polivinil spirit–polivinilasetat gidrolizidan olingan rangsiz, suvda eruvchan, termoplastik qatronlar: asosan yopishtiruvchi va to'qimachilik, qog'oz va plastmassa ishlab chiqarishda ishlatiladigan o'lchov vositasi sifatida ishlatiladi
polyvinyl alcohol– a colorless, water-soluble, thermoplastic resin, derived by the hydrolysis of polyvinyl acetate: used chiefly as an adhesive and as a sizing agent in the manufacture of textiles, paper, and plastics.
polivinil xlorid– vinil xloridning polimerizatsiyasi bilan olingan oq, suvda erimaydigan, termoplastik qatronlar: asosan ingichka qoplamalar, izolyatsiya va quvurlar uchun ishlatiladi.
polyvinyl chloride– a white, water-insoluble, thermoplastic resin, derived by the polymerization of vinyl chloride: used chiefly for thin coatings, insulation, and pipings.
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