Brief summary
Goals and objectives of the descipline of hotel marketing
The role and importance of marketing in the hotel industry. Marketing as a modern way of dealing with hotel services. Conditions for the use of the market in the operation of hotels in Uzbekistan. The role of hotels in tourist clusters. Subject, purpose, tasks and structure of hotel marketing
Features of service marketing
Service concept. As a service. Features of the services. The main requirements for the differentiation of services from goods. Basics of classification and classification of services. Socio-economic content and significance of the concept of hotel services. Trends and directions of service marketing. Cost-effectiveness of services.
Marketing researches of tourism service market
Organizational and managerial levels of hotels. Marketing approach to HR management in hotels. Motivation and corporate culture in hotels. Recruitment and job creation in hotels. Stages of formation of the internal marketing system of the enterprise: Simple sales department, sales department performing marketing functions, independent marketing department, modern marketing department, effective marketing company, process and results-based company. Yield Marketing Concept. Revenue management in hotels
Marketing environment at touristic companies
The Importance of Marketing Planning in Hotels. Marketing planning tools in hotels. Development of marketing complex. Strategic planning in hotels. Hotelmarketingrejasimohiyativa features. Marketing control and budget in hotels. Features of the choice of marketing strategy of hotels in the domestic and foreign markets. Situational analysis of the environment. SWOT analysis matrix. Application of the Boston Consulting Group's Marketing Growth Matrix in Hotel Marketing. Advantages of General Electric's “Network Attractiveness / Competitiveness” matrix. Product-market matrix (Ansoff matrix). Selection of innovation strategies in hotels. Sales strategies. Advertising and promotion strategy. Price strategies. Brand strategies. Evaluation of alternative strategies based on the "Product Market" matrix. Assess the factors influencing the growth of income and profits in hotels. Use of multiplier effect in marketing planning.
Segmentation of touristic market
Competition in the field of services. Analysis of the competitive and strategic forces. Competitive strategies in the services market. Competitiveness of hotels. Hotel services are competitive. Ensuring the competitive advantage of hotels. Analyze the competitiveness of the market and study the demand. Determining the Absolute Current of a Competitive Market. Effective management, financing and design as a factor in the competitiveness of hotels. Determining the competitive position of the company in the market. Assessing the competitiveness of hotels. The role of tourism and recreation clusters in increasing the competitiveness of hotels.
Features of hotel services
Increasing the quality of services at hotels
Development of services in hotels. Consumer and quality characteristics of hotel services. Stages of development of hotel services. The "life cycle" of services. Service package. Classification of hotel services in different stages of "life cycle": basic, supportive, strategic and promising services and features of application. Formation of assortment policy in hotels. Design of tourist product range. Hotel service program. Hotel service testing. Algorithm for planning the range of services. Learn what to look for and tactics to help ease the way. Problems of creating new services in hotels and marketing them. The main directions of the study of market conditions. Market research directions. Analysis of market conditions. Segmentation of hotel services. Segmentation, methods and trends. Geographical, cultural, psychological and economic segmentation. Segmentation strategy Marketing of hotel services. Positioning steps: identify existing competitive advantage, compile a list of competing hotel services, determine the most alternative competitive advantage and select the selected position
Marketing services in hotel business