Research networking and interaction The unit’s collaborations are exceptionally strong. The exchange of personnel with
Japan is very active. The unit cooperates with the ALD group at UH. There is
extensive collaboration with industry, in part embodied by the presence of a part-time
professor with extensive industrial experience. The expertise of the group is sought by
a number of industrial companies and has resulted in a number of patents. The
different collaborations have not led to a very large number of incoming visiting
students to the unit.
Recommendations The group should maintain its direction and level of achievement, which is impressive
in such an important and challenging area. In time, a strategy should be evolved for
moving into new related areas. The group could possibly benefit from interaction
with the theory group of the Physics Department at AU and from a strengthening of
the collaboration with the electrochemistry group. The group should try to increase
the number of visiting postgraduate students. The panel recommends that AU
consider strengthening the group’s activity through additional faculty members as