(A Descriptive Study at Tenth Grade of Man Maguwoharjo Sleman Yogyakarta In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013)
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Degree of Bachelor of Education in English Education
(A Descriptive Study at Tenth Grade of MAN Maguwoharjo Sleman Yogyakarta in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)
Background of Study
Every citizen is entitled to education1. Education is certainly not in the sense of acquiring teaching, but the components related to the implementation and success of an educational process is also the case that cannot be separated in fulfilling the need for education. Because, lack of fulfillment of one component in education will lead to the occurrence of gaps in education.
Fulfilling the educational rights of citizens would not only be given in class or a particular race, but all citizens of the country with many different background should be accommodated to achieve the basis of justice, democratic, and non-discriminatory. So we have to maintain the principles of education that Education held in democratic and just and not discriminatory to uphold human rights, religious values, cultural values, and the plurality race2. We can realize together that the nation of Indonesia has vast archipelago, and Indonesia also has tribes, races, cultures, religions, different beliefs. In addition, the government must also consider the differences of the presence of physical and or mental, as citizens who have been visually impaired, deaf or talk-back, quadriplegic, etc. which are in the country, to be a material consideration in maintaining adaptive educational system for those who have serious physical and mental retardation.
Concerning with the educational needs of citizens who have physical limitations or mental illness, the government has issued several regulations related
1 1945 constitution, pass 30, verse 1.
2 Law No. 20 of 2003, on National Education System, chapter III, article 4, paragraph 1.
to it. One of them is the Law No. 4 of 1997 on the disabled. One article in the Law stipulates that every difable are entitled to an education at all units, bands, and levels of education3. We need to understand more it together, that the fulfillment of education is not only from the side difabel acceptable to enter on a board of education, but how the institution able to accommodate the needs of difabel? thus it is essential in fulfilling the educational rights of difabel. Because the next chapter also explained that the government and or society are obliged to fulfill the rights of working on difabel.
Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Chapter 5, verses 1 to 4 have mentioned that 4:
Every citizen has a right to obtain a quality education.
Citizens who have a physical disadvantage, emotional, mental, intellectual, and or social groups are entitled to special education.
Citizens living in remote or underdeveloped and isolated indigenous communities are entitled to special education services.
Citizens of countries that have the potential of intelligence and special talents are entitled to special education.
On the other hand, education makes people grow into his own as an individual person, as an independent social being that are part of the national. Integral education in life should be able to shelters and support all components of the nation, regardless of social background, economic, tribe, religion and belief, gender, and physical and mental differences and variations. Education like this is called education inclusion 5. Many school systems today tend toward inclusion, or incorporate students with disabilities into the general education classroom,
3 Law No. 4 of 1997, concerning Disabled Persons, chapter III, article 6, paragraph 1
4 Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Chapter 5, verses 1 to 4
5 Adi sedia Purwanta, Inclusive Education; ideological and Socialization, Papers, p.. 2
because of many benefits in inclusion. Although inclusion may not be for all students with disabilities.
Inclusion in public education has dramatically changed how students with disabilities are taught. Where they once learned in separate classes taught by special educators, many children with a range of disabilities now learn in typical classes led by general education teachers.
Until now, the fulfillment of the educational rights for difabel students has done by many institutions in the form of segregation or inclusion. One of them is MAN Maguwoharjo. As like any public school, implementation of learning in MAN Maguwoharjo the same system with public colleges. But MAN Maguwoharjo able to receive and accommodate students difabel. This is a very experienced school of students difabel building combined with normal students.
Being the inclusion school is not easy. At least the school should handle themselves with innovations for Visual impairment students to follow the process of learning well. In addition, schools also should be able to provide awareness to all academicians that undergraduate students can also follow the blind education in public schools. Restructuring the curriculum, teaching methods, teaching aids, teacher competency, evaluation, and academic services must be arranged in such a way that would take time and a substantial investment. This is because learning model requires the inclusion of media, infrastructure facilities, curriculum, teacher competence, academic and non academic services in such a way, to be able to serve all students without exception.
From these various problems, the author felt interested in studying inclusion school model developing at MAN Maguwoharjo. How MAN Maguwoharjo run English language teaching and learning for students? between visual impairment students that blends with the normal students, how do the teachers make learning in the classroom?. All the places to be addressed and further examined using more than raise the educational level of the nation, opened the school's vision of inclusion, and aims to provide a new view of society that
children should not have school in SLB. There are schools that can teach and educate them with the inclusion, so they can mingle with all people that will improve their maturity and independence.
As one of inclusion schools in Indonesia, MAN Maguwoharjo has become a model for other schools in the case of difabel service. But what are the services provided is completely MAN inclusion? How will the implementation of learning activities is the essence of education? For this reason, research and studies like this need to be held, as a reference material for government-related institutions in the implementation of learning for visual impairment students in various fields of knowledge, including the English language.
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