polyarografiya tahlili– sifatli yoki miqdoriy tahlillarni o'tkazish uchun polarograf foydalanish
polarographic analysis– the use of a polarograph to perform qualitative or quantitative analyses
porsiyali voronka– qumtoq shaklidagi boshli uzun tor tüpten tashkil topgan shisha huni.
thistle tube– a glass funnel consisting of a long narrow tube with a thistle-shaped head.
portlovchi modda– portlashi yoki portlashi:
explosive– tending or serving to explode
potensial energiya– tananing pozitsiyasiga yoki tizim zarralarini joylashishiga nisbatan tananing yoki tizimning energiyasi.
potential energy– the energy of a body or a system with respect to the position of the body or the arrangement of the particles of the system.
potensiometrik titrlash– titrlash, unda so'nggi nuqta eritmadan o'tgan amperajning elektr tokining kuchlanishini o'lchash bilan aniqlanadi.
potentiometric titration– titration in which the end point is determined by measuring the voltage of an electric current of given amperage passed through the solution.
positron– bir xil massaga ega bo'lgan elementar zarracha va elektronning qisqargan quvvatiga teng bo'lgan musbat zaryadga ega bo'lgan elektronbut kabi aylanish; elektronning antipartikulyari.
positron– an elementary particle having the same mass and spin as an electronbut having a positive charge equal in magnitude to that of the electron'snegative charge; the antiparticle of the electron.
prazeodim– yashil tuzlardan olingan noyob yer, metall, trivalent element. symbol: pr; atom og'irligi: 140.91; atom raqami: 59; o'ziga xos tortishish: 6.77 dan 20 ° c gacha.
praseodymium– a rare-earth, metallic, trivalent element, named from its green salts.symbol: pr; atomic weight: 140.91; atomic number: 59; specific gravity: 6.77 at 20°c.
probirka– yoki sinov naychasida ishlab chiqarilgan yoki ishlab chiqarilgan; sintetik yoki eksperimental.
test tube– produced in or as if in a test tube; synthetic or experimental.
probka– shishani, tiqinni, drenajni yoki shunga o'xshash narsalarni yopish uchun pichoq, qo'ziqorin, bung yoki boshqa buyumlar.
stopper– a plug, cork, bung, or other piece for closing a bottle, tube, drain, or the like.
Prometiy– nodir er, metall, trivalent element. Ramz: pm; atom raqami: 61.
Promethium– rare-earth, metallic, trivalent element. Symbol: pm; atomic number:61.
Propel– yagona organik radikal, ch3ch2ch2, propandan olingan
Propyl– univalent organic radical, ch3ch2ch2, derived from propane
propilen– bundan tashqari, propen. olefin seriyasining rangsiz, yonuvchan gaz, c3h6: asosan organik sintezda ishlatiladi
Propylene– also, propene. a colorless, flammable gas, c 3 h 6 , of the olefin series: used chiefly in organic synthesis