Executive Summary and Profile Vision

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Establishes and implements written security and crisis management plans with appropriate training for stakeholders



Implements processes and plans for maintaining and improving sites, facilities, and equipment



Provides technology infrastructure and equipment that is up-to-date and sufficient to accomplish the system’s goals


Support Systems


Provides and coordinates support services that meet the health, counseling, nutrition, safety, co-curricular, transportation, and special learning needs of all students



Provides student support services coordinated with the school, home, and community


Focus Questions
1. What is the school system’s process for recruitment, induction, placement, development,

evaluation and retention of qualified professional and support staff across the system and

its schools?
The Tuscaloosa County School System is committed to providing students with qualified teachers and effective school leaders. Central Office staff and school administrators work together to make every effort to employ and retain the most qualified personnel available for each position. The Human Resources Department maintains current policies for hiring and recruiting all staff positions in Tuscaloosa County. All vacancies are posted on the Tuscaloosa County School system website and the State Department of Education (Teach in Alabama) website.


  • TCSS attends recruitment days at local colleges such as UA Red Day at the University of Alabama, the University of West Alabama, the University of Montevallo, Alabama A & M University, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, the University of Alabama in Birmingham, Athens College, the University of North Alabama, Stillman College, Auburn University, and Alabama State University

  • TCSS partners with multiple universities for student internships

  • Utilizes Teach in Alabama website to provide direct communication and expanded information

  • The Tuscaloosa County School System web site is maintained and updated


  • TCSS provides New Employees Orientation

  • TCSS provides New Teachers’ Training for new-to-the system teachers and new-to-teaching teachers

  • Teacher mentors are provided by local schools

  • Directors of Elementary and Secondary Instruction and Special Education work with new personnel as issues arise, offer support, and provide resources and materials

  • ARI Training/AMSTI Training

  • Instructional Walkthroughs


The Tuscaloosa County School System implements procedures to ensure staff members are sufficient in number to meet the vision and purpose of the system and to meet applicable federal and state laws and regulations through the following procedures:

  • Reviews state allocations, student population in the schools, projected growth in each school, stated needs, qualifications of staff members, class-size caps, certification of personnel, intent forms submitted by staff, Personnel and Course Code Manual, the Alabama Administrative Code for special education case manager requirements and any other special situations that may arise at local schools

  • Identifies Foundation Program Units earned based on the number of students enrolled during the previous year’s Average Daily Membership

  • Identifies growth units provided by the state department

  • The Superintendent, the Deputy Superintendent, the Senior Director of Human Resources, and the Chief School Financial Officer work with principals and directors to estimate staffing at each of our schools

  • The Human Resources Department reviews all certifications and qualifications

  • The Human Resources Department places all intended/selected candidates on the board agenda for approval of all new hires

  • The Senior Director of Human Resources assists newly appointed building principals in the interview and selection process

  • Background checks are conducted on all new hires

  • Central office administrators and building principals are selected by the leadership team of the school district


  • Provides high-quality professional development opportunities, based on standards as outlined by the Alabama State Department of Education and the district vision, mission, and beliefs

  • Provides Continuous Improvement Plans at each school to identify specific local school needs in professional development

  • Provides evaluation instruments for input and direction on areas of need

  • Utilizes STI PD to post Tuscaloosa County professional development opportunities and state department opportunities

  • Certified staff that show leadership qualities are encouraged to pursue administrative certification at one of the regional accredited universities

  • Individuals holding an administrative certification are given the opportunity to participate in the Aspiring Administrators’ Academy

In addition the following departments also offer learning opportunities for support personnel to enhance their employees’ skills:

  • Transportation Department: annual bus CDL training (recertification)

  • CNP Department: updates training for all lunch room managers monthly

  • CNP Department: annual updates training for all workers in sanitation and production management

  • Technology Department : training at technology conferences

  • Nursing Department: as required by the Alabama State Board of Nursing

  • Special Education Department: Alabama Administrative Code training; SETS training (SPE computer data program); para-educator training

  • Finance Department: Alabama Association of School Business Officials (AASBO) Certificate Program, Payroll/Personnel Certificate Program, and Local School Financial Management Certificate Program

  • Local School Bookkeepers: monthly training by the Finance Department staff


  • Utilizes EDUCATEAlabama to provide observation in five contents: knowledge, teaching and learning, literacy, diversity and professionalism

  • Conducts formal and informal observations throughout the school year

  • Non-tenured certified personnel participate in a full evaluation process for three years

  • Tenured certified personnel participate in the evaluation process every three years

  • All certified personnel participate in professional development based on their individual Professional Development Plans (PDP) or Professional Learning Plan (PLP) every year

  • Classified personnel participate in an observation evaluation which includes, but is not limited to, attendance, punctuality, initiative, cooperation, flexibility, confidentiality, perseverance, job judgment, skills, quality of work, productivity, safety, public relations, conduct, physical condition, use of work time, and the ability to accept constructive criticism.


The Tuscaloosa County School System strives to retain personnel through the following methods:

  • Professional development opportunities

  • National Board for Professional Teaching Standards training support for teachers

  • Instructional staff members that work with all teachers to improve the quality of instruction, reduce the perception of teacher isolation, and support teacher needs

  • Mentoring program at the local schools

  • New Employee Orientation, training, and support

  • Provides an opportunity for input from all employees

    • Superintendents Advisory Council (SAC) : a 44 member committee made up of certified employees from all schools, parents, and central office staff

    • Classified Employees Advisory Council (CLAC): a 30 member committee of non-certified employees and central office staff

    • Principals’ Advisory Council (PAC): a committee at each local school

    • Elementary Principals: the superintendent and central office staff meet with elementary principals monthly

    • Secondary Principals: the superintendent and central office staff meet with secondary principals monthly

    • Administrative Retreat: two days of training for all principals, assistant principals, and central office staff which provides an opportunity for input to the school district leadership

    • Surveys: conducted at least annually

The Tuscaloosa County School System, an equal opportunity employer, endeavors to retain quality certified and support personnel. The school system promotes a positive employment environment and has adopted a policy prohibiting any and all forms of harassment based on race, color, sex, national origin, disability, age and religion. Sexual Harassment training is also provided at the district and local school level.
2. How does the leadership ensure that the allocation of financial resources is supportive

of the system’s vision, programs, services, and its plans for continuous improvement?

The leadership of the Tuscaloosa County School System ensures that the allocation of all financial resources support the vision, mission, and beliefs of the district through fiscal accountability reviews, continuous input from stakeholders, and monitoring of budgets and programs. The system has procedures to clearly establish and communicate short and long-term goals and link financial resources to those goals in support of continuous improvement. The overall focus of expenditures is on student learning, and all expenditures are evaluated to insure they support this objective. Each school receives money based on student population and needs. Each school also has a local budget committee that votes on the local PD, instructional support, technology, and common purchases budgets when funds are available. The Examiners of Public Accounts ensure each school is following proper procedures and laws according to the guidelines.

The annual operating budget process for the next fiscal year begins shortly after the current fiscal year has begun. The Superintendent and Chief School Financial Officer stay abreast of state budget plans well before the legislative session begins and communicate continuously with the board of education, administrative staff, principals, and others through email, SAC, PAC, CLAC, principals meetings, and other correspondence. Input from members of the board of education, parents, administrators, teachers, and support staff is requested and used to develop the budget. Since the majority of the district’s funding comes from state revenues, the district must have an approved state budget before the district budgeting process can be finalized. Estimates of local revenues, allocations of state and federal revenues, along with input previously received is used to develop the upcoming year’s budget. The budget is developed around the educational needs of the students using the mission, vision, and beliefs as core values. We believe the annual school budget is a financial representation of our school district’s educational programs. The budgeting process includes a review of the previous year’s progress in educational areas to determine areas in need of improvement. An attempt is made annually to insure we fund programs that are working and improving the quality of education for our students.

We are required by Alabama Code Section 16-13-140 to hold two public budget hearings to share our plans with the public and seek input from the public concerning the proposed budget and the allocation of resources. Each hearing is held during a scheduled board meeting in a place and at a time convenient for the general public to attend.

Monthly, the Chief School Financial Officer provides several financial reports to the board of education members and makes an oral report to the public and the board on highlights from the reports. These reports include a comparison of current month expenditures to the same period in the prior year, current year year-to-date expenditures as compared to the prior year year-to-date numbers, budget to actual comparison, a monthly check register, each for all major funds. These reports demonstrate accountability to the public and are intended to make financial reports transparent so all can ensure our financial resources are supporting the educational programs of our students. Additionally, the monthly check register, a set of monthly financial statements for each month, the annual budget, and the Annual Audit Statement are required to be posted on the school system web site.

Federal funds are coordinated through eGap at the ALSDE to ensure coordination of all federally funded programs to ensure that funds are used to support continuous improvement goals, and to maximize the use of all the funds. Special Education IDEA VIB, Special Education ARRA, Title I, Title II, and Title IV are sources of federal funds. Allocation of these funds is based on needs assessment determined by collected data.

Local school accounts are monitored by the building principal with the established checks and balances of a required purchase order before items are purchased. An annual audit by the Examiners of Public Accounts is conducted annually and the results are posted on the Examiners web site. Individual schools develop budgets for state appropriated money by selecting a budget committee, receiving input from the entire faculty and staff, presenting the budget to the entire faculty and staff and voting for the acceptance or denial of the budget proposed. Each of these areas ensures that the allocation of financial resources supports the systems goal of continuous improvement.

  1. How does the school system ensure, support, and monitor the provision of resource and support services that meet the needs of all students?

The Tuscaloosa County School System provides a multitude of services for children in the areas of health, counseling, nutrition, safety, co-curricular, transportation, and special learning needs. These services are available on an as-needed or continuing basis to all students and are coordinated with the academic program to guarantee maximum instructional time.

To provide students with the knowledge and skills base to become contributing members of a global society, the Tuscaloosa County School System promotes the development of decision-making skills through a variety of alternative opportunities which include:

  • Problem Solving Teams: each local school has a collaborative team(s) to serve at-risk students. This team is designed to meet the diverse needs of general education students who are at risk of school failure, dropping out, or have chronic academic and/or behavior challenges. This school-based team creates an individualized student plan for each at risk student.

  • Response to Instruction Plan: Tuscaloosa County School System has developed an RTI plan to ensure that general education students experiencing academic difficulties are given appropriate intervention. Students receive Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 instruction in academic areas before a referral is made to Special Education (SPE).

  • 504 Services: services are provided to any student requiring accommodation through a 504 plan. Each local school has established a 504 committee to review referral, eligibility and plan writing. Tuscaloosa County School System adheres to all federal and state regulations regarding 504.

  • Special Education Services: offered to all Tuscaloosa County students ages 3-21 who have severe physical, mental, or emotional needs and meet the ALSDE criteria to receive special education and related services. Services include but are not limited to: preschool classes, inclusion classes, resource classes, self-contained classes, separate school placement, alternative class placement, homebound placement. Placement is determined by a student’s Individual Education Program (IEP). Related services are provided in all areas of need including but not limited to speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, and nursing services. Tuscaloosa County School System adheres to all federal and state regulations regarding special education.

  • Brewer Porch Children’s Center Programs: Day treatment and Adolescent Program. These programs are for students with severe needs in the areas of emotional and behavioral concerns. Services include academic instruction, group and individual therapy, counseling, medical (psychiatric) services.

  • Brewer Porch Children’s Center’s Autism Programs: these programs are for preschool and elementary school age students with autism. Self-contained classes are offered (three preschool and one school age). Mental Health workers trained in Autism are also contracted to work in the Tuscaloosa County Schools with autistic students.

  • Crossing Points Program: a program designed for SPE students with severe cognitive delays in conjunction with the University of Alabama which provides these students with transition services and on-the-job training.

  • R.I.S.E: a separate preschool facility serving both typical and special needs students. Tuscaloosa County School System contracts services with the University of Alabama for placement.

  • Gifted Education Services: Tuscaloosa County School System complies with all federal and state regulations regarding referral, consent, evaluation, eligibility determination, placement, service delivery options, gifted education plan, and procedural safeguards. The learning needs of high-end students are also met through the general education program through clustering and differentiation.

Services provided are as follows:

Grades K-2 Consulting Services

Grades 3-5 Center-based (5 hours weekly)

Grades 6-8 Seminar (5 hours weekly)

Grades 9-12 Services provided in advanced and AP courses

  • Parental Support: parental participation is encouraged in the school system through various methods. Each school leadership team has a parent as a member. Parent-teachers organizations (PTO/PTA) are utilized in a variety of ways at local schools. Open houses and parent-teacher conference days, providing websites, corresponding via email, publishing newsletters, hosting athletic and academic events, sending home progress reports and report cards are other ways parent are actively involved.

  • Guidance and Counseling: All Tuscaloosa County schools are staffed with at least one certified school guidance counselor. School counselors work to provide all students with the skills necessary to achieve academic, career, personal, and social success. These counselors provide a multitude of services including classroom guidance, small group and individual counseling. Classroom guidance involves structured developmental experiences presented systematically through classroom and group activities for all students. These activities include but are not limited to communication skills, peer relations, conflict resolution, career awareness, goal setting, and substance abuse awareness. Small group and individual counseling is offered to students in need of additional support for issues related, but not limited to academic concerns, grief, substance abuse, divorce recovery and stress. Tuscaloosa County school counselors also provide services designed to support and enhance the academic mission of each school. School counselors serve as building test coordinators and members of various committees. Their responsibilities include but are not limited to data analysis and interpretation, scheduling, community outreach, and staff development.

  • Early Warning Truancy Prevention Program (EWTPP): This is a program that operates collaboratively between the Tuscaloosa County School System and the Tuscaloosa County Juvenile Court System. The purpose of this program is to involve students and parents in a collaborative effort to deter truancy and to promote/enhance Average Daily Attendance (ADA). The EWTPP requires that a weekly report be submitted to the attendance office for all students between the ages of 7 and 16 having unexcused absences. It further recommends that the parents/guardians be notified of their child’s third unexcused absence. Upon the occurrence of a fifth unexcused absence, the parents/guardians and student are required to attend an EWTPP conference at the Juvenile Court. At the conference, the parents/guardians and the student are informed of the State’s compulsory attendance, laws, court procedures, and consequences of further unexcused absences.

  • Child Nutrition Program: The Child Nutrition Program offers students well-balanced meals that are based on the current food pyramid and are consistent with state and federal guidelines. Tuscaloosa County schools also have a wellness program to ensure that students are provided with a healthier environment. Parents may apply for free meals or at a reduced price by completing a form received at school or they may print one from the district website. All students are provided a meal application at the beginning of each school year.

  • Safety: To ensure a secure environment, the Tuscaloosa County School System places a high priority on the safety of students and employees. Each school has a safety plan, which follows ALSDE guidelines. The plans outline specific procedures to follow in the event of fire, severe weather, intruders, and bomb threats. These plans are reviewed annually and updated by local school personnel and other appropriate Tuscaloosa County personnel. Fire drills, severe weather drills, and/or lockdown drills are practiced and documented each month. Evacuation maps are posted at each school and at the Central Office. All schools have signs posted directing visitors to the main office. School resource officers are available to all schools. Surveillance cameras are located on school buses. School bus evacuations are conducted and documented. All schools have a traffic flow system designed to separate bused students from those riding in automobiles. Schools provide monitors at the automobile loading area and bus loading areas. An anti-harassment policy has been adopted by the Tuscaloosa County Board of Education. Staff and students are trained in internet safety. A policy for mesh/clear book bags has also been adopted by the board.

  • Student Services: Services are provided to homeless students through the McKinney-Vinto Act.

  • Transportation: Available to and from school for each student. Special transportation is provided for any student requiring accommodations through his/her Individual Education Plan.

  • After School Programs: Include but are not limited to: Extended Day Services, Credit Recovery; Tuscaloosa’s One Place programs , 21st Century Learning Center programs, and At Risk programs.

  • Summer Programs: Various summer programs are conducted throughout the county to maintain and/or enhance student learning. These include but are not limited to: ESY services for students who are significantly cognitively delayed, summer camp programs at the elementary school level, Project HELP;

Jump Start for students entering kindergarten, 8th Grade Intervention, and Credit Recovery.

  • Maintenance: The Tuscaloosa County School System consists of plumbers, painters, electricians, carpenters, and maintenance technicians. Each campus has a fulltime custodial staff.

  • Nursing Services: Nursing services are provided at local schools. This department works with Student Services and Special Education to ensure that student health care plans, medication needs, individual student health needs, and other issues are met. All employed nurses meet state licensure requirements.

  • Technology: The school system utilizes software Technology, Inc. (STI) as its student information management software. This software enable teachers, school administrators, counselors, and district-level program directors to identify student progress, demographics, and enrollment shifts. In addition, the SETSWEB program, another STI software program, is used by special education teachers to document and track the progress of special education students.

All access to student management software is password protected, and system employees are prohibited from transferring data to unauthorized parties. STI Home is a software program to inform parents of homework assignments and other classroom information. A system wide notification system School Messenger is currently being put in place to notify parents of school closings, emergencies, attendance, and other information. All principals and central office staff have AT&T Mobile Communication devices for emergency communication.

  • ESL Services: The Tuscaloosa County School System’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Program provides services that enable limited English proficient (LEP) students to become competent in comprehension, speaking, listening, reading and writing the English language. The ESL Program emphasizes mastery of English language skills and content area concepts so that students are able to participate effectively in the academic programs of the school system.

Monitoring of these services takes place through attendance reports, progress monitoring, data collection, parent, student and staff surveys, progress reports, state monitoring, and walkthroughs.
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