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MEJ A level IV


  • Attendance, Arriving on Time and In-Class Participation 10%

  • Weekly Assignments: Summaries, Essays 20%

  • Multimodality PPT (in group) 10%

  • Midterm exams 30%

  • Final exam 30%

Talabalar bilimini baholash mezoni

Nazorat turlari



O‘tkazilish vaqti
(boshlanishi – tugashi)

Weekly Assignments


Attendance, Arriving on Time and In-Class Participation


Weekly assignments

Short speech


Writing workshop




Midterm exam

Midterm exam

7-9 Units


Multimodality PPT (in group)

Multimodality PPT (in group)

In class presentation. Investigate and propose your findings of the assigned topic with your group


Final exam

Final exam

10-12 Units






Rubrics for Assessment
Week 1 assignment: Writing workshop. Writing a personal reference. Function: describing abilities and personal qualities.
2 points: Excellent achievement. Student successfully fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment with little or no room for improvement.
1,5 point: Good achievement. Student fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment, but may have a few errors or need some improvement.
1 point: Satisfactory achievement. Student needs some work to fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment, but shows some effort.
0,5 point: Poor achievement. Student does not fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 2 assignment: Work and career:
Work as a team to complete a task. Identify strengths and weaknesses of each member of the team, to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently.
2 points: Excellent achievement. Student successfully fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment with little or no room for improvement.
1,5 point: Good achievement. Student fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment, but may have a few errors or need some improvement.
1 point: Satisfactory achievement. Student needs some work to fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment, but shows some effort.
0,5 point: Poor achievement. Student does not fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 3 assignment: Write compound sentences:
Use conjunctions to connect phrases (and, or, but).



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 4 assignment: Work and career:
Make choices. Function: compare different options to be able to make good choices.
2 points: Excellent achievement. Student successfully fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment with little or no room for improvement.
1,5 point: Good achievement. Student fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment, but may have a few errors or need some improvement.
1 point: Satisfactory achievement. Student needs some work to fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment, but shows some effort.
0,5 point: Poor achievement. Student does not fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 5 assignment: Writing workshop.
Write a restaurant review. Function: describe different kinds of restaurants; give opinions and make a recommendation.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 6 assignment: Self and society:
Make a plan. Function: making a plan to be able to host a group meal.
2 points: Excellent achievement. Student successfully fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment with little or no room for improvement.
1,5 point: Good achievement. Student fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment, but may have a few errors or need some improvement.
1 point: Satisfactory achievement. Student needs some work to fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment, but shows some effort.
0,5 point: Poor achievement. Student does not fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 9 assignment: Sequencing and connecting ideas:
Use connectives like first, then, after that and finally to sequence ideas in a text.
2 points: Excellent achievement. Student successfully fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment with little or no room for improvement.
1,5 point: Good achievement. Student fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment, but may have a few errors or need some improvement.
1 point: Satisfactory achievement. Student needs some work to fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment, but shows some effort.
0,5 point: Poor achievement. Student does not fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 10 assignment: Study and learning:
Make notes on a text. Function: identifying the most important information in a description of historical events.
2 points: Excellent achievement. Student successfully fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment with little or no room for improvement.
1,5 point: Good achievement. Student fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment, but may have a few errors or need some improvement.
1 point: Satisfactory achievement. Student needs some work to fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment, but shows some effort.
0,5 point: Poor achievement. Student does not fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 11 assignment: Writing workshop.
Writing a short biography. Function:
recounting biographical information;
talking about historical figures and events.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 12 assignment: Study and learning:
Brainstorming in a group. Function brainstorming: to come up with ideas for subjects for a biography.
2 points: Excellent achievement. Student successfully fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment with little or no room for improvement.
1,5 point: Good achievement. Student fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment, but may have a few errors or need some improvement.
1 point: Satisfactory achievement. Student needs some work to fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment, but shows some effort.
0,5 point: Poor achievement. Student does not fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 13 assignment: Sequencing and connecting ideas:
Use connectives like first, then, next, after that and finally to sequence ideas in a text.
2 points: Excellent achievement. Student successfully fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment with little or no room for improvement.
1,5 point: Good achievement. Student fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment, but may have a few errors or need some improvement.
1 point: Satisfactory achievement. Student needs some work to fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment, but shows some effort.
0,5 point: Poor achievement. Student does not fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment.



The paragraph is 70-90 words.

2 points

1,5 point

1 point

0,5 point

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed and of different length. They start in many ways. Use of connectors. Student makes any mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are complete and well-constructed but short. Use of connectors. Student makes 1-2 mistakes in grammar.

Most sentences are short and they start in a similar way. Paragraphing needs some work. No connectors use. 3 mistakes in grammar.

All sentences are short. Some of them are incomplete. Paragraphing needs a lot of work. No connectors use. 4 or more mistakes in grammar.

Week 14 assignment: Study and learning:
Identify strengths and weaknesses. Function: evaluating areas for future improvement in learning English.
2 points: Excellent achievement. Student successfully fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment with little or no room for improvement.
1,5 point: Good achievement. Student fulfils the expectation for this part of the assignment, but may have a few errors or need some improvement.
1 point: Satisfactory achievement. Student needs some work to fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment, but shows some effort.
0,5 point: Poor achievement. Student does not fulfil the expectation for this part of the assignment.


  1. Talaba imtihon nazorati qoidalarini buzgan hollarda, mazkur fandan imtihon bali bekor qilinishi haqida ogohlantiriladi.

  2. Komissiya a’zosi imtihon boshlanishini e’lon qilgunga qadar imtihon varag‘ini ochish ta’qiqlanadi.

  3. Talaba uyali yoki boshqa aloqa vositalari, gadjetlarni o‘chirib, komissiya a’zosi ko‘rsatmasiga binoan o‘zidan uzoqlikda saqlashi shart. Kitob, manuskript, daftar va boshqa ko‘maklashuvchi materiallardan foydalanish mumkin emas.

  4. Talabalar bir-biri bilan gaplashishi, imtihon varaqlarini ko‘rsatishi, ko‘chirtirishi, boshqalarni chalg‘itishi ma’n etiladi.

  1. Oziq-ovqat va ichimliklarni auditoriyaga olib kirishi mumkin emas. Shifokor ko‘rsatmasiga binoan dori-darmon, kichik idishdagi suv bundan mustasno.

  2. Auditoriyadan ruxsatsiz chiqish mumkin emas. Xususan, imtihonning birinchi va oxirgi 10 minutida auditoriyadan chiqish ta’qiqlanadi. Talaba imtihon varaqasini muddatidan oldin topshirib chiqib ketgan holatda qayta auditoriyaga qo‘yilmaydi.

  3. Komissiya a’zosi imtihon tugashini e’lon qilganidan so‘ng, talaba yozishni to‘xtatadi va imtihon varaqlari yig‘ilgunga qadar auditoriyani tark etmaydi.

ECTS kredit ta’lim tizimi asosida baholash tavsifi




























Talaba 0-49 oralig’ida o’zlashtirish ko’rsatkichiga va bir fandan 5 dars (10 juftlik) qoldirsa, o’qiyotgan semestrida mazkur fandan o’zlashtirmagan (fail) hisoblanadi.
O’zlashtirilmagan fanlarni qayta o’zlashtirish uchun talaba o’rnatilgan tartibda fan o’qituvchisi tomonidan berilgan topshiriqlarni bajarishi zarur.

Academic Honesty Policy
Avoiding Plagiarism
Plagiarism is intentionally claiming that another person's work is his/her own or implying that another person's work is his/her own (through inadequate or inaccurate citations of reference material.)
• Should not copy whole portions of text from another source as a major component of papers or projects.
• Should identify the title, author, page number/webpage address, and publication date of works when directly quoting small portions of texts, articles, interviews, or websites.
• Should appropriately identify the source of information when paraphrasing (restating) ideas from texts, interviews, articles, or websites.
Consequences of Academic Dishonesty:
There may be serious consequences if you are found guilty of plagiarism.
If you are requested by the instructor to sign a PLAGIARISM STATEMENT, please sign and date it. Please SCAN it and EMAIL it to the instructor.

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