Peoples of Africa.
d ed. J. L. Gibbs, Jr., pp. 279-317. New York.
0000000 Bohannan, P. 1957. Justice and Judgment among the Tiv. London.

0000000 Bohannan, P. 1954b. The Migration and Expansion of the Tiv.

FF57=20 Africa 24: 2-16.
0000000 Bohannan, P. 1954c. Circumcision among the Tiv. Man 54: 2-6.
2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources
0044051 East, R., ed., 1939. Akiga's Story. London.
FF57= 1 i
^^^^^ Akiga, B. S. 1954. The 'descent' of the Tiv from Ibenda Hill.
FF57=25 Transl. & Annot. P. Bohannan. Africa 24: 295-310.
0030003 Abraham, R. C. 1933 (3d ed. 1968. London). The Tiv People.
FF57= 3 Lagos.


Downes, R. M.

1933 (2d ed. 1969).

The Tiv Tribe.


FF57# 2 i


Downes, R. M.


Tiv Religion.



SCCS# 17 EA# 643 Af10 Ibo. Focus: Isu-Ana division, Owerri or
Southern Ibo.

G: 5°30'N, 7°20'E. T:1935.

1. �Principal Authority(ies)


Green, M. M.

1947 (2d ed. 1964).

Ibo Village Affairs.


FF26= 3

2. �Other Dependable Primary Sources

2233220 Uchendu, V. C. 1965. The Igbo of Southeast Nigeria. New York.
FF26= 4 [home village in Nisirimi group of villages south of Isu-Ana].
0011000 Leith-Ross, S. 1939. African Women: A Study of the Ibo of
FF26= 5 Nigeria. New York. [Southern Ibo region, embracing Isu-Ana].
^^^^^ Ardener, E. W. 1954. The Kinship Terminology of a group of
a Southern Ibo. Africa 24: 85-99. [Ezenihite group so. of Isu-Ama].
3. �Auxiliary Primary Sources
^^^^^ Meek, C. K. 1937. Law and Authority in a Nigerian Tribe. London.
FF26= 8
0 0 0 0 Egboh, E. O. 1971. The beginning of the end of traditional
b religion in Iboland, Southeastern Nigeria. Civilizations 21:
0 0 0 0 Egboh, E. O. 1972. A reassessment of the concept of Ibo
traditional religion. Numen 19: 68-79.
0 0 0 0 Egboh, E. O. 1972. Polygamy in Iboland, South-eastern Nigeria:
d with special reference to polygamy practice among Christian Ibos.
Civilizations 22: 431-444.
0 0 0 0 Egboh, E. O. 1973/4. The place of women in the Ibo society of
e Southeastern Nigeria, from earliest times to the present.
Civilizations 23-24: 305-316.
4. �Useful Secondary Sources
0300000 Forde, D., and G. I. Jones. 1950. The Ibo and
FF26= 1 i Ibibio-speaking Peoples of South-Eastern Nigeria. London.

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